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Example sentences for "hemorrhage"

Lexicographically close words:
hemm; hemmed; hemming; hemoglobin; hemoptysis; hemorrhages; hemorrhagic; hemorrhoidal; hemorrhoids; hemos
  1. An instrument intended to replace the knife in many operations, the parts operated on being severed by the crushing effect produced by the gradual tightening of a steel chain, so that hemorrhage rarely follows.

  2. Designating certain morbid conditions, as hemorrhage or dropsy, characterized by relaxation of the vessels and tissues, with deficient vitality and lack of reaction in the affected tissues.

  3. Producing contraction; stopping bleeding; having the quality of restraining hemorrhage when applied to the bleeding part; astringent.

  4. The expectoration of blood, due usually to hemorrhage from the mucous membrane of the lungs.

  5. A condition characterized by a tendency to profuse and uncontrollable hemorrhage from the slightest wounds.

  6. I think I was feeling ill when I last wrote to you, and ever since have been coughing and feeling wretchedly, until finally the hemorrhage has come.

  7. And she goes on: I wrote to you that I was going to Newport, and I meant to go next Tuesday, but I had another hemorrhage last night, and it is impossible to say when I shall be able to leave here.

  8. I believe I was in bed when I last wrote to you, but that attack didn't prove nearly so bad a one as the previous; I rather bullied it, and after the fourth hemorrhage it ceased; moreover my cough is better since I came here.

  9. At the extreme periphery of the lung the danger is less, for the vessels are smaller and serious hemorrhage less probable, through the retention and decomposition of blood in small bronchi with later abscess formation is a contingency.

  10. Serious hemorrhage could occur only in a hemophile.

  11. Hemorrhage within the larynx can be stopped by the introduction of a roll of gauze from above, tracheotomy having been previously performed.

  12. Furthermore, to await the development is to subject the patient to a prolonged and perhaps fatal sepsis, or a fatal pulmonary hemorrhage from the erosion of a vessel by the suppurative process.

  13. Usually no cauterization of the vessels at the base is necessary, either to arrest hemorrhage or to lessen the tendency to recurrence.

  14. If the foreign body be not removed, the resulting chronic sepsis or pulmonary hemorrhage will prove fatal.

  15. The risks of hemorrhage following removal are very slight, provided fungations on an aneurismal erosion be not mistaken for a tumor.

  16. He has been conscious only at intervals since the hemorrhage yesterday; and he is also under the influence of opiates.

  17. There was a hemorrhage early in the morning; and--" "She has sent for me?

  18. She had had her first hemorrhage in October, immediately after her return from Trouville, where she spent her summers.

  19. It is very slight in the bodies of those who have died from hemorrhage or anæmia.

  20. In cases of death from internal hemorrhage we do not have so much difficulty in pronouncing an opinion, as by post-mortem examination we can determine the amount of the hemorrhage.

  21. Usually there is hemorrhage into the loose connective tissue under the mark and in the subjacent muscles; in most cases isolated and circumscribed, but sometimes extending beyond the line of the mark.

  22. In “bleeders” the amount of the hemorrhage does not vary under the normal conditions, but a fatal hemorrhage may occur from a very insignificant wound.

  23. Where the injury was slight in the case of alcoholics or aged people the medical witness should be especially careful in stating that a cerebral hemorrhage was due to the injury.

  24. The extravasation had here taken place gradually, as is characteristic of hemorrhage from the middle meningeal artery, and perhaps the excitement due to the drinking had influenced it.

  25. Ruptures of the stomach or intestines are seldom attended with much hemorrhage, while wounds may occasionally cause a serious and fatal hemorrhage from the wounding of a large blood-vessel.

  26. This crushing may be accompanied by hemorrhage, but death may be more immediate than the hemorrhage would account for.

  27. Incised, lacerated, or contused wounds of the female genitals may be fatal from hemorrhage from many small vessels.

  28. The hemorrhage from a wound made after death may be extensive if the blood remains fluid as in the cases mentioned above, i.

  29. Thus a man who, while intoxicated, cut off his genital organs and died the next day from the effects of hemorrhage was seen by Demarquay.

  30. For example, if the spot was oval, the presumption is that the person was placed obliquely with respect to the stain while the hemorrhage was occurring.

  31. Even slight cases are generally attended with laceration of the Schneiderian membrane, and with profuse hemorrhage from the nostrils.

  32. When the artery is cut through, its extremities retract, effusion takes place into the sheath and compresses the orifice; the formation of a coagulum within the vessel is thus promoted, and the hemorrhage arrested.

  33. Cases of hemorrhage have occurred in which the tying of the vessel immediately above the wound has been successful; but these are few, and by no means afford any authority for the general adoption of such a measure.

  34. During the progress of the operation, cut branches of the facial and temporal are commanded by ligature or pressure, and the violence of the hemorrhage is moderated by compression of the carotids.

  35. In one of the cases that resulted favourably a spontaneous cure took place after copious hemorrhage from the morbid mass, excited by an accidental attack of vomiting.

  36. Should hemorrhage follow upon the removal of external tumours or folds, the surgeon has it completely under command.

  37. In other cases, though the disease is not extensive, frequent and most violent hemorrhage occurs.

  38. The cut is made between these two, and thus hemorrhage is avoided from either end of the divided vessel.

  39. The hemorrhage from most simple wounds involving the cutting of skin and flesh or small arteries, can usually be controlled by direct and continued pressure.

  40. Hemorrhage may be controlled by continued pressure upon the bones of the skull, and if an artery is cut, it can in this way be kept from bleeding till the physician arrives.

  41. How to control hemorrhage and do artificial respiration will be described in the chapter on emergencies.

  42. Water as hot as can be borne poured into the wound will frequently stop a hemorrhage when other means fail; cold applications and ice are also useful.

  43. A man known to be consumptive dies of violent hemorrhage of the lungs.

  44. The hemorrhage seems to be a little less violent now.

  45. I took an emetic, which I knew would produce the cadaverous hue of approaching death, and the supposed hemorrhage was managed with some bullock's blood.

  46. In it she stated that fresh and very violent hemorrhage had set in almost immediately after I left, and that her husband was dead.

  47. Your father is easier now,' I replied; 'the hemorrhage has been arrested.

  48. Secondary hemorrhage is not uncommon after deeply–penetrating gunshot wounds of the face, and sometimes it is difficult to determine the site of the bleeding vessel.

  49. If the spleen or liver be wounded, death from hemorrhage is likely to follow quickly.

  50. In those wounds to which the surgeon’s care is called, the primary hemorrhage is ordinarily small in quantity and of short duration—a sudden flow at the moment of injury, and nothing more.

  51. When loss of blood occurs without the lung being wounded, the hemorrhage is probably proceeding from a wound of one of the intercostal arteries, which has been torn by the sharp ends of fractured bone.

  52. Moreover, the larger arteries, when once filled with coagula and well contracted, fortunately do not frequently yield to the impulse which serves to produce secondary hemorrhage in vessels of smaller caliber.

  53. By establishing a better circulation through the uterus, and relieving the congestion in the surrounding parts, and by giving strength and tone to the smaller blood-vessels, the hemorrhage is controlled and the inflammation is reduced.

  54. If the hemorrhage is at all severe, a physician should be summoned in order that a careful examination may be made and the cause of this unusual occurrence thoroughly understood.

  55. It is, however, true that I have observed hemorrhage from the bowels in quite a number of cases.

  56. Very rarely a slight film of hemorrhage has been found in the cavity of the arachnoid, and sometimes also the evidences of non-inflammatory softening of the brain.

  57. Although oftenest met with in mild cases, constipation has existed in cases in which perforation of the bowel or intestinal hemorrhage has occurred during life, or very extensive lesions been found after death.

  58. A tendency to hemorrhage may be safely stated to exist in all cases of yellow fever.

  59. Often the slough extends under the skin, so that the deepest recesses of the cavity are not visible, and occasionally in cases which have ended fatally in my practice severe hemorrhage occurred from the concealed vessels.

  60. It resembles relapsing fever in the occurrence of jaundice and other signs of hepatic disorder, of delirium, and of a tendency to hemorrhage from various surfaces.

  61. The existence of great cardiac weakness, of perforation of the bowel, or of intestinal hemorrhage do not usually constitute contraindications to its use.

  62. The blood is not always voided immediately after a hemorrhage has taken place; it may be retained for some days.

  63. Should hemorrhage occur, treat this case the same as for pulmonary hemorrhage.

  64. The hemorrhage may result from congestion of the lungs, due either to pulmonary lesions or from cardiac derangements.

  65. If this were not so, the patient would have died of hemorrhage of those arteries, a thing which seldom takes place.

  66. If no hemorrhage occurs, give the body a complete injection with a mild fluid and inject the pleural sacs from the first intercostal space or the apex of the cavity.

  67. Should this disease be followed by a rupture of the capillaries during the injection, thereby causing a hemorrhage from the oral and nasal openings, treat it as you would a case of pulmonary hemorrhage.

  68. Some operators wait until fluid passes from the mouth before taking steps to stop the hemorrhage due to the injection of fluid.

  69. There might in complications be hemorrhage from the lung.

  70. An expectoration of blood, due to hemorrhage from the mucous membrane of the bronchi, trachea, or larynx and from erosion or rupture of capillaries in lung cavities.

  71. He finds that sudden death, or death within a few minutes, does not occur from hemorrhage, even if the hemorrhage is large, though a rapidly developing and persistent coma usually indicates a hemorrhage.

  72. If the shock is due to hemorrhage and the hemorrhage has ceased, a transfusion of physiologic saline solution is generally indicated.

  73. Sometimes with serious edema and after serious hemorrhage the heart becomes very slow, unless some exertion is made, when it will beat more rapidly than normal.

  74. A Comparison of the Onset and Character of the Apoplexy Caused by Cerebral Hemorrhage and by Vascular Occlusion, The Journal A.

  75. I was afflicted with a fibroid tumour which weighed not less than fifty pounds, attended by a continuous hemorrhage for eleven years.

  76. The hemorrhage from the operation is trifling, and may generally be arrested by the pressure of the fingers, or the insertion of a conical ball of lint within the socket, which may be allowed to remain two or three days if necessary.

  77. It is of the utmost importance to seize the artery perfectly, and to make the stated number of twists, as otherwise the security against the danger of consecutive hemorrhage will not be perfect.

  78. If there should be any appearance of hemorrhage after this operation, a small piece of tape or twine may be tied around the tail, which will immediately arrest the bleeding.

  79. It was dreadful to sit there and watch her, and when the hemorrhage came, I just jumped and ran.

  80. The hemorrhage was not very severe, but she is perfectly prostrated with overwork and excitement, so that I would dread the effect of any shock.

  81. By tying any considerable blood-vessel before dividing it, and by using the handle of the scalpel and the fingers in detaching the portion of the parotid gland towards the ear the hemorrhage was always inconsiderable.

  82. Here again, congestion and hemorrhage are the two lesions most commonly found.

  83. The localization of the hemorrhage in the gums is due largely to trauma, occasioned by the sharp contact of the jaws or of the nursing-bottle.

  84. The subperiosteal hemorrhage has long been recognized as a lesion characteristic of scurvy.

  85. The number of blood-vessels is considerably reduced and fresh hemorrhage or blood pigment is frequently seen.

  86. Regarded in this light, the lesions of the bones resulting in fracture and those of the blood-vessels resulting in rupture and hemorrhage are dependent on a deficiency of the same basic material.

  87. In many cases this edema is most marked in the neighborhood of the hemorrhages, for example, in the muscles of the thigh when subperiosteal hemorrhage has taken place; less frequently it is produced by venous thrombosis.

  88. Other areas which appeared to be the seat of hemorrhage are shown by the microscope to be small abscesses or new connective tissue often loaded with pigment and detritus, apparently representing the final stage of these lesions.

  89. Still records a case with marked abdominal pain and swelling, which he believed to have been due to hemorrhage into the wall of the intestine.

  90. Hemorrhage occurs in the bone as elsewhere; it is almost never lacking.

  91. It may be stated in general that hemorrhage dominates the picture of scurvy.

  92. The clinical aspect of hemorrhage of the gastro-intestinal and the genito-urinary tracts will be considered elsewhere.

  93. As a rule the enlargement is confined to nodes draining areas where hemorrhage has occurred.

  94. Shell bursts and other detonations can produce =hemorrhage in the nervous system and in various organs without external injury=.

  95. Clinical evidence of this is obtained in the hemorrhage and pleocytosis of spinal fluid obtained early in the clinical examination of certain cases.

  96. Even when a man falls to the ground without a scratch upon his skin, there is some question whether in his fall he has not sustained some slight intracranial hemorrhage which the lumbar puncture fluid might show.

  97. There were no areas of large hemorrhage anywhere in the brain substance and no smaller petechiae, except the superficial ones above noted.

  98. According to Schuster, the explosion of the shell had brought about hemorrhage in vessels supplying the region of the eye muscle nerves or nuclei.

  99. It is the only case of infected meningeal hemorrhage observed by Guillain and Barré in a wide experience.

  100. Hemorrhage into the urinary bladder has been identically produced.

  101. Major Tubby thinks this a case of physiological blocking, as from a small hemorrhage amongst the fibers or around the nerve.

  102. The attendant anxiety and excitement relaxed the sluices of the system that were already physiologically open, and determined a hemorrhage as the concomitant of a recitation.

  103. But while I was engaged on the preliminary business, a fresh attack of pulmonary hemorrhage cooled my ardour.

  104. I was now ready for the last unction, when an attack of hemorrhage from the nostrils, like those which had already nearly brought me to death's door, recalled me for the nonce to life.

  105. Bloodless as I was, through what I lost by hemorrhage and venesection, my intellect enjoyed the highest qualities of penetration and acumen.

  106. The burning fever that had been raging began to subside, and the hemorrhage ceased, curiously, while all the symptoms took a favorable turn.

  107. The dagger that inflicted that wound penetrated the cavity of the lungs, and internal hemorrhage has resulted.

  108. He is exhausting his strength very rapidly," said Plaxico, "and I have been as yet unable to quiet him; I believe if I could keep him still that the internal hemorrhage would cease.

  109. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hemorrhage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abscess; ague; anemia; asphyxiation; asthma; atrophy; bleed; bloody; chill; colic; constipation; convulsion; cyanosis; diarrhea; dizziness; dropsy; dysentery; dyspepsia; edema; fatigue; fever; fibrillation; flux; growth; hemorrhage; icterus; indigestion; inflammation; insomnia; itching; jaundice; lumbago; nausea; necrosis; pain; paralysis; rash; rheum; sclerosis; seizure; shock; sore; spasm; tabes; tachycardia; tumor; vertigo; vomiting; wasting