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Example sentences for "chillen"

Lexicographically close words:
chilen; chiliasm; chiliastic; chill; chilled; chillens; chiller; chillern; chilli; chillier
  1. Why, do you know, when de other chillen come over from de nex' plantation Miss Rachel wouldn't send for Miss Nannie to come in de parlor.

  2. There ain't nuffin here you chillen doan' git when ye ask for it.

  3. We chillen would watch dem as dey went away; we could see em as we peeped through de winders and de cracks in de walls.

  4. And the white chillen would git me up to the house to dance for them and all like, and they would give me biscuits or anything good they had.

  5. My wife, she allers wanted me tuh larn; but I sez as how 'twar no use tuh me in my line o' work; so she gets the chillen tuh take hit up.

  6. Den in time he'd send foh my wife and de chillen tuh come ober.

  7. Lots of chillen was borned on a straw-pile in the field.

  8. Us had two chillen and den she dies and I marry a half-Indian gal and she died.

  9. Wouldn' take no fussy chillen to the bar.

  10. My missy died 'fore I was born and my old massa died when I was jest a shirt-tail boy and his chillen had a dividement of his lands and mammy and all the chillen but me fell to the daughter and pappy was give to the son.

  11. De trustees hires and pays him and us chillen didn't have to pay.

  12. We had five chillen and three boys is livin'.

  13. If her chillen et one side de table I et t'other side, right by Miss Fannie's elbow.

  14. Me and my chillen and my father and mother were together there.

  15. We and all de slaves lived in cabins near de big house and some of de slaves would have chillen by de marster.

  16. But de chillen all et in a special place in de kitchen.

  17. The chillen jumped up and tried to cotch them.

  18. We looks and see de budallions shinin' in de sun and de sojers have tin cups tied on side dere saddles and throwed dem cups to us chillen as dey passed.

  19. He make dem pick rocks up and make fences out dem, but he didn't 'low no chillen work in de field till dey 'bout fourteen.

  20. Old missy have seven li'l nigger chillen what belong to her slaves, but dey mammies and daddys come git 'em.

  21. Den I marries and has seven chillen and I stays with first one, den 'nother.

  22. When us chillen seed dem we took to de woods.

  23. To quote some of her quaint expressions: "Honey I aint know I was any diffrunt fum de chillen o' me mistress twel atter de war.

  24. We played and et and fit togetter lak chillen is bound ter do all over der world.

  25. Boaf de men an' de women an' de chillen try to 'scape out ob de place.

  26. They don't seem to have chillen by driblets, neither, lak some people does.

  27. So that's how come me to mention chillen w'en I fust come in, ma'am.

  28. An' de chillen shakes an' shivahs as dey listen to de soun'.

  29. All you chillen step up lively, pile on wood an' keep a blaze.

  30. Mandy, bring my banjo, Bring de chillen in, Come in f'om de kitchen, I feel sick ez sin.

  31. Kase I ain't a-gwine ter brand my chillen wid no sech slave-mark!

  32. Jes lef de chillen wid one ob de neighbors, drawed do' tu, an' comes on.

  33. I'll go to school wid de chillen an' learn 'nough ter do it bimeby.

  34. An' how's de law ter know which is de lawful chillen ef hit ain't on dat ar paper?

  35. You jes send one of the chillen in with it, as usual.

  36. So I jes' tuk Sally an' de chillen in de carry-all dat Nimbus lent me wid de mule, an' started on furder down east.

  37. He made all the little colored chillen love him.

  38. You know he good when even the little chillen cry and holler when he dead.

  39. Dey tell dem t'aint no use to cry, dat can't bring him back, but de chillen keep on crying.

  40. I wouldn't 'a' beliebed dat one ob Mas'r Ralph Gordon's chillen gwine fur insult me like dis!

  41. Doan you chillen fret about nothin'," he continued earnestly.

  42. I reckon maybe de chillen better go to bed.

  43. I might as well go de way both my chillen 's gone.

  44. He wanted to dress his wife an' chillen lak white folks, did he?

  45. They say the chillen don't have nothin' to eat or wear but what folks give 'em.

  46. And I've chillen of me own and a'lays look out partic'lar for the little ones.

  47. And I never did believe in encouragin' chillen to disobey you by tellin' 'em they shouldn't do things you see thar heads set on doin'.

  48. He's one of them chillen that no matter where you turn he's in the way.

  49. Them were bad times fer the women an' chillen left at home.

  50. I forget how come hit, but maw didn't leave we chillen to Teasleys' that day she went to do the washin'.

  51. She took keer o' me when my chillen come, an' I took keer o' her with hern.

  52. The colored chillen use to play there but I always played with the white chillen.

  53. Pap John, "you know Sammy cain't no mo' keep a wife and chillen than a peckerwood kin.

  54. Dey had a schoolhouse built for de white chillen de same way.

  55. Ev'ry spring, Old Miss line up all de chillen and give dem a dose of garlic and rum.

  56. And of course we chillen tried, but of course we would git careless sometimes.

  57. Mammy have ten chillen but I'm de only one what am livin' now, 'cause I'm de youngest.

  58. Some of de men told pappy his chillen is in camp and he come and fin' me and my brothers.

  59. I has ten and think I done rightly my part, 'cause I lived right by the word and taught my chillen the same.

  60. He whipped the chillen and my mother told Miss Lucy, old marster's oldest girl.

  61. Mos' all us chillen wen' fishin' on Saturday and we'd fish with pins.

  62. Den de chillen holds de bladder in de fire and purty soon, 'B A N G,' dey goes.

  63. In us cabin am mammy and us three chillen and our aunt.

  64. He stay a good many year, till both us chillen was growed.

  65. Dey was de chillen of a chief of de Kiochi tribe.

  66. Dese chillen bo'n wid mo' sense now dan we was den.

  67. Some de mammies what suckle de chillen takes care of all de chillen durin' de daytime and at night dey own mammies come in from de field and take dem.

  68. I has five chillen and five grandchillen.

  69. Chillen was mostly seen, not heard, different from youngens of today talking backward and foward cross their mammies and pappies.

  70. Chillen dat did dat den would git de breath slapped out on 'em.

  71. We loved Misses and the chillen so much we wouldn't even let 'em eat hardly.

  72. I said the chillen had to go into the mill, and into the mill they went.

  73. I raise in de yard, I didn't wear de kind ob clothes de field-hand chillen wear, and I get my dinner from de kitchen.

  74. W'en war come, Missis tek me and two more niggers, put we and chillen in two wagon and go to Baarnwell (Barnwell).

  75. All my mother chillen dead 'cept me and one sister Rhina, who lib wid me.

  76. If you ain't the poor igno'antest w'ite chillen that ever lived.

  77. One o' ole marster's chillen settin' up makin' spote o' me ter my face!

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chillen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.