After all, my dear Lord, if you can get a decent Address elsewhere, don't hesitate to put this aside.
Now, might not some of this 'sutor ultra crepidam's' friends and seducers have done a decent action without inveigling Pratt into biography?
She had never borrowed a penny of any one before, and the possibility of having to do so had always been classed in her mind among those shameful extremities to which Providence does not letdecent people come.
What we want here is to clear up and encourage decent immigration, and get rid o' gamblers and blatherskites that are makin' this yer camp their happy hunting-ground.
It was proposed to build a hotel in the following spring, and to invite one or two decent families to reside there for the sake of The Luck, who might perhaps profit by female companionship.
It was argued that nodecent woman could be prevailed to accept Roaring Camp as her home, and the speaker urged that "they didn't want any more of the other kind.
Twenty years ago, the idea of anything decent being required in a barbarous desert, such as the woods of Canada, was repudiated as nonsense.
No need of their consulting the fashions, or patching and stitching to keep up a decent appearance.
Then we'll give the faithful old fellow a decent burial and heap some rocks over him so the animals don't get at him.
We found the poor collie and gave him a decent burial.
After a decent interval, silence was commanded, and a short pause ensued.
In this letter you say that Mr. Arabian is unfit to be the companion of any decent woman, that he is a blackguard in the full acceptance of the word, that he is beyond the pale, and finally, that he ought to be in prison.
He might have done all sorts of things, but he was obviously a thoroughly straight and decent fellow.
What he wants is a wife who can manage him, with a decentamount of money.
Women of that type always knew how to "corner" a man, especially if he were young and had decent instincts.
You are a snob in your pretended hatred of all decent people.
Your absolute lack of decent consideration is--you're canaille!
They were the only artificiality of which Miss Cronin was guilty; and as an unkind fate had absolutely denied her any eyebrows of her own, she had conceived it only decent to supply their place.
You were dining to-night alone with a man who is totally unfit to be your companion, or the companion of any decent woman.
Had she no sense of decent feeling, to talk like this?
I want to go into Parliament--when I am patched up and more decent looking, and I believe you would be of the greatest help to me.
I believe if you will give me your help I shall be able to make quite a decent book of it after all,--but does it not seem absurd to trouble about such thing's as furniture with the world in ruins and Empires tottering!
Do not look for the moon, my son--Be thankful if she has been sufficiently well brought up to have a decent conduct--the manners of the young girls now revolt me.
May not a secretary have a decent appearance then?
There are some unorthodox doings, however, which can be avoided without incurring a martyrdom out of all decent proportion to the seriousness of the occasion.
I mentioned casually that the Panther was getting married and that I'd been having tea with them and that she struck me as being a decent sort of girl.
They've got the makings of very decent quarters," he admitted handsomely.
Any week in which he was drunk less than five times was no ordinary week; any story that could be repeated in decent company was not from his hiccoughing lips.
Or, on the other hand, you can make the best of a bad job and live on decent terms with your neighbours.
As cousin to an undischarged bankrupt he conceives himself to be conferring a favour on a family he once described in my hearing to Beaumorris as 'very decent middle-class people.
See here, surely if you can make old man Bracebridge give you--or us--decent marks every day for prep.
The first duty of society is to make existence possible, the second is to make a decent thing of life.
No decent school will take Melton's rejections,' I told him.
As soon as human images of spiritual truths are pressed beyond decent limits, they lead to frivolity and folly; and that was just the effect at Herrnhaag.
II In the countryside it was possible for men and women to live clean and decent lives, and those who are left there continue to do so.
If you marry a decent woman you shall not want the means of supporting her decently," and so saying the doctor walked away, leaving Sir Louis to his meditations.
Both of her beauty and of her reputation her brother was exceedingly proud, and he was the more so when he learnt that she had been asked in marriage by a decent master-tradesman in the city.
You, at any rate, have some decentfeeling for Mary.
Only you'd have to see that she married some decent fellow; you'd be her guardian.
To do him justice it must be admitted that he would not have been incapable of a decent career had he stumbled upon some girl who could have loved him before he stumbled upon his maraschino bottle.
But I do hope you will be all right in time, if you will live with decent prudence.
So do not I, dear, till I have found some decent sort of a body to honeymoon along with me.
The decent articles of furniture which they had put together were sold; she gave up their little house, and, bowed down by misery, she also was brought near to death.
I am quite sure your father was right, or he wouldn't have done it; but I used to think that Umbleby was a decent sort of man enough.
The serious men from one end of the country to the other are doing all they can to quell the excitement; so are the few decent newspapers that we possess.
And don't spoil your eyes over anything sensational American newspapers may say of anybody; let them alone and read the few decent ones.
Doubtless they soon would meet again, and if they were left in conversation for a decent length of time she would ask him to call.
He had, of course, furnished him with decent suits of clothes, but although willing to wear shoes in the house, nothing could persuade Mike to keep these on his feet when employed without.
The landlord at once agreed to the terms, and five minutes later Harry, clad in the sober garb of a decent tradesman, mounted the cart.
This time I was dressed as a decent serving man, and Colonel Lane's daughter agreed to go with me.
He was then attired in Herbert's clothes, and looked, as Lucy told him, a quiet and decent young gentleman.
When it don't give any religion, it don't give any decent behaving.
Miles looked at me and then looked away quickly, as if it really was not decent to be observing a fellow in such a rage.
Their circumstances are generally a decent competency.
To say the truth, it was scarcely a decent house for a female Saint to be seen in.
Her forehead bowed out and overhung her nose, which endeavoured to stretch out to some decent length, but was unfortunately foiled by the want of a bridge.
It's certain he was pretty far gone, and I don't suppose she cares whom she marries, as long as he has a decent income.
Give me a decent cigar and the Field, and I ask for nothing more.
An' without a decent suit to yer back, how kin you carry the thing before Congress?
It was a fairly decent day, and we were able to make good weather of it with the light wind and easy swell.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "decent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.