Nora's face was all smiles; every vestige of that little cloud which had sat between her dark brows a few moments before had vanished.
Every vestige of color had left her face; her eyes, dark and intensely blue, were shining; some of her jet-black hair had got loosened and fell about her neck and shoulders.
Of the ancient palace no vestige remained; and he could guess its precise site only by means of the masses of brickwork which he discovered by digging in certain parts of the garden.
Something he could not read, but that seemed to draw him strangely close to the old man, and freed him of his last vestige of fear.
And now all at once, the last sagging vestige of self-control went from her.
Whether the man had ever been to Ma-li-ling we do not know but we eventually found it to be a tiny village built into the side of a hill in an absolutely barren country where there was not a vestige of cover.
A Chinaman must always "save his face," however, and when they returned to Yuchi they arrested dozens of people on mere suspicion and executed them without the vestige of a trial.
Wheelock's school return to their tribes and, in a summer, sink to the level of the painted sachem, every vestige of civilization vanished with the knowledge of the tongue that taught it.
I felt Walter Butler's glowing eyes upon me, and they seemed to burn out the last vestige of my patience.
Within this apparently level plain is a vestige of a once higher level, the borders of which have been denuded by the continual action of running water during the rushes from the mountains in the rainy season.
It IS, simply because it WAS; but it should remain as a vestige of the past, and no longer represent the capital.
My dogs hunted every bush in vain, and the burning sun had dried out every vestige of scent.
On one of these occasions I got into a piece of thickly wooded country and lost my way; the farther I went, the less could I discover the smallest vestige of a human footstep.
Henry was evidently in painful excitement; every vestige of colour had forsaken his sensitive countenance, and his white hands shook as they held William.
The defeat of the patriots would have meant the hopeless collapse of the rebellion and the giving up by poor little Portugal of the lastvestige of her claim to Brazil.
It caused the lastvestige of Grecian civilization to disappear forever, and it caused Rome to fall with a crash that shook the world.
The hotel was quiet as if emptied; my room was vacant--and more than vacant, for of my clothing not a vestige remained!
The first is like the hour-glass, and, their reading being on the sand, it runs in and runs out, and leaves no vestige behind.
Thus passed six years from the time when Franklin sailed out of the Thames, and still no trace, no vestige had been found to tell the story of his fate.
Possessed by a gloomy fanaticism, its main object was to root out of the island every vestige that remained of the religion which had once flourished there.
Of the first monasteries and convents erected not a single vestigenow remains, because of the perishable materials of which they were constructed; yet each of them contained hundreds, nay thousands, of monks or nuns.
The world without was white with snow, the tall evergreens down by the now ice-covered Barbundle presenting the only vestige of green in sight.
Toppleton, there was not one vestigeof a garment in that clothes press from top to bottom.
Somewhere and somehow the people of Egypt must have developed from crude beginnings the architectural knowledge and resource which meet us in the oldest monuments, though every vestige of that early age has apparently perished.
Babylon, the later capital of Chaldæa, to which the shapeless mounds of Mujehbeh and Kasr seem to have belonged, has left no other recognizable vestige of its ancient magnificence.
A little to the north of this stood a smaller temple, of grey veined marble, whereof almost everyvestige is obliterated.
At this moment not a vestige of these is to be discovered.
Not a vestige remains of the temple of Emesa, which was equalled in poetic style to the summits of Mount Libanus; while the ruins of Balbec, invisible to the writers of antiquity, excite the curiosity and wonder of European travellers.
Theatres and amphitheatres seem peculiarly calculated to resist the outrages of time; yet not a vestige of these are to be seen on the site of Agrigentum.
The theory of a common Asiatic centre from which all the races of mankind have migrated is given up as unsupported by the slightest vestige of evidence.
So, with the same calm deliberation that I cooked my breakfast, I destroyed every vestige of my correspondence; and, one night went to the river to seek relief.
I never said he was fond of her," she answered, with just the vestige of a twinkle in her eyes.
There was not the faintest vestige of a blush upon her face.
Am I to understand," said Courtlandt, without thevestige of a smile, "that you mean to begin by cutting all your former friends?