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Example sentences for "pointer"

Lexicographically close words:
poinsettias; point; pointblank; pointed; pointedly; pointers; pointes; pointeth; pointing; pointless
  1. The pointer was revolving rapidly about the face of the dial.

  2. He was busy watching the pointer on a dial which indicated the pressure of the gas, and the lifting force.

  3. The pointer of the gage, indicating the depth, kept moving around and soon they were several hundreds of miles below the surface of the earth.

  4. As they watched the great wheels spin around, and heard the hum and whirr of the dynamos, the boys watched the pointer which indicated how low they were getting.

  5. Now, who thinks he can take the pointer and point to the kind of girl I ask for?

  6. The pupil paused in her recitation, the end of her pointer resting upon the board at the angle under consideration, and she stood thus during the brief interval remarked above.

  7. It points to zero when the magnetic forces of the earth are in equilibrium, but let a magnetic storm occur anywhere in the world and the pointer will move by invisible power.

  8. This motion is very interesting, for the cart pulls the pointer and the pointer directs the cart, and between they calculate a table of Naperian logarithms.

  9. It rang some time before Father was found--some few minutes before; the porter did not hear it, but the pointer was turned down.

  10. The pointer in the washroom, indicating a signal from this berth, was turned down a minute ago," Connery had to reply.

  11. And yet there was Pussy washing her face, on the chart, and Miss Clara's pointer pointing to her.

  12. The Captain was fond of dogs and had an English pointer in his baggage.

  13. Lowering the chimney and hoisting the screw, the Yariag became a sailing ship, though her steaming propensities remained, just as the artificial bull-dog undoubtedly retained the pointer instinct.

  14. A pointer in need of amusement will play with another dog--the pair pretending to fight, and so on, but when there is work to be done, the dog is lost in the artist.

  15. It is a grand sight to see a really good setter or pointer working up to a bird, occasionally glancing over his shoulder to see if the man with the gun has not lost himself.

  16. It sailed in easy circlings near the surface, quartering the ground like a pointer dog.

  17. Now and then it would stop, like a pointer dog when close to a partridge, reconnoitre a moment, and then go on again.

  18. I have not falsified the pointer of the scales.

  19. Thy tongue is the pointer of the scales; thy heart is the weight; thy lips are the two arms of the scales.

  20. But is a pointer stronger and healthier than a mastiff, because the pointer through long descent and early teaching creeps stealthily to his game and stands to it motionless?

  21. One of the officers was a West Pointer and he laughed and took a cigar but the former non-com.

  22. The attitude of the average West Pointer towards his men is generally speaking the same as that of General Pershing.

  23. When an old West-Pointer and a professor of physics get together, they are sometimes able to put two and two together.

  24. Miriam, with an intonation worthy of the daughter of a West-Pointer and the descendant of an Aztec prince.

  25. Is this West-Pointer a permanent settler here?

  26. The mere thought of eating was sufficient to put the Puritan in good humor, and he was soon diligently scouring nooks and corners with scent for provender as keen as that of a pointer dog.

  27. He began eagerly sniffing the air with his great nose like a pointer dog.

  28. And the first pointer I desire to give you is this--if your lips ever again besmirch the name of Beth Norvell to my knowledge, I 'll hunt you down as I would a mad dog.

  29. Above, Irish Mike, sniffing the air as though he could smell danger like a pointer dog, hung far out across the parapet of rock, every eager nerve tingling in the hope of coming battle.

  30. The craving to chase and slay sheep is a mere perversion of this olden instinct; just as the disorderly "flushing" and scattering of bird coveys is a perversion of the pointer or setter instinct.

  31. Even as the unbroken pointer of the best type knows by instinct the rudiments of his work in the field so will many a collie take up sheep herding by ancestral training.

  32. In one of my two cube-dreams I was a gun-pointer on one of those machines up on the third level.

  33. But I haven't seen a symbol or a pointer or even a color used to give information.

  34. The gun-range screens are included in the primary circuits of induction coils; when these circuits are broken a spark from the pointer marks the paper.

  35. The patents cover means of eliminating springs of any sort from the mechanism, so that the hand or dial pointer is entirely under the influence of the fused bimetallic thermal strips.

  36. A pointer on this last staff also carries the hand that indicates fractions of a second.

  37. A weather vane, with two planes attached to the pointer at an angle of 80 degrees with each other, was made.

  38. Illustration: Pointer and Setter, Flushing Game] It is an interesting fact that the variation of a spontaneous sort, which is now taking place in our pointers and setters, is considerable.

  39. You will now see that if the ends of the C-shaped piece spread apart the least bit the long end of the pointer will swing over to the other side of the base.

  40. The pointer is attached to the base by a pin (D).

  41. The next thing is to make a pointer (B) nearly as long as the base, pointed at one end, and provided with two holes at the other.

  42. You see I want to be posted, so I can get a pointer on our speed if I happen to look along the bank while we're making a spurt.

  43. Doubtless more than a few of Mechanicsburg's admirers would be ready to take every opportunity possible to time the rival crew, so as to get a pointer with regard to their capacity.

  44. The slur of the West Pointer loses its point, however, with any one who has known many Mississippi River pilots.

  45. His pointer dog and his retriever also slept in the same niche.

  46. Hunt recites a case occurring in a pointer dog, which swallowed its collar and chain, only imperfectly masticating the collar.

  47. Another case: A friend of mine in Devizes had a litter of puppies unsought for, by a setter from a favorite pointer bitch, and after this she never bred any true pointers, no matter what the paternity was.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pointer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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