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Example sentences for "symbolical"

Lexicographically close words:
symbiotes; symbiotic; symbol; symbole; symbolic; symbolically; symbolisation; symbolise; symbolised; symbolises
  1. It is, of course, impossible to measure the various forces which combined to produce the complex symbolical forms of physical evil.

  2. For a similar reason the Goat also must be dealt with hereafter, and as a symbolical animal.

  3. This is about as much as for a long time was left in the average christian mind of the symbolical Dove, the Holy Ghost.

  4. The diagonal line and the two parallels described in this dance were intended to be symbolical of the zodiac, and the twelve steps of which it is composed were meant for the twelve signs and the months of the year.

  5. Symbolical representations of the temple already mentioned at Abu Simbel on the right and left of the entrance collect all the victories which Ramses won.

  6. It was a great step in the Egyptian writing when to their simple metaphorical and symbolical pictures phonetic pictures were added.

  7. All the entrances of the temple and the pylons display the symbolical form of the deity, the sun's orb, supported by two wings.

  8. As I just heard you say that our experiences can receive a symbolical interpretation, I remembered an incident which resembled that which you have just related and compared with an observation of Swedenborg's.

  9. I can conceive of a symbolical monument to Shakespeare under the figure of Hercules kindling his own pyre on Mount Oeta, sacrificing his opulent life as an offering for mankind.

  10. Other refreshment, however, was in store for me--the sweetmeats and water which form the somewhat symbolical staple of Greek hospitality.

  11. To this symbolical expression the father added one later and more puzzling.

  12. Again, it is possible to represent objects capable of various accidents in generic or symbolical form.

  13. The Anecdote-Books have Dialogues with Ziethen; Ziethen still trusting in Divine Providence; King trusting only in the iron Destinies, and the stern refuge of Death with honor: Dialogues evidently symbolical only.

  14. Hence there grew into use a different style or order of workmanship, a distinct class of symbolical or allegorical dramas; that is, dramas made up entirely of abstract ideas personified.

  15. This feature mainly results, no doubt, from the Poet's aptness or endeavour to make his style of as highly symbolical a character as possible without smothering the sense.

  16. The symbolical rites that are associated with these sacraments serve to surround them with the magic of the mysterious and exclude the penetration of reason.

  17. The latter, the founder of the Free Reformed Church, saw in the Supper only a symbolical act and a commemoration of Christ.

  18. Even at this early stage of worship we find certain customs associated with the cult to which a symbolical or mysterious meaning is given.

  19. Such names, having a purely symbolical value, may very well be used in poetry.

  20. I considered the hull thing highly symbolical and loved to see it.

  21. And I told Josiah how beautiful and symbolical it wuz to think old Time had laid down his scythe for a spell, and wuz measurin' off the hours here in this Fairy Land with beautiful posies.

  22. The upright outline represents a mountain upon which a powerful Midē´ is seated, symbolical of the distinction attainable by a Midē´.

  23. The second post is also painted red, but has scattered over its entire surface spots of white clay, each of about the size of a silver quarter of a dollar, symbolical of the mī´gis shell.

  24. Yet from the mystical and symbolical outlook it is characteristic of his biography that each epoch of his youth brought him into contact with one or other of the leading personalities of the day.

  25. The parting was a wrench, and Malwida von Meysenbug's farewell was designed to convey a symbolical meaning.

  26. This Holland is, of course, symbolical of the Third Republic.

  27. The symbolical world, which is here used as a romanticist vehicle in which to enwrap his own idealism, is replaced by the environment of modern days.

  28. Olwen looked at the glorious young form, symbolical as that of a goddess on a golden coin.

  29. Because the word was really inadequate, describing but partially a form and outline symbolical of far more,--a measure of Nature and Deity alike.

  30. Modern life, he discerned, dealt only with these forces when they had emerged, masquerading at the outer rim of life as complete embodiments, whereas actually they are but partial and symbolical expressions of their eternal prototypes behind.

  31. Judging by these parallels, the payment of God's Penny was not less symbolical than its equivalent, the clapping or clasping of hands.

  32. We have expressed the opinion that the payment of God's Penny was a symbolical act, and this opinion is supported by the fact that there were in mediæval England hand-clasp bargains.

  33. We infer, therefore, from his evidence alone, that the payment of earnest was essentially symbolical and served all the purpose of a written contract.

  34. The parvise, or porch, may have been symbolical of the initial stage--the early provisions of our universities are full of symbolism.

  35. My ribbon, Madame, is a symbolical ribbon.

  36. But whenever the actual tonsure was performed, it seems to have been a very widely spread custom, symbolical in some way of devotion to a deity or kindred, or to some particular course of life.

  37. In just the same way the lesser kindreds of a tribe would have their sacred hearths and rites, but would look to the hearth and person of their chief as symbolical of their tribal unity.

  38. M3) There were three important public places necessary to every Greek community and symbolical to the Greek mind of the very foundations of their institutions.

  39. Elsewhere in Greece at the introduction of the new-born child to the relations and friends a few days after its birth, symbolical gifts of food were made as the child was carried round the hearth.

  40. In order better to understand and judge more correctly of the biblical number of years in human life, we ought never to overlook the very religious purport of the symbolical relation of numbers in the divine chronology.

  41. Thus these eight koua, and mathematical signs or symbolical lines of ancient China, would comprise nothing more than a dry outline of all dynamical speculation and science.

  42. This is the same rude symbolical writing which we find among other uncivilized nations, the Americans for example, and among these, the Mexicans in particular.

  43. But this is only an abuse of modern times, which no longer understand this primitive system of symbolical signs and lines.

  44. Swedenborg attributes to them a symbolical significance, and regards them as artistic products of the silver age.

  45. During the whole time the sick man had the impression that what he saw was, beyond all doubt, real, and yet he was obliged to attribute a symbolical meaning to it.

  46. It is in these events, then, that we must find the explanation of much of this symbolical language.

  47. The prophecies take the form of symbolical images and marvelous visions.

  48. There are men who, when any relation or law, however complex, is put before them in a symbolical form, can grasp its full meaning as a relation among abstract quantities.

  49. Here also is a fragment representing a king attended by a strange symbolical winged figure holding the popular fir-cone in his right hand, and in his left a basket, of which the visitor will remark a perfect specimen presently.

  50. The first day of her life her symbolical marriage with the son of Dionysius was celebrated.

  51. Some worshipped the divinity in the symbolical shapes of a sea pebble, a conical stone, or a large prickly shell.

  52. This statue replaces the ancient one which the Revolutionists of 1793 precipitated on to the pavement, though they respected the symbolical animals placed at the four corners of the balustrade.

  53. When the Convention established itself on a symbolical mountain, it was surrounded by the fathers and mothers sent officially by the sections; also by their young daughters, crowned with roses, and older children adorned with violets.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "symbolical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    mystic; mystical; symbolical