As I stood by the bed and studied his sullen, suspicious, unfriendly face, I came to the conclusion that if this were not McGee himself it could very well be some one quite as dangerous.
A few days later a handful of those gold butterflies that resemble nothing so much as new bright dandelions in the young grass, dared the unfriendly days before their time as if to coax the lagging spring to follow.
He seemed to be moving in a strong light which drew unfriendly eyes, but gradually his sober, native confidence returned.
But the following fortnight was one of exile and of racket--strange towns full of unfriendly faces, dull hotels with texts on the bedroom walls, and the noise and dirt of trains.
With the unfriendly critics this assumed lack seems to indicate something very bad: a downright vice would be more tolerable in their eyes; and even the friendly critics appear to look upon it as a flaw in his character.
Our precarious life among unfriendly nations has made a thrifty people of us, and for a man like Chaikin forty-five dollars a week, every week in the year, meant superabundance The Manheimers were relegated to the background.
These unfriendly voices flavored all America with a spirit of icy inhospitality that sent a chill through my very soul The stringent immigration laws that were passed some years later had not yet come into existence.
He was a grave, respectable man; and his unfriendly voice did not imply that he thought he was speaking to a criminal, but merely to an inferior.
At last, after they had looked me all over, and the silence had grown laughably embarrassing, the man demanded in what seemed unfriendly tones: 'You have slept here?
Dost thou to-night behold, Here, through the moonlight on this English grass, The unfriendly palace in the Thracian wild?
Thus it came to me in the light of a distinction when one evening, after a rueful confession of blundering made to the party in general, Rocky passed a brief but not unfriendly glance over me and said, "On'y the born fools stays fools.
You have no doubt seen some animals, cats, dogs, birds, of an especially affectionate nature, which when translated to a strange or unfriendly climate soon droop and die.
It was short shrift for any one of them with ideas or "notions" unfriendly to him advanced in his presence.
Footnote 24: Lord Derby had urged that a more conciliatory message should accompany Lord Granville's last despatch, which, because of its unfriendly tone, Count Buol had delayed sending on to Vienna.
Your orders, however, leave me no option, and I shall be obliged to administer a series of reproofs which will, I fear, confirm the notion as to our unfriendly feelings.
The gaunt, bearded face of a tall, stooping old man appeared in the aperture; sharp, piercing eyes under thick grey eyebrows searched the room in a swift, almost unfriendly glance.
He was staring hungrily, pleadingly at the unfriendlyback of the new governess.
Octavius, however, met the proposed resolution by a remarkable display of resolution on his own part, and he declared that he should stick to his office, notwithstanding the other's unfriendly offices.
Triarius, when a Roman soldier, disguised as a native, pretended to whisper something in the ear of Mithridates, at the same time giving him a most unfriendly poke in the ribs with a concealed weapon.
The new culture, the influx of Italian scholars and Italian influences, produced a party averse to the former style of education, and, to some extent, unfriendly to the old opinions.
Russia was at that momentunfriendly to Austria, which had refused to help the Czar in the Crimean war.
Ah, do not press me with such argumenta ad hominem,' said the parson with excited but not unfriendly feelings.
An unfriendly star rules over both you and me,' said Hiorba in a desponding tone.
The first is an unfriendly but largely justifiable criticism on the Memoirs of Dr Burney.
The new emperor proved unfriendlyto the Venetians and made difficulties about renewing their privileges.
Do you mean," he asked, "not unfriendlyto me or not unfriendly to Rhoda?
When you said notunfriendly to me, did you mean to make a difference?
Hobbs turned at once and rode in the opposite direction, whirling to fire twice at the unfriendly group.
Toward dusk on Monday, long after the arrival of the refugees, he sat in gloomy contemplation of his own unhappiness, darkly glowering upon the unfriendly portals from a distant stone bench.
This was reported by an unfriendly chairman of the Judiciary Committee at a time when its author was not present, and was lost without the courtesy of a discussion.
The Indians were very unfriendly and very unwilling to supply the English with food, and if Pocahontas and her father had not brought them corn they could not have gotten it anywhere else.
Ribault now took command, and knowing by experience that the search for gold and silver would only be vain and idle, began, instead, to make preparations for the coming winter, and to provide against the attacks of unfriendly Indians.
We could not view any interposition for purpose of oppressing them or controlling in any other manner their destiny by any European Power in any other way than as the manifestation of anunfriendly disposition towards the United States.
There had been for some months rumours of an alliance between Mexico and Japan, which would have had an obviously unfriendly purpose towards the United States.
Roden was quite sure that some evil was to happen, so cold and unfriendly was the manner of the man; but still he followed, having now no means of escape.