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Example sentences for "unwavering"

Lexicographically close words:
unwashed; unwashen; unwasted; unwatched; unwatered; unwaveringly; unweaned; unwearied; unweariedly; unwearying
  1. The elector has already sent hither two ambassadors, whom he has authorized to give us the most fervent assurances of unwavering fealty," said Talleyrand, smiling.

  2. Ah, if I were possessed of your unwavering faith and cheerfulness!

  3. His remarkable quality was an unwavering and invincible fortitude.

  4. The leader of this wild warfare was Daniel Boone, the man of "unwavering fortitude.

  5. The stockade of the homebuilders was defended by an "unwavering fortitude.

  6. Happy, then, and worthy of all reverence, is he whose unwavering course through life has ever been onward and upward.

  7. From his very boyhood he was remarkable for firmness of principle, and unwavering integrity of purpose.

  8. And his unwavering eyes sought his father's.

  9. The fathers of the Aryan stock had an unwavering assurance of a future life.

  10. There is a minority of stronger and more resolute men who devote life with unwavering energy to the pursuit of what I may call private and personal ends.

  11. As an example of the unwavering seriousness of the Pharisee in the presence of what was intrinsically ridiculous, let us take his attitude towards the problem of keeping food warm for the Sabbath day.

  12. Sometimes Forbes drops in, and then from soup to the wine the conversation is sure to cling with unwavering fidelity to that topic of deepest interest--the strange and thrilling things that befell them when they were under Africa.

  13. But, if one man is worthy of special mention for cool bravery, for dogged perseverance, for unflinching, unwavering fortitude and unselfishness, that man is Guy Chutney.

  14. Long and deeply he looked into the limpid depths that returned his unwavering gaze.

  15. On came the Greeks, with one unwavering line of leveled spears, against which the light targets, the short lances and cimeters of the Orientals offered weak defence.

  16. Law's unwavering trust in a Spirit which guides faith and goodness into all necessary truth, led him to take a different course from the evidence writers of his time.

  17. The counterbalancing principle was his unwavering allegiance to reason, his zealous acknowledgment of its excellence as a gift of God, to be freely used and safely followed on every subject of human interest.

  18. They had gone in the even unwavering alignment of a competitive drill, closing-up, as those who fell left ugly gaps in their formation, until those who did not fall had taken the gun which the veterans had not been able to take.

  19. When at last she began to speak it was in a low voice, vibrant with repression, but unwavering and full of purpose.

  20. This unwavering faithfulness to the traditions of the past may become a curse to the living.

  21. Swiftly and straight each tongue of flame Through cloud and breeze unwavering came, And darted to its place of rest On some meek brow of Jesus blest.

  22. This gave him, in every part of the empire, men and women ready to encounter fire and sword in his behalf; it gave him unwavering adherents in every legion of the armies.

  23. Yet these eyes seemed to twinkle now, shifting without a trace of fear from the unwavering gun-barrel in Peter's hand to the unwavering glint in Peter's blue eyes.

  24. From three unwavering spots along the wall to his left glittered the blue muzzles of revolvers!

  25. Those plans Mrs. Fricker would manage to bungle and spoil; this was, at least, her daughter's unwavering conviction.

  26. But she gave the impression of being able to take care of herself, and her attractions, combined with Mrs. Bonfill's unwavering patronage, would have sufficed to excuse more errors than she had been found guilty of.

  27. How firm and unwavering his critical meditations and calculations were may be seen by a comparison of the Knight's Tale with its Italian source.

  28. Odysseus pitied his wife as she wept, but his eyes were firm as horn or steel, unwavering in his eyelids, and with art he concealed his tears.

  29. With all other things I could make the passage with an unwavering mind.

  30. I might have a situation as a Unitarian minister, I might have lucrative offices as an active Politician; but on both of these the Voice within puts a firm and unwavering negative.

  31. Go, my son, and through life may your heart be ever thus awake to such generous impulses, yet sustained and controlled by your unwavering devotion to duty and justice.

  32. That unwavering devotion to another, whom I esteem, because he is loved by you, only makes you more worthy to be won.

  33. The recollection of that last scene with Virginia in the park, of her unwavering devotion to her rebel lover, and her disregard of his own feelings came upon him now with renewed force, as he saw that rebel rival stand before him.

  34. She felt that it was due to her former love, and to his unwavering devotion, to grant this last request.

  35. Unwavering at our posts to stand, Till grateful to thy shrine we bring The tribute of a ransomed land.

  36. Saviour, thy law we love, Thy pure example bless, And with a firm, unwavering zeal, Would in thy footsteps press.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unwavering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    arrogant; assiduous; assured; balanced; calm; clear; cocksure; concentrate; confident; constant; continuing; convinced; cool; decided; decisive; determined; diligent; dogged; enduring; eternal; faithful; fast; fiducial; firm; fixed; grim; immovable; immutable; imperturbable; inalterable; indefatigable; indomitable; industrious; insistent; invariable; invincible; laborious; lasting; loyal; manly; nerveless; obstinate; overconfident; overweening; patient; permanent; persevering; persistent; persuaded; pertinacious; plodding; plugging; poised; pompous; positive; predictable; preoccupied; proud; rapt; relaxed; relentless; reliable; resolute; rigid; rocky; secure; sedulous; sleepless; solid; sound; stable; stalwart; staunch; steadfast; steady; strong; stubborn; sturdy; substantial; sure; tenacious; tireless; true; unafraid; unblenching; unblinking; unconquerable; undaunted; undoubting; unfailing; unfaltering; unflagging; unflinching; unhesitating; uninterrupted; unrelenting; unremitting; unshakable; unshaken; unshrinking; unstrained; unswerving; untiring; unwavering; unwearied; wholehearted