These, as the Baron assured his young friend, were very estimable persons.
Therefore, when Nina married the estimable Count Romani, of whom report spoke ever favorably, we rejoiced greatly, feeling that her future was safe in the hands of a gentle and wise protector.
Nay, there were even some who looked forward to my physical and mental destruction with a certain degree of malignant expectation--and they were estimable persons too.
She said she was delighted to see Miss Glover, thinking meanwhile that this estimable person’s sense of etiquette was very tedious.
What an intensely respectable gentleman, what severely respectable views, what strict morality, what an estimable father of a family!
Joseph was too young yet to marry, but with the consent of his parents an engagement was entered into between the young people, and there was joy in Mr. Moss's estimable family.
Every one here," he said, "has kind words for you and your estimable wife, and the general feeling is that if you had continued to reside in Gosport it would have been a source of pleasure to all of us.
It was resorted to by our estimable composers of chorales and promoters of congregational singing at the time of the Reformation.
Slight as our actual acquaintance has been, I think I know the estimable qualities of your character well enough from other sources to be able to say that such a marriage would be eminently pleasing to me.
Somewhat to that estimable woman's astonishment old Jean bent and with true Gallic chivalry raised it lightly to his lips.
Do not rashly misjudge me by jumping to the conclusion that I parted with joy from the estimable Deans of whom I am which.
As long as Richard remained in London, the Jews were at peace; but as soon as he crossed the Channel, in order to inaugurate a new crusade together with Philip Augustus, the scenes of London were repeated all over England.
Special tunes were introduced for the various prayers.
Do you remember how I excused myself for overturning that little girl who was carrying the first picture I ever saw of yours to your estimable uncle round the corner, as you called him?
Then I put on my hat--newly recovered from my estimable uncle--and went out to buy canvas and materials for my new picture.
She brought me eggs and ham and coffee; and when I had finished breakfast I despatched her for a portmanteau which lay in the care of my estimable uncle, and for certain parcels of clothing and boots and jewellery.
My estimable uncle round the corner is not a judge of art.
But I had heard the clock strike seven, and my estimable uncle round the corner retires at that hour into the country, and will have no business again until nine o'clock in the morning.
Upon each of my works my estimable uncle advances me the sum of twelve shillings and sixpence.
The mother of the child--a most estimable lady--soon succumbed to her great sorrow and died broken-hearted.
So he left my teaching and that of my estimable colleagues, carrying with him my certificate, that Mr. Bernard C.
The intention of that estimable lady is, I understand, to launch her and leave her.
Such, for instance, was the estimable man to whom I have repeatedly referred as a warm defender of tractoration, and a bitter assailant of its enemies.
It is a proof of the high regard in which the estimableand gifted lady who shares her husband's labors is held by the people of their congregation, and the friends who share in their feelings.
Not long before a controversy had arisen, provoked by the setting up of the Episcopal form of worship by one of the Professors, the most estimable and scholarly Dr.
I love to tell of our stage-coach experiences, of our sailing-packet voyages, of the semi-barbarous destitution of all modern comforts and conveniences through which we bravely lived and came out the estimable personages you find us.
Society would be very dull if every man resembled the highlyestimable Marcus Aurelius or Adam Bede.
No estimable priest holds the belief that money can atone for a sin or win the mercy of Heaven.
It undoubtedly lessens the interest of the play that Shakespeare should not have given Bertram some more estimable qualities along with the all too youthful and unchivalrous ones which he possesses.
Its predominance makes a strict disciplinarian and a rigid but just master; invests all actions with a sense of duty; thereby sometimes rendering estimable persons disagreeable.
See his Life of the Cid, appended to Escobar's "Romancero," edited by the learned and estimable Dr.
Many of the convicts were persons estimable for learning and probity; and, among these, three clergymen are named, together with other individuals filling judicial or high municipal stations.
You are not behaving humanely to God's creatures that are a jolly sight more estimable than yourself,' I said.
This says Plato; this say other philosophers; this say allestimable rulers of the republic and the nations.
But with these more estimable philosophers we have no dispute in this matter.
Nay, so estimable a writer as John Philips, the author of the Splendid Shilling, represented Marlborough as having won the battle of Blenheim merely by strength of muscle and skill in fence.
He is often to blame; he is often ridiculous; but he is always a good man; and the feeling which he inspires is regret that a person so estimable should be so unamiable.
The young man saw it; but if the spirit of regeneration had worked upon him to a sufficient extent to make him properly sensitive to the looks and manners of estimable young women, he showed no sign of it at the moment.
This is, I believe, the only member of ourestimable family whose acquaintance you have not yet made.
I would in no wise depreciate Mr. Kelly, whom I regard as a very estimable gentleman.
Taylor is a very estimable gentleman, but most cordially hated by both Wells and Kennedy.