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Example sentences for "signaled"

Lexicographically close words:
siglos; sigmoid; sign; signa; signal; signaler; signalers; signaling; signalise; signalised
  1. Twelve minutes later the "Panther" was clearing the Gate, leaving a track of foam behind her as Davis signaled for increased speed.

  2. Halstead, whose ears were perhaps the keenest on board, listened and occasionally signaled for the launch to be veered a little either to port or starboard.

  3. Dick presently signaled the engineer for more speed.

  4. The next thing I knew Oleson backed out of your cabin, grabbed up a belaying-pin, and signaled to me.

  5. Shortly afterwards came another dispatch: "The United States frigate 'Franklin' has been signaled off Fire Island.

  6. Instead, he signaled to Foreman Corbett to run the craft out again.

  7. Had Harry escaped whatever danger had menaced him, Tom knew very well that his chum, after appealing for help, would by some means have signaled his subsequent safety.

  8. Tom covertly signaled his chum to pay no heed to this remark.

  9. Shouts of laughter and the click of ivory dice and celluloid chips signaled the direction.

  10. Tom took this man's lantern and signaled the motor boat as it stood in shore.

  11. When that charge was over, and men and horses, some limping, had gone back to their quarters, Mr. Pertell signaled to the daring woman rider to come to him.

  12. The men at the gun signaled that they were going to fire no more that day, and then, as it was safe, the young folks made a trip to see the extent of damage caused by the shells.

  13. Then he nodded his head, and signaled to Ted to give him a drink of water.

  14. Farnsworth looked sharply at Ted for a moment, then replaced his revolver, and signaled to lead the way.

  15. I looked about for the steamer, which was backing away from the pier at Port Annandale, and signaled her with my handkerchief.

  16. I laughed back at her and signaled Ijima to go ahead and then, as the water churned and foamed and I took the wheel, we were startled by an exclamation from some one in a rowboat near at hand.

  17. And Else hadn't her wrap on when a pilot came in, bringing news of a boat which had gone out at two o'clock to a steamer signaled from Wissow Hook and flying the signals of distress.

  18. During the battle American airplanes swept the skies clear of enemy air-craft and signaled instructions to the artillery, besides attacking the moving infantry, artillery and supply trains of the enemy.

  19. The officers often acted on their own initiative, and signaled to us the nature of their cargo.

  20. Presently the Emden signaled to us 'Hurry up.

  21. I signaled to the engine room for every available inch of speed.

  22. It was in a gale of shelling that the Vindictive laid her nose against the thirty-foot-high concrete side of the mole, let go her anchor, and signaled to the Daffodil to shove her stern in.

  23. As she lay she signaled invaluable directions to others, and her commander blew charges and sank it.

  24. He signaled that the tanks were coming, but they mooed as they moved and the aeroplanes of which he spoke in dots and dashes cawed most distinctly.

  25. The captain signaled the gunner not to fire again and he let it be known that this was nothing but a barrel.

  26. As she lay she signaled invaluable directions to others, and her commander, R.

  27. It was in a gale of shelling that the Vindictive laid her nose against the thirty-foot high concrete side of the mole, let go her anchor and signaled to the Daffodil to shove her stern in.

  28. A moment later he signaled Bruce out and called him over to them.

  29. Knowing Bud's men to be there in force he had signaled to Ricker that he would bide his time and wait for a chance to rescue his chief.

  30. After a few more terse words to his men, Bud signaled to Mason and they drew off to one side, leaving the cowboys muttering sullen threats against the Ricker faction.

  31. He signaled to the first horse-drawn vehicle that passed, but it was occupied, and the driver paid no heed to his call.

  32. Young Wharton signaled to a waiter who was passing with a wine- bottle in a napkin.

  33. The head waiter himself hustled forward and, catching Lorelei's eye, signaled her with an appreciative droop of the lid.

  34. As she danced away she signaled over her shoulder to Lorelei, who made haste to seek the cloak-room.

  35. They walked in absolute silence to the corner, signaled a car, and made as rapid progress as possible.

  36. Moving silently back to the door again he signaled Theodore to come to him, while as silently Jim slipped by and took his place.

  37. After a minute or two, a figure came out of the fog and signaled with a lifted hand.

  38. He went off and signaled the farmers to stop.

  39. Polynesia, the plotter, while the Doctor was occupied with his new patient, signaled to them and drew them aside for a little private chat.

  40. Then the Doctor signaled to Bumpo who came forward with the nuts and water.

  41. Grace hurried to the wing where one of the pages stood patiently holding the Glee Club poster, and signaled to the page on the opposite side.

  42. A moment later she signaled to the driver to stop the bus.

  43. She went to the door of the car, and from the platform signaled to a child of eight, who returned the greeting joyfully.

  44. Standing just behind the crank, so that he did not attract his attention, he swiftly signaled to the clerks, who saw the signal but did not know what it meant.

  45. Hold the open right hand, palm to the left, with the tips of the fingers toward the person signaled to; thrust the hand forward in either an upward or downward curve.

  46. Extend the right arm in the direction of the person signaled to, having the palm down; move downward by degrees to about the knees.

  47. Jack cut them loose and signaled to the boat.

  48. He gently placed the loop under the child’s arm-pits, and when this was done, and it was not accomplished without difficulty, he signaled to the onlookers above to hoist up the unconscious little form.

  49. When you signaled me on the headland, I signaled back that I was coming.

  50. McRae signaled to him to wait the pitcher out.

  51. It was evident that Reuter was "through," and Thompson signaled him to come in.

  52. At the door he signaled to Miss Kiametia to step into the hall with him, and after a quick glance at Kathleen's averted face, the spinster followed him, softly closing the door behind her.

  53. Without waiting for comment she leaned forward, tapped upon the front window, and signaled Henry to stop.

  54. I'll walk home," announced Kathleen, as Whitney signaled to their chauffeur.

  55. Horses going forward (if signaled from rear to front).

  56. About to charge if no instructions to the contrary (if signaled from the front).

  57. Letter of | If signaled from | If signaled from alphabet | the rear to the | the firing line | firing line.

  58. Preparing to move forward (if signaled from the front).

  59. AM--Ammunition going forward (if signaled from the rear to the front).

  60. Support needed (if signaled from the front).

  61. SSS--Support going forward (if signaled from the rear to the front).

  62. Ammunition required (If signaled from the front).

  63. G--Move forward (if signaled from the rear to the front).

  64. M--Bring up the horses (if signaled from front to rear).

  65. Letter of |If signaled from the rear | If signaled from the alphabet | to the firing line.

  66. CCC--Charge (if signaled rear the rear to the front).

  67. It was fast growing dark when a sound of laughter signaled the end of the journey.

  68. I attempted to take her up on this statement, but Tuys signaled me to keep quiet.

  69. He hated to be left out of the party and had signaled for me to count him in.

  70. On the 29th of May the Spanish armada sailed from the Tagus but, being delayed by a storm, it was not till the 19th of June that its advance was first signaled by the lookout near Plymouth.

  71. This he fastened to the spar, and signaled to those on shore to pull it in; then, side by side with the dog, he followed.

  72. The news had been signaled to the capital of the arrival of a ship from the Indies, and officials boarded her, as soon as she cast anchor.

  73. Captain Drake signaled to the vessels that each was to do its best; and, if separated, was to rendezvous at the spot before agreed upon.

  74. On the 27th their ships were signaled to sail to join those assembled near Dunkirk, to check the progress of the Duke of Parma's fleet.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "signaled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.