Heart, make another Ligature of a running knot, which may be loosen'd or fastned as there shall be occasion.
Then make a strongLigature on the upper part of the Arterie, not to be untied again: but an inch below, videl.
A knife was put on Miss Fay's lap; the curtain lowered, the knife pitched on to the platform, and behold the Indescribable Phenomenon stepped from the cabinet with the ligature that had bound her wrists and neck severed.
The committee can feel them, and feel the knots at the wrists; but they cannot discover whether the ligature connecting the wrists is entire.
The last trick, be it recollected, consists in the ligature being cut and Miss Fay's coming free to the front.
After a fortnight, more or less, has been devoted to such measures, a strong ligature should be tied as tight up as possible around the base of the growth, and a fresh one should be applied every second day.
When a ligature cannot be applied, the body should be seized with a proper pair of forceps, and it should then be turned round and round several times.
This is easily done, and it is seldom that a vessel requiring ligature is divided.
Other than the corrections listed above, printer's inconsistencies in spelling, hyphenation, and ligature usage have been retained.
The words "Phoenix" and "Oenone" uses an oe ligature in the original.
Treatment consists, when desired and practicable, in the removal of the growths by the knife, or in large and pedunculated tumors by the ligature or by the galvano-cautery.
The filiform and digitate varieties may be snipped off with the scissors, and the base touched with nitrate of silver; or a ligature may be used.
Should a vessel spring, a ligaturemay be thrown around it.
He says: "It consisted in passing a strong and well-waxed silk ligaturealong the track of the fistula into the bowel.
The rectum has been dragged down with volsella forceps to apply a ligature to a point high up, but in some of these cases the acupressure pin {927} with the twisted suture will be found more convenient.
The plan adopted by Chassaignac was to pedunculate the piles by tying a ligature around the base and drawing them down.
My bivalve expanding speculum was previously introduced, and by its use there was no difficulty {923} in seeing and seizing the ligature and bringing it out through the anus.
A ligatureto the common duct in animals is followed in so short a time as two weeks by hyperplasia of the connective tissue and atrophy of the gland-elements.
He passed a sponge armed with a double ligature into the bowel, and, directing an assistant to make traction upon the threads, the bleeding was checked.
In superficial wounds near the tip the oozing is efficiently arrested by sutures, but in deeper wounds a ligature must be applied to the bleeding vessel.
With the object of preventing the dissemination of infective material, a ligatureshould be applied to the internal jugular vein in the neck before the sinus is opened, as was first recommended by Victor Horsley.
The patient must be put to bed and kept quiet until the ligature and tumor come off, which will be in about six or seven days, sometimes sooner.
After the ligature is applied and tightened, apply arnicated water to the parts, and a large, warm poultice of superfine slippery elm bark, wet so as not to be too soft and slippery, on the face of which Arnica may be put.
The intestines neither there nor elsewhere were morbidly adherent; but the fold of intestines immediately opposed to the cicatrix presented a line of contraction as if a ligature had been tied round the gut.
The jugular veins of swine lie too deep, and are too much imbedded in fat to admit of their being raised by any ligature about the neck; it is, therefore, useless to attempt to puncture them, as it would only be striking at random.
This vein will become easily discernible if a ligature is tied firmly around the leg, just below the shoulder.
Ligature of the brachial at the junction of the middle and lower thirds of the arm.
Cases in which an incision and the ligature of a parietal artery are indicated are very rare.
In one instance of ligature of the anterior tibial artery for such hæmorrhage three-quarters of the whole lumen of the vessel had been devitalised.
When neither amputation nor direct local ligature is practicable, proximal ligature may be of use.
At the same time such operations as are necessary are mostly of capital importance, such as the treatment of fractures of the skull, abdominal section, the ligature of arteries, and amputations.
Proximal ligation of the artery combined with double ligature of the vein, as adopted in case 15 by Colonel Lewtas for a varicose aneurism, might offer advantages in some situations.
In the case of popliteal arterio-venous aneurisms a number were successfully treated by proximal (Hunterian) ligature, and by single ligature immediately above the sac.
Given favourable conditions, it might be treated locally by ligature at the time, while if hæmorrhage is not proceeding, developments should be awaited before proceeding to amputation.
This success appeared to justify the use of the catgut ligature in the human subject, and for a while the results were entirely satisfactory.
To illustrate this opinion, his work on the ligature may be taken.
The surgeon was immediately sent for to examine it; and the ligature came away with the slightest touch.
It is proved by the ligature that there is a transit of the blood from the arteries to the veins; whereby it is demonstrated that a perpetual movement of the blood in a circle is brought about by the beat of the heart.
It is easy for us to see that speedy death from loss of the circulating blood is practically the same as death from ligature of the arteries of the brain, or from drowning, or strangulation, or a broken neck.
Elimination by the knife and elimination by the ligature are, for present purposes, then, one and the same thing.
If a nerve be divided, or have a ligatureput round it, sensation is intercepted.
If the ligature be too tight, the blood will not flow through the opening in the vein.
Might loosen thatligature now--just a few seconds.
Ligature above the elbow stopped most of the rest--though some sneaked past that point, I'm pretty sure.
This last adornment is also worn by men, who dispense with the use of other forms of bracelets, but who usually adorn the upper arm with a finely plaited ligature made of a dark fibrous vine.
The cord should be tied with sterile tape made for the purpose, or heavy twistedligature silk, or a narrow, ordinary, strong tape, previously boiled.
A very good way to ensure against such an accident is to cut the cord one inch from the ligature nearest the baby, then turn this inch backward and retie with the same ligature, thus making a double tie at the same spot.
Parry cut the tight ligature without excising the bitten skin and then injected xv.
It is superfluous to enter into a criticism of the treatment of snakebite until recently in vogue, for, with the exception of the local one by ligature and excision, it stands self-condemned by its complete inefficiency.
Ligature and excision of the bitten skin have usually been practised and much of the poison eliminated before the antidote is applied.
She does not suspect snakebite, and no ligature is applied until the poison has been absorbed and overpowers her.
Ligature applied and finger chopped off, but condition of child very precarious when admitted to Toowoomba Hospital, after a night's journey, at daylight, in complete collapse.
The bitten skin was at once excised, another firm ligature applied, whisky administered, and a hurried start made for Dr.
By a powerful effort of the will, however, persons in this condition are often able to walk and even run for some distance, especially if by prompt ligature the absorption of the poison has been checked.
Such a ligature should remain in place during a whole lifetime; and in case it should come undone or the wire should break, it will be necessary to renew the operation.
He first used a thread of silk, afterward a silver one, and tightened the ligature every day until the epulis fell off.
As may be seen from the above quotation, in the days of Abulcasis replanting was already performed, although it is probable that the ligature was then left permanently.