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Example sentences for "shiver"

Lexicographically close words:
shit; shite; shitten; shittim; shivaree; shivered; shivering; shiveringly; shiverings; shivers
  1. Does he shrink to his eyrie, or shiver with dread?

  2. A red brick mill (not new red brick, of course) shall hum for ever below giant poplar-spires, which bend and shiver in the steady breeze.

  3. She rose up, showing no agitation except a tremulous shiver which she could not repress, while Bessie clung to her and sobbed convulsively.

  4. Mr Mannering looked with a shiver at the door his brother had left open behind him.

  5. A cold shiver passed through poor De Guiche; he was unprepared for such utter indifference, for he had neither seen nor been told of anything that had taken place, and consequently could guess nothing.

  6. Fouquet smiled, as a sick man would do at the first shiver of a fever which has left him but returns again.

  7. He saw her control an inward shiver from displaying more overt signs.

  8. It had made Claire gather up her feet toward the top rung of her chair, and shiver once or twice, but it had not chilled the pretty gayety of her childish talk, all of which had thus far been addressed to her father.

  9. Cramphorn felt a cold shiver slide up his spine like a speedy snail, and spread out upon his neck and shoulders.

  10. How the men who wrote books must look back from the other world and shiver at the stuff they've left behind them in this--knowing all they know there!

  11. This makes me shiver and grow cold and fear to be alone; yet how different to the thing I thought!

  12. The captive Church prays that the dormant might which could so easily shiver her prison-house would flame forth into action.

  13. All the interpretations of this chapter which refuse to see Jesus in it shiver on this rock.

  14. Hundreds of years ago the idea was born, but the world was too young to know its character or prize its service, and so the poor little bantling was left to shiver itself to death while the world stumbled on as aforetime.

  15. We, also, began to shiver under the steadily falling rain, and retreated to the cabin on the steward's first hint of dinner.

  16. Beyond this, the banks are draped with foliage, and the thinly clad birches, with their silver stems, shiver above the rush of the waters.

  17. I did not assent to the possibility, but the notion gave me a shiver of dismay.

  18. He felt a shiver thrill through him, and, bending down from his perch, kept his eyes fixed in a stare on that ominous sanguine thread.

  19. A slight convulsive shiver shook the boy's frame as the whip fell, but he clenched his teeth and no sound escaped him.

  20. But next moment he felt a shiver run down his spine, and an eery creeping about the roots of his hair.

  21. As he reached the door he saw her shiver and heard her mutter, "Reptile!

  22. The girl's words of finality made her erect and unyielding soul shiver in a sudden dreary blast of loneliness, that most tragic of all the storms that sweep the ways of life.

  23. A cold shiver was creeping through his veins.

  24. Penelope felt a little shiver when she saw him coming down the stairs.

  25. The train attendant, who was a nervous man, began to shiver again and imagine unmentionable things.

  26. She was suddenly conscious of a shiver which seemed to spread from her heart throughout her limbs.

  27. Loneliness sent a shiver through him because of this strange night which was like day.

  28. I am well born, have seen things, done things 'twould make you shiver to hear of them.

  29. He strove to smile adoration on Brilliana, but mistrust marred his ogle, and a shiver of fear betrayed his simper of confidence.

  30. A shiver of apprehension seized Edna, and in a frightened tone she ejaculated: "Ma'am!

  31. She smiled at her own folly, and thought her imagination had been unduly excited by the pictures she had been examining, and that the nervous shiver that crept over her was the result of the cold.

  32. You need not start and shiver so--I am not going.

  33. In spite of herself, Fleda felt a shiver of premonition pass through her.

  34. He said brightly, noting with a shiver the gusty stress of his wife's deportment: "You drove up, my dear?

  35. He had broken the envelope, had read, and immediately a tickling feeling over his scalp had sent a dreadful shiver through his frame: "Return at once.

  36. Still, as she went, she spied around as if for dangers; and now she would shiver like a person in a chill, and now clutch his arm in hers.

  37. I to let the poor child shiver in the rain?

  38. Does the field-mouse shiver in his grassy nest?

  39. Yet while I spoke, I was conscious of a shiver deep down in me, as if my senses reacted again to the dread that permeated the atmosphere.

  40. Madame Maür answered quietly, but I saw by her quick shiver that she had not been at peace, all this time.

  41. He seemed to shiver all over with irritation.

  42. Even as they were thus employed the stars paled, and were quenched, and with the first definite saffron light in the east a sudden shiver shook the sails, and the boat lifted and moved a little.

  43. There was not breeze enough even to make the sails shiver and flap; you would have said the wind was dead.

  44. Dimitri, who was a kind of first mate, being directly under Mitsos and the Capsina, was standing with her, and even as Mitsos joined them there came through the still thick mist the shiver of a sigh, and the jib flapped once and again.

  45. The shiver swept lightly through the company like a wind in the reeds, and ran wider and wider till it stirred the farthest edge of the field.

  46. A perceptible shiver of sensation swept over the church, although everybody in it was sure, before he had uttered a word, what that word ought to be.

  47. Sometimes we like to be alone because we have a particularly thrilling incident to tell ourselves, and when our friends say good-by we sigh with relief and wrap ourselves with a shiver of delight in the mantles of imagination.

  48. The cornets and trombones sent a muted shiver through the street.

  49. Lucy gave a little shiver though she was in front of the fire.

  50. With a certain shiver she recognised this; and then she made a rush past the objection and turned her back upon it.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shiver" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.