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Example sentences for "objectivity"

Lexicographically close words:
objections; objectivation; objective; objectively; objectives; objectless; objector; objectors; objects; objectum
  1. Thus one of these extremes comes to consist in an objectivity as yet devoid of mind, in the merely natural vesture of God.

  2. I have not been able to settle with certitude, if this sensation be purely subjective, or if an element of real objectivity be blended with it.

  3. I propose registering these raps in a phonograph; this will be the experimentum crucis as far as their objectivity is concerned.

  4. After an interval of a quarter of an hour, M and X think they see milky-looking clouds floating about near the cabinet, but they are unable to affirm the objectivity of this appearance.

  5. He thinks he sees a cloud-like substance, but is not sure of its objectivity (because of his position?

  6. We may apply these considerations to the question of the messages and apparitions from the unseen world which have been alluded to in former chapters.

  7. What we call its objectivity rests on the permanence of its relations--on its continued appearance in one spot, its visibility to different people at one time, or to one person at different times, and so forth.

  8. Such evidence of the objectivity of seance figures could be rather indefinitely multiplied.

  9. In objectivity the end has retained itself; for instance, if I have the end in view of building a house and am active for that end, the house results in which my end is realized.

  10. The case is similar with regard to questions regarding the limits of knowledge, the opposition between subjectivity and objectivity which had not yet come up in Plato’s age.

  11. But objectivity has been the significance of substantial universality, and not of external objectivity; thus truth is now posited as a product mediated through thought, while untrained morality, as Sophocles makes Antigone say (vers.

  12. Zeno’s dialectic has greater objectivity than this modern dialectic.

  13. There is a transition from subjectivity to objectivity through which this opposition is always again sublated.

  14. The most simple, most formal objectivity is the expression of a name for that feeling and for the state of mind according with it, as seen in these words, worship, prayer, etc.

  15. The form in which this developed content first possesses objectivity is that of immediate perception, of sensuous idea or of a more defined idea deduced from natural, physical or mental manifestations and conditions.

  16. Art brings about this consciousness, in that it gives permanence and cohesion to the fleeting visible appearance through which objectivity passes in sensation.

  17. This higher kind of objectivity that unfolds itself, alone gives a place to the particular content, allows it to have free scope and receives it into itself.

  18. His philosophy, if we may use so quaint a description of it, is subjectivity leading objectivity in chains.

  19. From the second axiom he deduces the objectivity or “cause exemplaire” of his idea of a perfect being; and his proof seems at least more clearly put than by Descartes.

  20. From this it is obvious that any aesthetic system based upon the existence of an objectivity of beauty must fall to the ground.

  21. On the other hand, without an objectivity there can be no system, because in its absence a line of reasoning explaining cause and effect in the perception of beauty, which is open to demonstration, is naturally impossible.

  22. To this I must add that the impartial objectivity with which the scholar is supposed by the layman to view things is something of a chimera.

  23. Max Müller in especial has made what might be almost called a desperate effort to make out a case for the objectivity and essential rationality of religion, which had both been compromised by positivism.

  24. If it is impossible to deny, as pure idealists attempt to deny, the objective character of the world in which we live, one can, at least, not say where objectivity begins and subjectivity ends.

  25. The causal law, being a rule according to which states follow one another, is the only means by which the objectivity of a change can be known.

  26. Its objectivity consists in this that avidyâ in this form cannot be superimposed on the self-luminous cit but exists only as veiling the cit.

  27. Neither could he have given apparent objectivity to a photograph which he might possibly have seen, although Mr. Dickinson asserts that he had never seen the photograph until it was brought him on the Saturday morning.

  28. In the first place, the question of the objectivity of any type of judgment must in the end, as we have seen, reduce itself to a question of the judgment's import to the agent.

  29. The alleged tactual evidence of objectivity is, then, rather a confirmation than a difficulty for our present view.

  30. It will be necessary in the first place to determine the psychological conditions of the more commonly recognized experience of Objectivity in the restricted sphere of sense-perception.

  31. From this preliminary discussion of the ethical and economic situations we must now pass to discuss the objectivity of the judgments by which the agent meets the difficulties which such situations as these present.

  32. The standard or test of objectivity is so thoroughly external that by original definition it is wholly outside the realm of thought.

  33. In short, we must dismiss as impossible the hypothesis that there can be a consciousness of objectivity which is not dependent upon and an expression of primary antecedent tendencies toward motor response to the presented stimulus.

  34. For our purpose it is necessary only to specify the intellectual and practical attitude out of which the consciousness of objectivity arises; not the sensory "elements" or factors involved in its production as an experience.

  35. Are things, then, apprehended as objective in virtue of the agent's attitude toward them, or is the agent's attitude in a typical case grounded upon an antecedent determination of the objectivity of the things in question?

  36. At best the objectivity of content which has been made out for the judgment of value is purely functional, and not such as can be verified by appeal to the consensus of other persons.

  37. Generalizing this point of view, validity or objectivity of meaning means simply that which is "identical for all consciousness" (Vol.

  38. The charm of the medium, by drawing attention to itself, increases the objectivity of the experience expressed.

  39. Self-expression that does not attain to objectivity is incomplete as art.

  40. But the intimacy of music is not in contradiction with the freedom and objectivity characteristic of all art.

  41. In Chapter VIII we took the opportunity to test the objectivity of the information received through this sense.

  42. Here, once more, we see with what objectivity the human senses register the facts of the outer world.

  43. But how could one find a viewpoint outside, as it were, this consciousness, from which to discover its laws with the same scientific objectivity which it had itself applied to discovering the laws of physical nature?

  44. In the following way an indubitable proof seems to be given of the correctness of the view concerning the subjectivity of the impressions obtained through the sense of warmth, and of the objectivity of thermometrical measurement.

  45. And in both cases this discovering finds its justification in a recognition that the idea of this resultant objectivity was implicit in the subjective energy from the beginning.

  46. The apparent solidity of matter may be rationally resolved into energy or movement, just as the apparent objectivity of matter may be rationally resolved into a stream of mental impression.

  47. The important point is that we are compelled to assume, as representing a real outward fact, this permanent sense of objectivity from which there is no escape.

  48. In no other way can we think of the objectivity of the universe; for in no other way can we think of ourselves.

  49. There is none of Poe's objectivity in Hoffmann, but he uses his subjectivity in a peculiarly Romantic fashion.

  50. For law is the objectivity of Spirit, volition in its true form.

  51. We have in it, therefore, the object of history in a more definite shape than before--that in which freedom obtains objectivity and lives in the enjoyment of this objectivity.

  52. The objectivity which Kant had allowed to exist Fichte has destroyed.

  53. We thus come, by an unexpected path, upon the old question of the objectivity or subjectivity of morals.

  54. Then the notion of the complete objectivity of morals gets a shock.

  55. Our problem is to see what objectivity signifies upon a naturalistic basis; how morals are objective and yet secular and social.

  56. For although he recognizes the objectivity of custom, he treats sympathetic resentment and approbation as distinctive inner feelings or conscious states which give rise to acts.

  57. Objectivity is saved but at the expense of connection with human affairs.

  58. The objectivity of our ideas and the perception of necessary relations in a possible order, reveal a communication of our understanding with a being on which is founded all possibility.

  59. By the very act of seeing the object it is sure of it; the difference between subjectivity and objectivity falls within the space of inferences, but not within that of immediate reason, or the understanding of necessary truths.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "objectivity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    anesthesia; candor; chill; coldness; detachment; dispassion; dullness; equity; fairness; honesty; impartiality; indifference; justice; neutrality; objectivity; withdrawal