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Example sentences for "logical"

Lexicographically close words:
loggie; logging; loghouse; logic; logica; logically; logician; logicians; logick; logics
  1. But the aspects of history, as seen through the lens of occultism, are not as a rule decorative, and have few gifts of refreshment to heal the lacerations which they inflict on the logical understanding.

  2. After Immanuel Kant had once and for good dissected the universe, it seems a pity that he declined to put his findings together, and take the last logical step of his magnificent demonstrations.

  3. As logical metaphysics, in recent times, Hegel reduced them to their utmost sublimation; and Hegel is excellent authority in many of our colleges, as well as with the good Dr.

  4. But even if granting this posture as a philosophical premise, is it a logical conclusion to insist, with Dr.

  5. By aid of Kant, with our short-cut to the logical and necessary end of his achievement, we have grasped the elemental source and solvent of man and his universe.

  6. Woodbury has been the most logical sequence, the most practical outcome, of the whole firmamental illumination.

  7. Sheets of her manuscript are scattered on the floor, illustrating the logical chaos which fills them.

  8. From this text it would be logical to educe a cyclopedia every month or so.

  9. For reasons that I explained earlier in the week we have had to change our plans somewhat from a strictly logical order, and the plan at present is that on Monday I shall go forward with the Czechoslovakian part of the aggressive war case.

  10. This principle of personal liability is a necessary as well as logical one if international law is to render real help to the maintenance of peace.

  11. Hannah Bumpus took the situation more grimly: she was a logical projection in a new environment of the religious fatalism of ancestors whose God was a God of vengeance.

  12. In going home he liked to accompany Böckh, so as in conversation to build some logical bridge or other from the old world to the new, after his ingenious fashion.

  13. But these are spiritual proofs, not logical proofs.

  14. No logical arguments and proofs of this question are brought forward; they are only suppositions and inferences from conjectures, and not conclusive arguments.

  15. First we must speak of the logical proofs, afterward the spiritual proofs.

  16. They proved things by reason and held firmly to logical proofs; all their arguments are arguments of reason.

  17. In the same way, by logical arguments, they would prove a problem at a certain time, then afterward by arguments of the same nature they would deny it.

  18. This is one of the logical evidences for the immortality of the soul.

  19. He alone has survived the ages by means of a series of ludicrous adjustments, until today he walks on two legs--the crowning absurdity of an otherwise logical Nature.

  20. My senses are logical in their pretenses.

  21. The logical reply is that, since Wealth is by definition only the means of life, a nation cannot be enriched by its own mortality.

  22. We can find no term in the gradation, from the ploughshare to the cathedral buttress, at which we can set a logical distinction.

  23. Every archæologist, every natural philosopher, knows that there is a peculiar rigidity of mind brought on by long devotion to logical and analytical inquiries.

  24. Consecutive logical thought being, after all, a tedious process, she had had no time to progress from step to step of deduction and inference; he had asked his question with a startling abruptness and as abruptly she had given him her answer.

  25. He wrote: The theory contains within itself the proof that the universe must, by logical necessity, be constructed according to said theory.

  26. Suddenly he began writing rapidly after the Either: "The universe is not constructed according to logical necessity.

  27. We could make C, therefore, that reality doesn't rest on a logical basis.

  28. It might be said to be a logical variable--" The students were in unanimous agreement and, at this point, Dr.

  29. Together they read, "Either: the universe is not constructed according to logical necessity, Or: the observable universe is not the universe.

  30. The peculiar thing about the theory was that it was so logical and so inevitable that the mind tended to accept it, believe it to be true in spite of the evidence of the senses.

  31. Let's postulate that your theory is the only logical basis on which reality can rest.

  32. Catholicism; for Protestantism has held fast only the principle of Christianity, and has arbitrarily eliminated its logical consequences; it has embraced only Christian faith and not Christian morality.

  33. Reduced to abstract logical categories, the creative principle in God expresses nothing further than the tautological proposition: the different can only proceed from a principle of difference, not from a simple being.

  34. It is the consciousness of the uncontradictory, because it is itself the uncontradictory unity, the source of logical identity.

  35. The difficulty is still further increased when protestantism, pushed to its logical extreme, eliminates the supernatural element, and tries to piece together the character of Jesus from the fragments that remain.

  36. I had no enemy except myself; or to put it scientifically, no enemy except the logical consequences of my past life and education, and these caused me a great and real inconvenience.

  37. In the pulpit, he puts ideas in logical relations, and aims at an object.

  38. In his logical dissections of error and defence of truth, a keener blade has seldom, if ever, leaped from its scabbard.

  39. In his mental development, there was an almost absolute equipoise between the imagination and the logical powers.

  40. Of a vigorous mental development and logical cast, he early became an able Preacher and commanded a leading place in the Conference.

  41. That the ways of God are mysterious is a logical necessity.

  42. The logical completeness and beauty of the whole system his final object.

  43. The only answer that's really logical is when this world gets too small to support mankind, go out and settle a couple more.

  44. It was a casually-spoken question, and the circumstances made it a perfectly logical one.

  45. There's been some talk of birth-control as the only logical answer to this overpopulation.

  46. It is easy to understand that the rejection of the Simon of the legends is a logical necessity for those who have to repudiate the Ebionite Clementines.

  47. No thoughtful mind can fail to see that, considering the function of miracles, this is the only logical and consistent course.

  48. And it is astonishing that this assertion should still be considered cogent, when its logical consistency has been shattered to pieces by a host of writers as well sceptical as Christian (Mill's Logic, ii.

  49. If we inquire how those think who are more logical and thorough in their belief in the supernatural, we find the distinction denied.

  50. In fact, from the very commencement of the direct plea for miracles, calm logical reasoning is abandoned, and the argument becomes entirely ad hominem.

  51. It requires but little logical perception to recognize that Epistles, the authenticity of which it is so difficult to establish, cannot have much influence as testimony for the Gospels.

  52. The deduction is absolutely logical and cannot be denied.

  53. This is the logical conclusion of every educated man.

  54. But the teachers were instructed in the subtleties of the 'Path,' and it needed no little training to follow the leader's thought to its logical conclusion.

  55. The rite is described and verses from the hymn are injected into it without the slightest logical connection.

  56. When one sees what subtlety and logical acumen these philosophers possessed, he is moved to wonder what might have been the outcome had their minds been as free as those of more liberal Hellas.

  57. We admire the spirit of the teachers in the Upanishads, but we have very little respect for the logical ability of any early Hindu teachers; that is to say, there is very little of it to admire.

  58. On the other hand the doctrine, in its logical fullness, was a teaching only for the wise, not for fools.

  59. In a word, exactly as in Manu, there are different philosophical conceptions, united without any logical basis for their union.

  60. For many a year Uncle Sammy Fired away at his logical forte: Discussion was his occupation, And altercation his sport; He argued himself out of churches, he argued himself into court.

  61. He fails clearly to distinguish thought from logical thought, although in one place he remarks that the formation of names has a more intimate connexion with wit than with judgment.

  62. He removed from Aesthetic its imperativistic character; he distinguished a form of thought different from logical thought.

  63. Grammar was held to be an exact science, and grammatical variations to be explainable by the ellipse, by abbreviation, and by failure to grasp the typical logical form.

  64. Even Wilhelm von Humboldt was unable to free himself altogether from the intellectualistic prejudice of the substantial identity and the merely historical and accidental diversity of logical thought and language.

  65. It can reduce expressive facts to logical relations.

  66. Narrative judgments, not less than those termed non-enunciative by Aristotle, such as the expression of desires, are not properly logical judgments.

  67. Herbart looked upon art as a complex fact, composed of an external element possessing logical or psychological value, the content, and of a true aesthetic element, which is the form.

  68. His intellectual world consisted only of the logical and the intellectual, leaving out the imaginative activity.

  69. The logical or scientific form, as such, excludes the aesthetic form.

  70. But he does not make this logical inference, and his thought upon the problem continues to be wavering and undecided.

  71. Without insisting on the manner in which they are urged by individual writers, we will take these two classes of argument in the logical order which they assume when we consider their general character.

  72. All logical socialistic conclusions drawn from premises in which some vital truth or principle is omitted.

  73. The logical end of all action is happiness; and happiness, so far as it depends on economic conditions at all, is an equation between desire and attainment.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "logical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    logical necessity; logical process; logical sequence; logical theory