No notice can be held to be complete which does not give one an idea of the splendid physical constitution which has enabled Mr. Gladstone to lead the life he has led and to do the work he has done.
He writes: 'In addition to a phenomenal physical constitution, Nature has been lavish to Mr. Gladstone in other ways.
We have only to regret the want of a chapter devoted to the hygiene of dress, which is a subject deserving the earnest attention of every friend of physical development.
Climatic influences, acting upon man, bring about physical changes exceedingly slowly, because they are resisted by an inveterate habit of assimilation which pertains to the blood.
In play as in work, in physical exercise as in mental labor, in all his projects, purposes and performances, Dickens seems to have been in a perpetual state of tension that allowed of no reaction.
How is it that countless generations must pass away before purely climatic causes, potent as they are, begin to manifest themselves in physical changes in the races of men exposed to them?
Perhaps his mind was so intent upon the physical aspect of the questions that he had overlooked some of the intellectual and moral elements involved in the problem, and did not realize the enormities that would result should he succeed.
The heat necessarily generated by the operation is so great that very few persons have the physical endurance to stand it.
Christianity came, and instead of physical beauty substituted moral beauty, infinitely preferring the expression of the soul to the perfection of the body.
To hear the eulogies of the examinador, an angel fallen perpendicularly from heaven could hardly have realized the physical and moral qualities of the spouse he had left in Sorata.
In this sense the philosopher Hegel was able to say that the creations of art were truer than the phenomena of the physical world and the realities of history.
Such a strain upon the physicalpowers naturally leads those subjected to it to indulge in excesses.
We shall no longer have the same natural conditions that we have had in the early years of our history, and the physical appearance of the country will grow better or worse each generation.
Regular physical culture in a gymnasium will develop any muscle or part of the body almost at will, but if this be not possible much can be accomplished in developing the body by simple work.
The invention of labor-saving machinery has made it possible to farm hundreds and even thousands of acres together with little physical labor.
Vigorous but not violent exercise, brisk walking, regular physical exercise, such as is practised in gymnasiums, will go far toward keeping the body in good condition.
She doesn't like sitting in front, so she was obliged to put up with my physical nearness, but she took pains to emphasise her soul's remoteness.
It seemed to me that I'd never known the height of physical pleasure until I'd driven in a motor-car.
So palpable is this, that there is strong reason to believe that the increased attention to physicaltraining is operating against tobacco.
It proves its creator to be a true spiritual as well as physical descendant of President Edwards; and not even his ancestor has shown more vividly the "exceeding sinfulness of sin.
As you value your physical and moral well-being, avoid a habit which for you can offer no advantage to compare with the dangers you incur.
Perhaps the first thing about him which impresses an American, accustomed at home to dyspeptic politicians and statesmen prematurely old, is his physical activity.
He descended the steps and plunged into the long grass on his way to the solitude of his new house, dragging his feet in a state of physical collapse from disgust and fear before that fury.
Her jealousy and rage culminated into a paroxysm of physical pain that left her lying panting on the river bank, in the dumb agony of a wounded animal.
The gaze, touching me, seemed to bring a physical chill.
He had a vague feeling that the rays of that malignant green moon were beating directly into his brain, clouding his thoughts and draining his physical strength.
It was in a little garret, in the new street of St. Etienne du Mont, where I resided four years, in the midst of physical and domestic afflictions.
Any money that is gained at the expense of health, either physical or mental; any duty held to in the face of nervous breakdown; any gain secured at the expense of peace of mind and growth of soul, is not worth the holding.
There are mental struggles which so absorb the being and soul that physical terrors or tortures are unnoticed.
There was probably no other man in California at that time, who had the intelligence, determination, and what was absolutely necessary in that emergency, the immense physical powers of John Stark.
The darting snow particles seemed to cut his eye-balls, and the glare of the fire and the great physical exhaustion under which he was laboring, gradually rendered him blind.
It is a very physical business, squeezing out or overlaying the spiritual in men, though powerless wholly to extinguish it.
It reminded me of those philosophers who liken the meta-physical pursuit of the Absolute to Lewis Carroll's Hunting of the Snark.
Even the memory of it caused him physical discomfort.
The parrot presently withdrew its head, as if the coaxing finger had been lifted from it, and its pronounced air of acute physical enjoyment faded into one of marked attention and alert curiosity.
They seemed caught by some ghastly physical spell.
And now Maurice said to himself again that perhaps after all the cry of the child had been imagination, a symptom of illness in him from which he had--perhaps even through some obscure physical change--recovered completely.
If so, dare he not hope for an interval of peace, for that stillness after which he longed with an anxiety that was like a physical pain?
A sickness of the conscience overtook him like physical pain.
No other animal than man ever conceived such a frightful apparatus for depriving its young of the primary rights of physical existence as the human city.
Humanity as a whole has a regularity of movement as fixed as the movement of the tides; and given certain physical and social environments, certain developments may be predicted with the certainty of a mathematical calculation.
Physical education will go on in the home principally, and intellectual education in the school.
The methods of instruction were modeled after earlier attempts in France, and were based on the general idea that physical and intellectual education must continually supplement each other.
It is a typical complaint of those who have to deal with the physical results of our school system.
Furthermore, I believe that education should be integral; that the true school must combine physical and intellectual education from the beginning to the end.
That inheritance tends to crystallize existing forms, while adaptation, or the influence of environment, ever tends to modification of forms, whether physical or intellectual.
Do you punish them for their idiocy or for their unfortunate physical condition?
We endeavor to galvanize the Greek corpse, and pretend that we enjoy physical culture.
Some sleep bent over the books they are too tired to study, though the mind clamors for food after the long day's physical toil.
We may inquire, Is he to be exterminated at birth because of certain physical indications of his criminality?
Passing from the moral to the physical phase; take the statistics of any insane asylum, and you will find that, out of the different classes, unmarried women furnish the largest one.
Hers was a life of bitter economic struggle and an unceasing fight with physical weakness, partly resulting from this very economic struggle.
Chapter XII The death of his aunt gave Warrington a longing for action--swift mental and physical action.
Why, whenever he entered the house his splendidphysical energy seemed to radiate health and cheerfulness, infecting all those about him.
Only his great strength and physical endurance had pulled him out of the arms of violent death.
To do McQuade justice, he was not a physical coward.
Physical well-being is a great incentive to quiet living--productive industry checks political unrest.
He was on foot that afternoon by choice, for he had long held that a daily walk is the best exercise for a man whose profession does not in itself provide him with much physical activity.
I do not believe that even Jean herself knew, before, of how even the physical being of her had been impressed upon the heart and brain of this man.
And you are the one woman, the one physicalobject in the world, I worship.
It was but a flash of thought, for the physical being's upheaval followed in an instant, but it was a flash of horror.
We breathe too little of the pure air; we are lax in physical effort, and, even though the individual man or woman be wise, he or she must bear the burden of the errors of an ancestry or the evils of the present.
What a gift women have in producing physical effects upon the creature male, no matter what the woman's status.
Could he stand work at all, not only in a physical sense, but in application of mind?
You have only to be careful of a very violent physical strain.
The torture now was more a mingled rapture and grief than the physical protest of his racked body.
He gazed at her, marveling at the apparently measureless distance between her exquisite physical beauty and the spiritual beauty that should have been harmonious with it.
And a fierce pang, that was physical as well as emotional, tore through him.
But at the expiration of that protracted period of spying he was so exhausted from the physical strain and mental shock that he was unable to go home.
There came a regurgitation of physical strength--a change of blood.
His ordeal of physical strife, loneliness, longing was now over, for he was back home.
But she had the physical development of eighteen, and a mental range beyond his ken.
Only the physical pains and weariness, and the heartsickness abided with him.
Bessy Bell had a physical perfection, a loveliness that needed neither spirit nor animation.
She was impressed by his nearness; but Lane saw that it was the fact of his being a soldier with a record, not his mere physical propinquity that affected her.
The physical laws promulgated or established by scientists are confessions of ignorance.
In the realm of facts and of experience such operations would necessarily be limited by the resistance of matter and the uncompromising character of physical laws.
It is in the last analysis a passionate friendship, as vital and jealous as physical love, but freed from the idea of carnal pleasure, just as the latter had already been freed from the idea of generation.
It is the natural attitude of the human animal in the presence of physical danger.
In our day the idea of love has once more been closely connected with the idea of physical pleasure, and moralists are busy refashioning its primitive association with the idea of generation.
If certain empires have died of sickness or of old age, the greater number, on the contrary, have succumbed to violent death, in the plenitude of their physical power, in the full force of their intellectual vigour.
The peculiarly Christian form of chaste love, freed from all idea of physical pleasure, is divine love, such as it is seen flowering in the mystical exaltation of the contemplatives.
I was particularly attracted to the native men, who were wonderful types of physical development, standing six feet or more, with broad shoulders and deep chests.
Riley was more cheerful when he found that there was little chance of physical danger from the supposed dead man.
If there is any serious physical defect of the throat or nose, consult a reliable physician.
The peculiar wants of a new country have required not high scholarship, but more practical learning to meet pressing physical wants.
Mr. Buckle regards physical influences as the primary motive power which produces civilization; but these influences are fixed in their nature, and are few in number, and always operate with equal power.
These countries were Spain, Scotland, and the United States--nations which grew up under the most diverse physical influences, and which present widely different civilizations.
The capacity of the intellect is unlimited; it grows and expands, partially impelled by surrounding physical circumstances, and partially by its own second suggestions, growing out of those primary impressions received from nature.
Not the part of physical intervention for the benefit of Lancashire and of a confederacy founded upon slavery, which both Earl Russell and Lord Palmerston inform the world will not take place 'at present.
The North has never wished for physical aid from England; but does Mr. Trollope remember what Mrs. Browning has so nobly and humanely written?
Pride in the physical grandeur, the magnificent proportions of our country, has for generations been the master passion of Americans.
Those eyes have shut away the physical and the real, and through the mists of the future they are trying to read the great question of fate!
His mere specification--that of the ascetic scholar assailed by physical temptation--will pass muster well enough, the working out of it hardly.
In fact, in one of the most remarkable passages of the book she gives a story of her chief attachments, showing that, with brief accesses of physical excitement, it has always been amour de tĂȘte and never amour de coeur.
Except her physical beauty (of which we do not hear much), there is not one attractive point in her.
It may mean physical fatherhood and nothing more, and physical fatherhood may be a fact of the veriest insignificance.
Frazer in his beautifully written chapter on Physical Geography (Tot.
Sir Laurence Gomme writes: "There is a wide difference between the mere physical fact of having a mother and father, and the political fact of using this kinship for social organization.
Savages who have not learned the political significance have but the scantiest appreciation of the physical fact.
This is because the physical fact is of no significance.
It is deeply influenced by the ideas on the magical character of the sexual act which the Australian aborigines undoubtedly possess; and in the majority of tribes by the absence of the knowledge of physical paternity.