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Example sentences for "proportionate"

Lexicographically close words:
proportionably; proportional; proportionality; proportionally; proportionals; proportionately; proportioned; proportioning; proportions; propos
  1. Then if these insects are thoroughly mixed and become undistinguishable to the birds, a proportionate advantage accrues to each over its former state of existence.

  2. These proportionate advantages are inversely in the duplicate ratio of the respective percentages that would have survived without the mimicry.

  3. We have seen that under the influence of liberty services tend to acquire their normal value, that is to say, a value proportionate to the labour.

  4. Besides, if value springs exclusively from labour, and represents it, it would be proportionate to that labour, which is contrary to all observed facts.

  5. A priori/, it would seem that all we could expect would be to obtain satisfactions proportionate to our labour.

  6. Does he become possessed of a value necessarily proportionate to his labour?

  7. They have reasoned in this way: In our own country we can obtain value only by labour, and when we have done our work, we have obtained a value which is only proportionate to our labour.

  8. I there said that value does not essentially imply labour; still less is it necessarily proportionate to labour.

  9. This proves that efforts have a tendency to be exchanged on a footing of equality, or, in other words, that value tends to become proportionate to labour.

  10. For a more proportionate distribution of creative power between business and other occupations, and a more humane, wider use of it in business depend upon grasping aright the forces actually at work.

  11. A balanced arrangement of propulsive activities manifested in deliberation--namely, reason--depends upon a sensitive and proportionate emotional sensitiveness.

  12. On the firing of the propellent charge, the expanding gases, we are told, cause expansion of the gun, thereby simultaneously allowing proportionate expansion of the shell.

  13. Proportionate to the former mean and niggardly "cheese-paring" was the resultant appalling rate at which life was now being squandered.

  14. The proportionate number of bands cut from the three sizes of cups were, as a general rule, three from the smallest or 4.

  15. Taking these as data, the {539} proportionate change of the species of mollusca affords a means of arriving at the whole lapse of time represented by the fossiliferous rocks; and these two estimates agree in the order of their magnitudes.

  16. The proportionate abundance of the different families in this interesting flora is as follows:-- 1.

  17. They point out that the beneficial effects are not proportionate to the extra weight involved.

  18. What is more important from the author's point of view is the expanding nature of this market, where supply cannot keep pace with demand, and the proportionate improvement that is manifest in the scale of remuneration.

  19. I have no data to show the Roman Catholic population of this State, but it is by no means proportionate to the formidable machinery here exhibited.

  20. In describing the varieties which have been produced by pigeon-fanciers, Mr. Darwin notes the fact that along with changes in length of beak produced by selection, there have not gone proportionate changes in length of tongue.

  21. But the absence of proportionate variation in co-operative parts that are close together, and are even bound up in the same mass, is best seen in those varieties of dogs named above as illustrating the inherited effects of disuse.

  22. It may be safely trusted as proportionate and of good issues, so it be faithfully imparted, but God will not have his work made manifest by cowards.

  23. The measure accorded the Irish a separate parliament at Dublin, cut them off from representation at Westminster, and required them to bear a proportionate share of the expenses of the Imperial Government.

  24. There is in France a growing demand for the adoption of some scheme whereby minorities within the several departments shall become entitled to a proportionate voice in the Chamber at Paris.

  25. Their increased knowledge of European arts and enjoyments, has been probably followed by a proportionate increase of wants and desires.

  26. The largest kinds are called bull-frogs: they chiefly live in pairs, and are never found but where there is good water; their bodies measure from four to seven inches, and their legs are of proportionate length.

  27. Some idea of the proportionate variations required to counteract the optical illusions of the letters above named may be obtained from the practice of type-founders.

  28. The width of the border will then be of the same proportionate width.

  29. Because of its narrowness, I should generally be allowed more proportionate white space on either side of it than the wider letters.

  30. Before sensitizing, which should be done by a very diffused light, a quantity of the solution proportionate to the surface to be sensitized (about 15 c.

  31. Why should the disruptive tendency operate so much more against proportionate assessment than against the distribution into shares itself; in other words, why are equal tenements so much commoner than equal rents?

  32. The Ayllington instance, quoted above, belongs to the former class, but the proportionate distribution of duties is somewhat obscured by the fact that part of them is reckoned in labour.

  33. Shall we say, then, that the reward should be proportionate to the amount of voluntary effort for a good end?

  34. But further, as all love is understood to include[202] a desire for the happiness of its object, the profession of friendship seems to bind one to seek this happiness to an extent proportionate to such profession.

  35. Shall we say that these judges are to take the value of a service as proportionate to the amount of happiness produced by it?

  36. Would not a comprehensive symbol, a rite, carrying significance proportionate to the discriminating intelligence of those who should witness it, combat the danger of His doctrine becoming irretrievably corrupted?

  37. Growth of art is proportionate to intellectual development.

  38. And since psychical ideals are regulated by intellectual limitations, understanding of spiritual truths must be proportionate to intellectual insight.

  39. The sensation of pleasure is obtained from the possession of a correspondingly acute capacity to feel pain, discrimination placing value on either polaric contrary proportionate to the sensory capacity involved.

  40. But if the strata is broken, the interference with the subterranean transmission of water will be proportionate to the extent of the disturbance.

  41. But, in the instance of the monster asylums referred to, neither is the medical staff at all proportionate to the number of patients, nor are their inmates exclusively chronic lunatics.

  42. It is an additional cause of satisfaction to add, that every one, according to his sphere of action, has a claim to a proportionate degree of applause.

  43. The Morumbidgee rose upon us six feet in one night, and poured along its turbid waters with proportionate violence.

  44. This is to be effected by a proportionate mixture of vowels and consonants, and, by tempering the mute consonants with liquids and semivowels.

  45. The perception of harmony is indeed conferred upon men in degrees very unequal, but there are none who do not perceive it, or to whom a regular series of proportionate sounds cannot give delight.

  46. This position has not, indeed, been hitherto proved with strength proportionate to the assurance with which it has been advanced, and perhaps will never gain much prevalence by a close examination.

  47. We do not find the grief with which the dams lament the loss of their young, proportionate to the tenderness with which they caress, the assiduity with which they feed, or the vehemence with which they defend them.

  48. They often marry several wives and their houses swarm with a proportionate number of children.

  49. When people are ill they make a vow to some god that if they recover they will sacrifice a certain number of animals proportionate to the severity of the illness.

  50. Simultaneously iron increases in the ink (proportionate to the tannin).

  51. Whether this joyous excitement was proportionate to the actual results of my adventurous enterprise, and whether the reward was worth all the trouble, I never stopped to consider then.

  52. A society which rests upon the supremacy of some factor over another irrespective of its rational or proportionate claims, inevitably leads thought astray.

  53. Its quantity increases so that its proportionate value is very different.

  54. In the sixth rank of prerogative instances we will place similar or proportionate instances, which we are also wont to call physical parallels, or resemblances.

  55. Whenever an abundant crop of this grain is realized, a proportionate quantity of honey is obtained.

  56. An additional coat it seems is annually applied, as old hives will be coated with a thickness proportionate to its age, providing it has been occupied with a strong family.

  57. As this space made by pruning cannot be filled without wax and labor, our surplus honey will be proportionate to its extent.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proportionate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adequate; affirmative; agreeable; agreeing; alike; ample; appertaining; balance; coexistent; coherent; coincident; coinciding; commensurate; comparable; comparative; compatible; competent; concordant; congenial; congruent; congruous; consistent; consonant; cooperative; coordinate; correlative; correspondent; corresponding; decent; distributive; drawn; due; enough; equal; equalize; equivalent; even; fit; good; half; harmonious; harmonize; integrate; knotted; level; like; minimal; minimum; par; parallel; particular; pertaining; pertinent; plenty; positive; proportion; proportional; proportionate; quits; reconcilable; referable; regularize; relative; respective; satisfactory; satisfying; several; square; substantial; sufficient; suitable; symbiotic; symmetrical; sympathetic; synchronized; synchronous; tied; unanimous; uniform