Both understood the decorative value of the nude, and found their supreme delight in bodily motion.
Not only did he understand how to throw the separate figures of the picture into relief, giving them actual bodily existence, but he mastered as well the disposition of light and shade in the whole composition.
The army officers who had raised the cry now rushed toward Amos, threatening him with bodily harm.
She had on her mind a delusion that the devil was bodily present under her bed, and because of this was in the greatest anxiety and terror.
The miserable victim of bodily disease could not hope to disguise his condition.
Cretinism usually remains unrecognized until the child reaches some eighteen months or two years, when its lack of mental development and uncouth bodily form begin to attract attention.
Barely was Elsie's back turned when the heavy folds of a blanket were thrown over Inza's head and she felt herself lifted bodily and snatched through the window.
He remembered lifting Inza bodily and running for their lives with her in his arms.
Was it the disordered fancy caused by great bodily weakness?
After a time, Simson, with a certain caution and bodily reluctance, as it seemed to me, went out with his roll of taper into this space.
I was still equally conscious that if I gave way to fear I should be in bodily peril; and I concentrated all my faculties in the single focus of resisting, stubborn will.
With a hook-like clutch that was almost a blow, so swift was it, he flung me bodily out of the rear end of the wagon.
In such a trance the bodily processes are so near to absolute suspension that the air and food consumed are practically negligible.
Indigestion is a frequent cause of nightmare--the term given to oppressive and horrible dreams--and bodily discomfort is sometimes translated into the moral region, giving rise to the dream that a murder has been committed.
Another class of dreams (prodromic) is that in which the abnormal bodily states of the dreamer are brought to his knowledge in sleep, sometimes in a symbolical form; thus a dream of battle or sanguinary conflict may presage a haemorrhage.
The fact is, I am in bodily fear, owing to the crushing to which I am subjected.
Finally, he kindles fire, and sets the victim bodily thereon, sheep or goat, unfleeced, unflayed.
Take my advice, and fling it bodily into the sea; a good man, to whom the wealth of philosophy is revealed, has no need of the other.
It is unscientific to believe that devils can inhabit human beings, or that they can take possession of swine, or that the devil could bodily take a man, or the Son of God, and carry him to the pinnacle of a temple.
I know you have given the usual an- swer; but after all, is it not singular that a miracle so wonderful as the bodily ascension of a man, should not have been mentioned by all the writers of that man's life?
It is not scientific to believe that children have been born without fathers, that the dead have ever been raised to life, or that people have bodily as- cended to heaven taking their clothes with them.
The canon of "Natura non facit saltum" applies with almost equal force to instincts as to bodily organs.
With regard to mental defects, as a rule, not so much is said as for bodily defects.
Bodily deformities are noted at once after birth, and then the mother recalls some incident of the pregnancy to account for them.
His bodily weight decreases rapidly, even one-third of his whole weight may be lost within a few weeks.
In this monster there are more traces of bodily organs than might be expected.
After enduring supposed persecution for as long as he considers it possible, the melancholic turns on his persecutors and inflicts bodily harm.
For example, if the various bodily cells of a patient dead from diphtheria are examined microscopically, it will be found that the diphtheria toxin has disintegrated the nuclei of these cells.
Until the unfortunate appearance of her child was reported to her, she had no idea of any possible connection between the story and the bodily state of her intrauterine child.
In the true hypochondriac, however, every bodily sensation, or as it is technically called, somaesthetic sensation, is translated to mean a significant symptom of serious disease.
There is commonly an element of hysteria in the condition, and in such a case moral suggestion often has a curative effect Any bodily irritation is to be removed.
We were told of one who carried a grand piano bodily on his back from one house to another, a distance of several hundred yards.
It seems, however, that the bodily infirmities of young John Kepler were the immediate cause of his attention being directed to the pursuit of knowledge.
Unconditionally I asked the Lord for the blessing of bodily health, (a thing which I could not do now), and almost always had the petition granted.
But that I have often found a difficult matter, partly on account of the weakness of the flesh, and partly also on account of bodily infirmities and multiplicity of engagements.
I was immediately restored from a bodily infirmity under which I had been labouring for a long time, and which has never returned since.
Her mouth was full of thanksgiving, even in the midst of the greatest bodily sufferings.
Though Miss Edgeworth was now past fifty, she showed neitherbodily nor mental signs of advancing years.
Either owing to this or the change of air, her eyes certainly grew better and her general health improved, although she remained delicate, subject to headaches, and unequal to much bodily exertion.
If they have inherited a spare habit of body from their parents such bodily ills will manifest themselves the more quickly.
Surely the evolutional trend from animal to complete manhood may be aided by intelligent foresight as to bodily care and hygiene.
Can we not give sub-conscious attention to the little details of such bodily functions as are liable to get out of order?
Away with the "occasional" cleansing habit for either external or internal bodily cleanliness!
This class of sufferers, whose bodily and mental ills and morbid fears are so chaotically interwoven, are deserving of much consideration.
For if the differences of their bodily structure could be shown to be one of degree and not radical, it could be supposed that the lines of demarcation which now delimitate the larger types might some day vanish.
If you desired a good place at the playhouse it was indispensably necessary to go early and to be in time: to secure your seat by bodily occupation of it.
So much for the bodily part, which was of Master Inigo Jones's design and art.
Certainly he incurs no bodilyrisk from the incivility of the pit or gallery.
How limited is sense; how weak intellect; how short bodily life.
Every labor-saving machine ever invented by man has no other purpose than that of savingbodily wear and tear.
Henceforth the life of the nascent soul came to be first in importance and the bodily life became subordinated to it.