I have also prescribed the drug to others for insomniaand always with success, one case excepted, in which I gave it for hemicrania, and here, although it quieted the patient, it failed to produce the desired sleep.
In the insomnia of adults, from whatsoever cause, I always give 60 drops at bedtime, and if not asleep in half an hour I give the same dose.
This protracted insomnia gradually exhausted the animals completely, some to the point of death even.
In prolonged insomnia the striking changes in the liver were repaired by one seance of sleep.
This clear-cut insomnia experiment corresponds precisely with our other brain-adrenal observations.
If insomnia often follows lying, then it should be taught as one reason why falsehoods should be avoided.
The dry, the almost sandy sensation of insomnia was upon her.
Her eyes felt very dry, like sand she thought, and her mind felt dry too, as if insomnia was withering it up.
The insomnia produced fits of melancholia, an ailment, according to the skilled opinion of Dr.
It was one of the causes of that terrible insomnia to relieve himself from which he resorted to chloral, though later on the attacks upon him by certain foes intensified the distressing ailment.
Even where, the disease itself remaining uncured, the insomnia must return sooner or later, the sleep is very much improved while the baths are being had recourse to.
Persons suffering from insomnia or nervousness in any form are in nearly every case greatly benefited by a short air bath taken just before retiring, either preceding or following the evening sitz bath, as may be most convenient.
Simple as this formula may seem, it has helped cure many a case of persistent insomnia and nervous prostration.
The solemn midnight, ringing from all the steeples of the great city, falls lugubriously on the insomnia of the wounded.
Anyone who has suffered from insomniamay be able in a small degree to gauge my condition when sleep became impossible.
As yet the dreadful insomnia which was to rob me of rest on my journey had not come, and I slept with the blissful soundness of a child.
The continuance of this habit of thinking of business day and night brings on the insomnia habit and that, in turn, gives rise to the delusion that you are fighting for your natural sleep.
The fear of insomnia, the over-anxiety to go to sleep, is to be more dreaded than insomnia itself.
The truth is that in both these passages, as in a hundred similar ones, we find Shakespeare himself praising sleep as only those tormented by insomnia can praise it.
His insomnia is pure Shakespeare: "Since Cassius first did whet me against Caesar, I have not slept.
Every word in this confession is characteristic of the poet and especially the fact that his insomnia is due to love.
In those cases of insomnia dependent upon severe and long-continued mental exertion, all means will fail to remedy the trouble unless the affected individual consents to use his brain in a rational manner.
In primary insomnia there is always an increase in the quantity of blood circulating in the brain.
If this flow is continued, without proper periods of repose, a state of erethism and insomnia is produced.
These factors, therefore, react upon each other, and consequently the resulting insomnia is more aggravated than would otherwise be the case.
Most of the cases of insomnia which occur in women are of the passive variety, and require not only nutritious food, but stimulants.
This disposition may not, however, be strong enough to restore the full measure of contractility to vessels that have been long overdistended, and then insomnia results.
In slight cases the measures belonging to this class often prove effectual, but in persistent insomnia they are generally altogether nugatory.
It is this feature which, in addition to the debility, gives so marked a character to the species of insomnia under consideration.
Real insomnia consists in the prolonged inability to obtain sleep sufficient in quantity and quality for the maintenance of health.
That cursedinsomnia leaves a man ready for the blues on the slightest provocation.
For two months I had insomnia in the worst form that a man can have it and live.
If the reader of these lines has ever gone through a period of insomnia in its most acute form, he will understand the condition in which it leaves a fellow.
I did not sleep well, that night, and as I tossed from one side of my bed to the other, I began to fear that the insomnia from which I had escaped, and whose return I so much dreaded, would fasten itself on me once more.
After months of insomniait is hard to make up one's mind.
For most people the best time to take the bath is just before retiring; this bath is not only very strengthening, but also is excellent in cases of insomniaand nervousness.
In cases of intense nervousness and insomnia these baths have an excellent sedative effect.
Fainting, irregular cardiac action, sweating, and insomnia are other symptoms.
After a few days of insomnia and loss of appetite for food, there is an irresistible impulse to drink alcoholic liquor and to indulge in other excess.
I have known cases where people when properly persuaded gave over paying too much attention to their stomachs and then proceeded to pay too much attention to their sleep with the result that insomnia developed.
The jacinth superinduced sleep and doubtless the strong suggestion of this supposed influence helped many sufferers from so-called insomnia to get sleep.
There is no factor so strong in insomnia as getting one's self on one's mind.
Often this dream-falling so seriously affects sensitive individuals that they do not get to sleep for an hour or more and occasionally those with an inclination to insomnia may even suffer for the rest of the night from the effect of it.
In the treatment of insomnia two sets of inhibitory conditions are particularly to be looked to, those external to the patient, and those internal.
I know nothing that is more effective in doing away with insomnia than a sea voyage.
Insomnia had seized me, and I had heard thatinsomnia was one of the most certain signs of approaching madness.
SLEEP Recently a friend who had heard that I sometimes suffer frominsomnia told me of a sure cure.