In former years books containing such pictures in a suitable and attractive manner to place before the young were difficult to procure.
Perhaps there is no greater preventive of the advance of this disease than a diet considerably less than would be suitable for the same person when in perfect health and at his regular work.
Intestinal antisepsis may be attained more or less successfully by the administration of yeast or of lactic acid ferments together with suitable diet.
The patient should sit comfortably, and take a deep inspiration; then he should be told to hold his breath, and the physician compresses the patient's nostrils.
He finds that just before death there is a rapid rise in venous pressure, or a continuously high pressure above the 20 cm.
If, on the other hand, improvement occurs, as it generally does, the dose can be regulated by the results.
They then learned that a cellar actually under the House of Lords, and used as a coal cellar, was to be let; and as it was most suitable for their design, Percy hired it as though for his own use.
For five years succeeding the landing of the settlers, all the results of their labor were to be held in common, and were to be stored in suitable magazines.
Apparently engaged in selecting the most suitable branches of fir and spruce, she was more intently occupied in the study of her own thoughts.
Miss Cheenick," said Her Ladyship, "will you be so kind as to assist Miss Mary in the selection of suitable shades of silk for this piece of embroidery.
Mr. Clarkson admitted cheerfully that Mr. Digson was a younger and better- looking man than himself--a more suitable match in every way.
Some are suitable to our times of sadness, and others when we are joyful in the Lord.
The words in brackets are only suitable for a priest.
The chamber was unoccupied, and she looked about in quest of some suitable hiding-place.
This was when Mrs. Shelton, the wife of one of the keepers, brought her the apparel suitableto her sex.
He ought to do this for the love of God; but he must live, and the enquirer is expected to give him a suitable present for his trouble.
The Committee complied with the request that a bookcase should be provided for the books, bearing a suitable inscription.
But I haven't a suitable costume," several girls heard her protest.
A cabinet meeting was at once held, the act of Captain Wilkes was declared to be "a clear violation of the law of nations," the release of Mason and Slidell was demanded, together with a suitableapology for the aggression.
A shallop which the Pilgrims had brought with them in the Mayflower was put together, and in it a party explored the neighboring shores, in search of a suitable place for the settlement.
Above them are immense forests, suitable for charcoal.
Indian corn is one of the staple productions of Michigan, and can be raised with success in any suitable soil in the lower peninsula.
Stone of lime, granite, sand, and various other kinds suitable for the architect and the artist, are found almost everywhere convenient to navigation.
The park, with suitable blocks and lots for county and city purposes, such as public buildings, schoolhouses, etc.
Lumber can be had for the mere cost of preparation, and the soil, at no distant point, is suitable for making bricks; while for immediate use, Milwaukee can furnish the articles of the best kind in any quantities.
You say that Tithymallus will be rich, For as I understand you, he will get Sufficient pay, and a collection suitable From those within whose doors he freely sups.
And the part which surrounded this portico in the open air was shaded by myrtle-trees and daphnes, and other suitable shrubs.
And to all of themsuitable inscriptions according to the accounts commonly received of them were attached, carved in the most expensive materials.
But he never expressly mentions such food at his banquets, just as he also forbears to speak of the meat of young animals, as such food was hardly considered suitable to the dignity of heroes of reputation.
But others affirm that it is a generic name for wine suitable for long keeping, as being =paramenios=, that is to say, such as can be kept.
Breeds on low islands and in suitable places along the coast, chiefly in the northern parts of our kingdom.
It breeds in suitable localities round our coast, depositing its eggs on the shingle without making any nest at all.
The rocky shores of Spitzbergen, Greenland, and Iceland form suitable breeding resorts for this bird, which makes no nest, but deposits its single egg on the bare ground in some crevice or under loose rocks.
Low, sandy islands, such as the Wamses at the Farne and Scilly Isles, and at suitable places on the Scottish and Irish coasts, are the favourite breeding places of this Tern.
After saying a few suitablewords of comfort and of thanksgiving, he remarked, pointing to Jock, that "he was snatched as a brand from the burning".
The next thing was to find a place suitable to worship in--often no easy thing in a new town.
None but coarser fabrics, suitable for the Mexican market, were milled; but the profits were enormous, having netted the previous year a fraction less than two hundred thousand dollars.
The day after our arrival, two armed boats were sent to make a reconnoissance of the old harbor, for the purpose of selecting a suitable berth for the ships, in case an attack should be made.
Near Cape San Lucas had been found by the whalers a resort for a new species of fish, producing an oil supposed to be suitable for paints.
The Germans, they said, had crossed the border accidentally, for which little relapse they had tendered a suitable apology.
If not, they are not dispossessed until Parliament acts upon the report of the Commissioners, and then only when suitable land is provided by addition to a native reserve.
The most suitableroom was occupied by a Belgian general, and they decided to make the attempt from there.
Our outfit was far from being all that could be desired; but it is hard to see how we could have carried more food, or more suitable clothes, even if we had possessed them, without raising suspicion as we left the fort.
The gardens offered a very suitable hiding-place close to the wire-netting.
Three-quarters of the way up, Buckley almost collapsed, so I left him in some bushes and went on to find a suitable place.
It seemed to me a pretty efficient arrangement, but of course suitable only for defensive and not for offensive tactics.
Poole and these two had escaped together from a camp by an audacious bit of wire-cutting in full daylight, suitable side-shows having been provided to keep the sentries occupied.
Kicq and I decided to wait another week, for we wished to make certain that the Germans were not keeping an eye on the place in order to catch us red-handed, and Monday was the mostsuitable day.
The work above outlined calls for waterproofed models of suitable form and size, and a series, each of which sets forth some typical feature or series of features, has been designed by Mr. Irving D.
Through an opening in a board, first white and then colored sand is sent up in a light current of air or gas supplied from suitable apparatus.
Many a battered mineral fragment with little beauty to recommend it, when placed under suitable conditions for its development, has grown into a marvel of beauty.