In an effort to reduce its dependence on foreign aid, the government is pursuing public sector reforms, including privatization of some government functions and personnel cuts of up to 7%.
Yet, although the whole of the personnel of the Grand Fleet were as keen as mustard to meet the Huns, frequent and almost unvarying disappointment had been their lot.
The worst damage to personnel had been caused by the gas-shell, for, before the fumes had dispersed, six men had lost their lives and ten others had been incapacitated by the poisonous fumes.
Its object was to destroy the enemy’s personnel and guns, to demoralise and disorganise his fighting troops and reserves, and not to capture ground or to hold trenches.
In January 1917 steps were taken to introduce into the Heavy Branch some system of signalling in spite of the many difficulties, the chief of which were: (i) No personnel other than the tank crews could be obtained.
Casualties in personnel were very light--only one man being killed and two wounded.
That as the machines are turned out and equipped they shall be handed over to the War Office for the purpose of training the personnel to man them.
The experiences gained pointed to the absolute necessity of allotting sufficient personnel to battalions for purposes of signalling and telephonic communication.
Senators come and go, the personnel of the Senate changes, one Senator will be replaced by another, but the Senate itself will go on as long as the Republic endures.
Bringing the consideration of the personnel of the committee up to the close of the Sixty-first Congress, there remain to be mentioned only William J.
Instead of manuals describing the many parameters and operations that military personnel need to consider, information is contained in computer programs.
Professionals ranging from doctors, lawyers, and military commanders to teachers, nurses, and office personnel rely more on memory than do factory workers on an assembly line.
There is little that distinguishes between a menu designed for the team of the space shuttle, for the military personnel in combat far from home, and the energy calculations for a machine.
The personnel of the ministry demands a moment's scrutiny.
From the first, the personnel of the War Trade Department was remarkably varied and variedly remarkable.
Some time ago my bankers gave me thepersonnel of the group behind the Universal Development Company.
It was evident at once that Spinney recognized the nature of the conference that had assembled in General Waymouth's room, and knew what the personnel of the group signified.
The effect of this change in personnel upon the doctrine of the Court soon became manifest.
First of all I was confronted with the necessity of making changes in the governmentpersonnel in various quarters.
To fill out the thin line, mortarmen and company headquarters personneloccupied the left flank positions.
The personnel and equipment priorities given to the first two raider battalions at a time of general scarcity had further fueled enmity toward these units.
Personnel in the Raider Training Center transferred to the newly formed 5th Marine Division.
And among the exclusive functions of the administrative side of the War Office is the recruiting of personnel by the Adjutant-General and the Military Secretary.
For this purpose it had been said that a few ships and a moderate increase in personnel would be all that was required.
The personnel of this artillery was increased by a third for mobilization.
It was very difficult from the standpoint of administration, though it was excellent training for the personnel of the hospital.
Meanwhile, many changes had occurred in the personnelof the House.
Yet men questioned whether it was wise to use up the magnificent personnel of the fleet in such attacks, when this personnel is none too strong, and when it takes years to train seamen.
Both in personnel and procedure they were admirably qualified to be the instruments of a thorough system of State intervention in matters of industry and agriculture.
There is no resemblance at all, either inpersonnel or methods, between the agrarian disturbances of our period and the riots of starving agricultural labourers who burned ricks under Captain Swing in the early nineteenth century.
Colonel Hausman, second in command ofPersonnel Division of UNRC, was the man to whom Meloni's message went.
Still angry, Meloni shot a message toPersonnel at Mexico City.
As a matter of interest to law enforcement personnel engaged in fingerprint work, a brief explanation of the preparation of such charts follows, along with suggestions and remarks based on long experience in these matters.
Many others do not attempt to keep a file because of either limited personnel or lack of funds.
Figure 361 shows fingerprints properly taken on one of the standard personnel identification cards from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Personnel with photographic experience may desire to use cut film with the fingerprint camera.
The Warden, a man upwards of fifty and consumptive, was the only one of the personnel left at the castle.
The personnel of the ranch often used to comment on the resemblance of certain youths laboring here the same as the others, galloping from the first streak of dawn over the fields, attending to the various duties of pasturing.
Then theirpersonnel machines must have whirred rapidly, electronic brains searching for the nearest available Planeteer officer with an astrophysics specialty and astrogation training.
The low gravity helped him cover the hundred yards to the personnel office in five leaps.
As he spoke, printed copies were being received in the platform personnel office, at Special Order Squadron headquarters on Earth, aboard the cruiser Bolide in high space, and aboard the newly landed cruiser Scorpius.
They say, 'It is the responsibility of the safety officer to insure compliance with all safety regulations by both complete instructions to personneland personal supervision.
The following personnel to report at Gare du Vert .
The personnel clerk asked, "Just why did you want to work close to the Dictator?
Ellaby stifled a wild impulse to scream and run out of there, run any place as long as he could leave the room and the personnel advisor behind him.
The personnel advisor pressed a button on his desk.
Certainly not," said the personnel advisor, staring blandly at Ellaby.