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Example sentences for "lawful"

Lexicographically close words:
lawbreakers; lawbreaking; lawe; lawer; lawes; lawfull; lawfullie; lawfully; lawfulness; lawgiver
  1. It is lawful to arrest tyranny in any way, and those have always been highly esteemed who, from devotion to the public welfare, have sought to kill the tyrant.

  2. Such lawful freedom is possible only where the constitution of the state and criminal legislation inspire the citizen with a sense of security.

  3. This law is conditioned on the lawful behavior of others.

  4. Instead of the customary divorce of experience and understanding, a firm alliance, a "lawful marriage," must be effected between them.

  5. But in spite of all opposing influences, the day of election was fixed, Ferdinand summoned to it as lawful king of Bohemia, and his electoral vote, after a fruitless resistance on the part of the Bohemian Estates, acknowledged to be good.

  6. The other canons thereupon retired to Alsace-Saverne, where, under the protection of the bishop, they established themselves as the only lawful chapter, and denounced that which remained in Strasburg as illegal.

  7. Denmark and Sweden, Holland and Venice, and several of the Dutch states, acknowledged him as lawful sovereign, and Frederick now prepared to maintain his new acquisition.

  8. Where, then, is the line to be drawn between lawful and unlawful adoption of what has been done by others?

  9. And when the righteous man turneth away from his righteousness that he hath committed and doeth that which is neither quite lawful nor quite right, he will generally be found to have gained in amiability what he has lost in holiness.

  10. Now that he knows I have a just and lawful claim on Basildene, which one day I will make good, he hates me with a tenfold deadlier hatred.

  11. This is the man who, together with his father, drove from this very house the lawful owner, because that she was a gentle, tender woman, and was at that moment alone and unable to defend herself from them.

  12. Spain, of which he was the sole lawful sovereign, surrendered the crown to the Emperor of the French, for him to dispose of it at his will.

  13. Every warehouse, all merchandise, all property of whatsoever nature it may be, belonging to an English subject, shall be deemed lawful prizes.

  14. In response, the Emperor Napoleon decreed that any vessel touching at an English port, or submitting to inspection from an English ship, should be by that very fact deneutralized, and become in its turn a lawful prize.

  15. The ships which neglected this precaution were to be declared lawful prizes.

  16. On the sixth day after his father's death, he was declared lawful emperor, and saluted as Augustus with the usual solemnities.

  17. Do so now: and then, if we are allowed to reach Mesopotamia, it will be time enough for the united suffrages of both armies to declare a lawful emperor.

  18. To persevere in arms, and to resist a lawful emperor, acknowledged by the senate, would alone render him criminal.

  19. The patriotic satraps of Armenia, who asserted the freedom and dignity of the crown, implored the protection of Rome in favor of Tiridates, the lawful heir.

  20. That assembly, convoked by the consul, unanimously acknowledged Severus as lawful emperor, decreed divine honors to Pertinax, and pronounced a sentence of deposition and death against his unfortunate successor.

  21. A regular hierarchy was diffused through all the provinces of Persia; and the Archimagus, who resided at Balch, was respected as the visible head of the church, and the lawful successor of Zoroaster.

  22. Generations to come will acknowledge them for their lawful progenitors, nor will future ages lose by confessing the obligations which they owe to so noble an ancestry.

  23. It was as natural to them to rise in revolt, since the rising meant resistance to the lawful authority, as it is for the little duck first cast into the pond, to swim.

  24. The accused had been led on, not by the desire to aid his friends in a lawful agitation for redress of a grievance, but by his inordinate vanity and desire for power and wealth.

  25. They obeyed his mandate, and he said: "I am authorized by the Government of Canada, to inform you that if you forthwith depart to your lawful habitations in peace, you will have nothing to fear.

  26. I'm the wife of a dacent tradesman, and the lawful mother of five children an' I'll show them again any within a mile of Huggin Lane.

  27. Then is it not lawful for man to exclaim, 'Better that I had never been born!

  28. If I could write lils, every word should be about myself and my own tacho Rommanis--my own lawful wedded wife, which is the same thing.

  29. The resolutions promise to support me in every constitutional and lawful measure to suppress the rebellion; and I have not knowingly employed, nor shall knowingly employ, any other.

  30. Practise all your cunning, for it is a lawful undertaking.

  31. These judges, who by the lawful execution of their power were a terror to transgressors, and the great pillars of justice, abusing their almost unlimited authority, became so many petty tyrants.

  32. The poisoned loaf was served to the queen’s own children, and their death secured the crown to the lawful successor.

  33. Rhegium was immediately restored to its lawful possessors.

  34. Both the cargo consigned to the Transvaal and the vessel herself were claimed as lawful prize.

  35. FASTI, the name given to days among the Romans on which it was lawful to transact business before the prætor; also the name of books among the Romans containing calendars of times, seasons, and events.

  36. Death to Lawful Things is the Way Out into a Life of Surrender.

  37. Yes, practical death with Him to lawful things is just letting go, even as He on the Cross let go all but God.

  38. Eloquence, with them, is lawful magic: it exercises over their minds an irresistible influence.

  39. It is a universal custom of the Muslims to write this phrase at the commencement of every book, whatever may be the subject, and to pronounce it on commencing every lawful act of any importance.

  40. She answered, Never in my life have I seen him before, and it is not lawful in the sight of God that I should speak falsely against him.

  41. Camels' flesh is an exception; being lawful to the Muslim.

  42. As soon as she had finished the recitation of these verses, I said to her, holding my drawn sword in my hand, This is the language of those faithless women who renounce the ties of affinity, and regard not lawful fellowship!

  43. It is a positive duty to accept an invitation to a marriage-feast or other lawful entertainment; but the guest is not obliged to eat.

  44. Enchantment, when used for benevolent purposes, is regarded by the vulgar as a branch of lawful or divine magic; but not so by the learned; and the same remark applies to the science of divination.

  45. Poultry, also, must be killed by cutting the throat; and so must every tame animal of which the flesh is lawful food.

  46. He desireth to marry thee according to the ordinance of God and his Apostle, and in that which is lawful there is no disgrace.

  47. Jesus to the Pharisees who tempted Him by asking--"Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife?

  48. He lingered until 2nd August, and after pronouncing Henry of Navarre his lawful successor and bidding his Council swear allegiance to the new dynasty, the last of the thirteen Valois kings passed to his doom.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lawful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    actionable; admissible; applicable; authentic; authoritative; authorized; balanced; binding; candid; cogent; competent; consistent; constitutional; crazy; defensible; deserved; due; effectual; equitable; even; fair; fit; formal; genuine; good; honest; inartificial; judicial; juridical; just; justifiable; justified; kosher; lawful; legal; legislative; legit; legitimate; level; licit; lifelike; literal; logical; meet; merited; natural; naturalistic; official; original; permissible; proper; pure; real; realistic; right; rightful; sanctioned; simple; sincere; solid; sound; square; statutory; sterling; substantial; sufficient; true; unadulterated; unaffected; unassuming; uncolored; undisguised; undistorted; unexaggerated; unflattering; unimagined; unqualified; unromantic; unvarnished; valid; verbal; verbatim; warrantable; warranted; weighty

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    lawful authority; lawful commerce; lawful marriage; lawful money; lawful prize; lawful right; lawful things; lawful wife