I dont want you to come and see me with yourcarnal affections!
Eldress Hannah Matterson told the daughter to go into the room to her carnal mother, and say, What do you come here for?
Extirpate and destroy all carnal affection, and love nothing, but religion.
He was member of a church, which, wherever it was established, protested by its institutions against the excessive indulgence of carnal affections.
He held that before men's consciences had been liberated by the teaching of Christ, they were not qualified for exercising true Christian liberty, and their violent proceedings were nothing but carnal license.
In this way we have Moses and the fathers with their examples as beautiful cloaks for carnal liberty; we say with our lips that we are following the examples of the fathers, but in very deed we act contrary to them.
This argument Luther rejected as a carnal perversion of the Gospel.
He had deprecated any allying of the cause of the Gospel and of spiritual freedom with the carnal strivings of disaffected men for mere temporal and secular advantages.
The heaviest punishment was that visited on Juan de Jesus, known as el Hermito, who professed to be insensible to carnal temptation, for God had deprived him of all free-will and he was governed only by the spirit.
The vicar tortured them and obtained from Catalina a confession that, some four or five years before, Olalla asked her whether she would like to become a witch and have carnalintercourse with the demon.
Solicitation to other than carnal sins during confession does not require denunciation.
It is fleshly lust, and will, and pleasure, which carnal worldlings love for itself; and then they love their wealth for these.
Let no carnal motives persuade you to join yourself to an ungodly person; but let the holy fear of God be preferred in your choice before all worldly excellency whatsoever.
Be well resolved against the cavils of those carnal men, that would make you believe that the holy spending of the Lord's day is a needless thing.
And many that have not quite fallen away, have yet fallen into such grievous sins, as make them a terrible warning to us all, to take heed of presumption and carnal security.
It is a dead, and graceless, carnal heart, that must be cured before these men will be well satisfied; a better appetite would help their reason.
By this time the man is engaged in his carnal cause and course, and so the difficulty of returning is increased; and the inclination of the heart groweth stronger to the sensual pleasure than before.
Or, if you have such a carnal mind and enmity, believe it not, any more than a partial and wicked enemy should be believed against God himself; who better understandeth what he hath written, than any of his foolish enemies.
For, whereas there is among you envying and contention, are you not carnal and walk you not according to man?
If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great matter if we reap your carnal things?
The sensual man is either he who is taken up with sensual pleasures, with carnal and worldly affections; or he who measureth divine mysteries by natural reason, sense, and human wisdom only.
Europe and Asia again meet at Troas, but no longer incarnal conflict or in deadly fight.
Thus the geese being each and all excited by their carnal desire, dallied with that crow in their state of giddiness, which is often the cause of unnatural appetites.
The carnal mind is converted to the rational understanding by its association with it).
There lacked but this," he said, his pale cheek kindling with resentment, "to root out my carnal reluctance to see his blood spilt.
But he is blinded by his carnal knowledge, and has spurned the light when it blazed before him.
He hath summed his defection by owning the carnal power of the tyrant!
But ourcarnal affections will mislead us--this ungrateful boy's father was mine ancient friend.
Take away from us the sinful and wicked influence of carnal desire.
In his capacious pocket, he always carried a copy of the New Testament--as, of old, the carnal controvertists bore a sword buckled to the side.
The carnal said unto the crane, If all the world should turn, Before we had the Father, But now we have the Son.
AS I passed by a river side, And there as I did reign, In argument I chanced to hear A carnal and a crane.
This legend is mentioned in the carol of the Carnal and the Crane.
We have our garrisons and our captains, and a goodly store of carnal weapons," answered the other.
I have seen the utter nakedness of the land of carnal professors, and I have obeyed the call to come out from among them and be separate.
Carnal I am, laddie, and I just want to put some flesh on your bones.
The theory of monasticism is that Christ died to redeem our carnal nature, and all we have to do is to believe and pray.
The ninth notice declares that they say that the sons of promise are born, indeed, of women, conceived by the Holy Spirit; lest the offspring that is born of carnal seed should seem to share in God’s estate.
It happened one day that a voice sounded forth from the sacred interior of the temple, saying to him: “Fatak, eat no flesh, drink no wine and refrain from carnal intercourse.
Nations are merely earthly, carnal things, that were only invented by sinful men themselves, to preserve their bodies and goods, and make trading easy.
He discovered the Recorder and Lord Will be Will at dinner in Mr. Carnal Security's parlour, and ceased to communicate with them.
I have heard poor servants say that in some carnal families they have had more liberty to God's things and more fairness of dealing than among many professors.
He answers yes; but greatly against his will: his inward and carnal cogitations, with which his countrymen, as well as himself, were so much delighted.
Carnal Sense broke prison and continued to lurk in the town.
He falls in with Mr. Worldly Wiseman who lives in the town of Carnal Policy.
By persuading people to rest upon this spurious religious feeling, he accomplishes his purpose as well as if he had kept them in carnal security.
The invention of fig-leaf aprons may perhaps represent the self-righteousness of the carnal heart.
All this was done to feed the pride of the carnal heart; and, notwithstanding their loud professions, and apparent good deeds, the heaviest curses the Lord Jesus ever pronounced were directed against them.
Indeed, I am at a loss to understand how a union can be formed between the carnal and the renewed heart.
The consequence is, they bring leanness upon their own souls; and if any impenitent sinners witness their conduct, it helps to rivet upon them their carnal security.
The Lord wished to rouse thee from thy state of carnal security, and therefore directed your eyes to that fearful passage.
Mary, this is very carnal and unprofitable conversation, and in holding it we set a very bad example to the young man here--let us change the subject.