Nor can we identify this Absolute Existence with Matter, since what we know as Matter is a series of phenomenal manifestations.
It therefore seems to me useless in Mr. Fiske to lay so much stress on the fact that this Something was originally identified by atheists with the phenomenal universe.
Consequently, what we call Force and Matter are, according to this doctrine, phenomenal manifestations of this objective Reality.
We cannot identify this Absolute Existence with Mind, since what we know as Mind is a series of phenomenal manifestations.
These two phenomenal facts imply some strong antagonism to the priesthood and their system.
Laura Arden seemed to grow daily more lovely in her mature beauty, and Herbert was growing out of his babyhood into a sturdy little boy of phenomenal strength and of imperturbably good temper.
Scarlet fever, as is well known, is not often fatal to adults in Italy, and such cases as Arden's in which death ensues within eight and forty hours, are so rare as to be phenomenal in any part of the world.
Thus he laid the foundation of hisphenomenal faculty of rapid and accurate observation, and of his no less phenomenal memory.
He was provided with a brain of marvellous quality and phenomenal size.
It cost her a manifest effort to do what she well knew how to do, for she is not a phenomenal vocalist.
To the primitive man the phenomenal world presents itself as a mere phantasmagoria, a vast show in which the things seen are only related to each other by the fact that they come at once into view.
The large divisions which naturalists have usually made of their tasks rest in the main on the natural partitions which we may readily observe in the phenomenal world.
Good education has often been responsible for the phenomenal success of American singers in European opera houses.
Mr. Dickson, a neighbor and familiar, gives an anecdote told by Edison which well illustrates his untiring energy and phenomenal endurance.
Who was profited by the phenomenal increase of wealth during the period of the seven years?
And it is the question of poverty, that spreads like contagion, that the American people have now to deal with, in view of a phenomenal increase of the national wealth which concentrates in the few hands.
Thence, the phenomenal net incomes of the omnipotent afford the ample reasons for defending by all means in their power the present situation of the nation’s toiling for the few.
But the question is only a question of time: how long before the people with all their superior productivity and phenomenal increase of wealth will have neither wealth nor property, nor rights, nor sufficient means for existence?
And was it possible for all these highly productive families to retain a goodly share of this phenomenal increase of the wealth?
Doesn't the phenomenal squash make up for all that?
The zest with which one goes about an expedition of any kind in the Rocky Mountains is phenomenal in itself; I despair of making it credited or comprehended by inexperienced lowlanders.
In spite of his protestations and his phenomenal physical improvement, we lifted him by main force on to the first train, and shipped him northward without our blessing.
This phenomenal world will not remain in an unchanging condition even for a short while.
Is it possible to find a greater Collective Center in the phenomenal world than this?
It becomes a question," he says, "whether true causality can be found in the phenomenal at all, and not rather in a power beyond the phenomenal which incessantly posits and continues that order according to rule.
Phenomenal rapidity characterized the Greek tactics from the moment their troops first came under fire.
Through its phenomenal expansion new industries have been created and old ones enriched.
Human knowledge extends to the phenomenal world, which is seen under the a priori forms of the understanding.
Footnote 2: By natural causation I mean such a relationship between a and b in a phenomenal system as enables a through its connection with its ground to determine b.
It holds the essential fact to be a community of persons with a Supreme Person at their head while the phenomenal world is only expression and means of communication.
Pure mathematics shares in common with philosophy this type of scientific interest in ideal, as distinct from physical or phenomenal truth.
The presumption of these sciences is that the world is physical, that the physical categories supply the norms of reality, and that consciousness and the psychic, in general, are subordinate and phenomenal to the physical.
The moment reflective thought is directed to the phenomenal world, the questions spontaneously arise--Out of what does the phenomenal come?
The world of sense-perception, the world of science, is phenomenal and contingent.
The laws of nature are "simply expressions of phenomenal uniformities, having no coercive power whatever.
Isolated phenomenal changes might be continued through untold ages, but the past would have no connection with the present, and would be unknown and lost to all the future.
The theory that reduces all existence, material and mental, to phenomenal manifestations of one eternal self-existent substance which evolves itself according to an inward law of necessity, and which is elusively called God, is Pantheism.
Duration is the continuance in existence of finite creatures, a continuance which is measured by the equable motion of planetary orbs, and imperfectly by phenomenal changes in our mental states.
The Spirit of God moved upon the formless abyss, and phenomenal change commenced its history.
The fruit hangs on the tree in edible condition an almost phenomenal length of time which has given rise to much divergence of opinion as to its season, some pomologists rating it as early, others as mid-season and still others as late.
It takes its place by virtue of the large size, handsome appearance and high quality of the fruit and the phenomenal productiveness of the trees.
Our superb torch, accordingly, is a brazier of unparalleled activity--a globe of gas, agitated by phenomenaltempests whose flaming streamers extend afar.
The phenomenal growth of the great consuming centers of the country has stimulated a corresponding growth and extension of the food-producing territory, especially that capable of producing perishable truck crops.
Potato growers in attempting to obtain a phenomenal yield, as in contests for prizes, almost universally plant in drills rather than in hills, and place the seed pieces from 8 to 15 inches apart.
For, as we have already seen, Religion as such is not concerned with the phenomenal sphere: her theory of ontology cannot have any reference to the How of phenomenal causation.
Is it phenomenal or ontological; ultimate or derivative?
Out of time, out of place, and out of phenomenal relation, Science could no longer exist as such.
Only if Science could transcend the conditions of space and time, of phenomenal relativity, and of all human limitations, only then could Science be in a position to touch the supernatural theory of Religion.
It is impossible to explain all these materials by the principle of repression, for in that case by the removal of the repression a phenomenal memory would be acquired, one that never forgets anything.