Would not an appeal from the State judicature to a federal court, in all cases where the act of Confederation controlled the question, be as effectual a remedy, and exactly commensurate to the defect?
I believe the most effectual means of conveying them hither, will be by the seed.
It would be a veryeffectual one, if, instead of the title existing in our treasury books alone, it was made to exist in loose papers, as our loan office debts do.
I am so anxious to confer with you on this subject, and to see you and them together, and get some effectualarrangement made in time, that I determine to meet you at the Hague.
The effectual mode of relief was to lay the commerce open.
But the precautions of the government were more effectual than its severity.
To strengthen the authority of the British crown no measure would be more effectual than a federal union of these colonies.
An effectual chevaux-de-frise, the pointed stakes withstood them, tore them, and threw them back.
Never mind," mused the cook; and no one who partook of the succeeding stew discovered the lurking parsley and its overpowered progenitor, the celery, under the effectual disguise of summer savory.
In Pliny's time it was considered to beeffectual for 84 maladies!
This process has been found effectual in restoring heat to the lower extremities, and a case of obstinate lethargy was cured by Corvisart by a repeated urtication of the whole body.
Flagellation was recommended by several of the ancient physicians as an effectual remedy in many disorders, and this upon the physiological axiom of Hippocrates--ubi stimulus, ibi affluxus.
As an engine of public liberty, the newspaper press is more effectual than the Magna Charta, because its powers are wielded with more ease, and exercised with more promptitude and adaptiveness to each particular case.
The real ability of the king was shown in the effectual measures he adopted to secure, without the chance of failure, the triumphant execution of his plans.
She then had this decision carefully drawn up, and made effectual arrangements to have it registered by the Parliament, should the king secretly marry Mary Mancini.
The widowed Queen of Spain, acting as regent for her infant son, could make no effectual resistance.
These expeditions are the most effectual mode of retarding American progress, although to promote this is the avowed object of the leaders and contributors in such undertakings.
But the Constitution has not only conferred these high powers upon Congress, but it has adopted effectual means to restrain the States from interfering with their exercise.
War would not only present the most effectual means of destroying it, but would vanish all hope of its peaceable reconstruction.
In order to render the law effectual it was necessary to prevent "the carrying on" of such expeditions to their consummation after they had succeeded in leaving our shores.
Good books are the enemies of delusion, the most effectual extinguishers of self-conceit.
This provision was in perfect harmony with the general plan and purpose of the Constitution, a document framed, as we have seen, with a view to placing effectual checks on the power of the majority.
The power thus exercised by the speaker, coupled with that of the committees, imposes aneffectual restraint not only on the individual members, but on the majority as well.
The judiciary was the only branch of the state government in which the principle of life tenure had been retained, and therefore the only one which could be depended on to offer any effectual resistance to public opinion.
A proof, my lord, that these mutations are not yet ended, and that your generous aid may give to the better side an effectual turn of advantage.
Sir, in my judgment, the only effectual way of ridding the country of Slavery, and so that it cannot be resuscitated, is by an Amendment of the Constitution, forever prohibiting it within the jurisdiction of the United States.
Richard I had special dealings with the Jews, the effectual results of which were more securely to bind them as crown chattels and to add to the royal emoluments.
Terkutai fastened on him a cangue-- the instrument of torture used by the Chinese, consisting of two boards which are fastened to the shoulders, and when joined together round the neck form an effectual barrier to desertion.
The more strained and heated style of some other modern authors will be very effectual for awhile, but the excitement of the reader will flag sooner.
Where the ground-work of the tale is of sufficiently bold conception, and the incidents offer hooks enough to hang interest upon, there can be no doubt that this cool style is by far the most effectual in the end.
That such persons, who fatten on the calamities of their country, will ever embrace any effectual measure for bringing them to a period, or insuring final success to the war, cannot reasonably be expected.
It must, however, be confessed, that the king was so far right, that he had now at last fallen on the only effectual method for supporting his prerogative.
Indeed a strong desire to furnish milk, together with the application of the child to the breast, has been effectual in bringing about its secretion in young girls, old women, and even men.
The hygienic method of cure we have pointed out will, if instituted early, be effectual in all excepting very obstinate cases, which latter indeed sometimes resist for a long time the best efforts of medical skill.
A little mustard and salt mixed in a tumbler of warm water affords a ready, safe, and effectual emetic.
And again, in another letter: "Should any offensive operation be suspended until spring, it is my decided opinion that the cheapest and most effectual plan will be to obtain command of Lake Erie.
Toward the close of the war, he was Captain of a corps of rangers at Fort Pitt, under General Brodhead, and rendered effectual service against the Indians, who were in league with the British.
House that the effectualway to lower price was to acquiesce in a measure expressly intended to raise it.
An act for the moreeffectual preventing the abuses and frauds of persons imployed in the working up the woollen, linen, fustian, cotton, and iron manufactures of this kingdom.
That the most effectual preventive against and check upon combinations of journeymen, as also of masters in any trade, is for the persons engaged in such trades to take apprentices as required by law.
Even if more effectual regulations should afterwards be adopted, still this bill is eligible as a temporary relief.
They thought the most effectual way of gaining them over to their side was by compounding the matter, which led them to unwarrantable compliances, till at length they likewise set up for mysteries.
Trinity and other articles of the Faith, and gave ready assent to a Bill from the Lords "for the more effectual suppressing of atheism, blasphemy, and profaneness.
Whether the change is all gain, or the milder method more effectual than the old one, I would hesitate to affirm.
The attempts by the King and his Council to procure an effectual reconciliation, although strenuously made and often repeated, at length proved abortive.
But we find that the "Liddesdale limmers" were occasionally driven to bay in the most effectual manner.