The Verb is "deserve," for which wesubstitute the phrase "are deserving of".
The Verb is "takes in," for which we may substitute the phrase "are persons taking in.
Lactantius had not sufficiently answered the Epicurean dilemma; it is the substitute propounded to supply that father's deficiency.
Where there are only a few, they should be conveniently placed, to allow water from a pot with a rose mouth to be poured frequently over them, which is the best substitute for the syringe.
They would grow without it, and several of them would also grow by being suspended in the house, without earth or any substitute about their roots, by being frequently sprinkled with water.
As Zahn has shown, Ignatius is not striving to introduce a special form of ministry, nor is he endeavouring to substitute one form for another.
The appeal to an Absolute on the other hand is only to substituteone difficulty for another.
Most of the broadsides and single sheets generally which have escaped have done so only by virtue of the 16th-century custom of using waste of this kind as a substitute for wooden boards to stiffen bindings.
But I will leave these considerations, and substitute for them a few words in praise of the amiable Ambassadress, whose French vivacity has not yet given place to the melancholy, ponderous follies of English fashion.
On the Boulevards I found all just as it was: in the Palais Royal, the Duke of Orleans has begun to substitute new stone buildings and an elegant covered way for the narrow old wooden galleries, and other holes and corners.
Shad is a most satisfactory substitute for the French restauranteur's delight--loup de mer.
A substitute for the French langouste, which is similar to a giant lobster minus the two long nippers.
It offered itself indeed in a variety of colours, some of which were not remarkable for their freshness or purity.
I think most visitors find the place rather alarming and wicked-looking.
But the healthier state of mind surely is to lay no tax on any really intelligent manifestation of the curious, and exquisite.
Genoa is the tightest topographic tangle in the world, which even a second visit helps you little to straighten out.
An old friend of Italy coming back to her finds an easy waking for dormant memories.
The temperature was now such as to deprive the good gentleman of his usual resource of sitting in the court, and he had not yet discovered an effective substitute for this recreation.
Did he want to put Mr. Flack forward, with a feeble flourish that didn't answer one of their questions, as a substitute for the alienated Gaston?
The modern tendencies of thought which we have been considering, get rid of the old metaphysical notion of the logical Absolute only to substitute vague psychological "states of consciousness" in its place.
In the agricultural districts, however, this was hardly the case, owing to the increasing tendency to substitute pasture for cultivation.
The aim always in view was to prevent any Power or combination of Powers from dominating Europe; to substitute diplomacy for the actual arbitrament of arms; to secure for England recognition as the true arbiter without involving her in war.
The savagery however of the earlier Tudor laws against vagabonds was mitigated, and honest efforts were made to find a substitute for the old relief of genuine poverty by the Monasteries.
The only one who did not seem to mind it was Hill, the substituteheavy weight, and that was only because he had not sense enough.
And that was the reason he was a substitute waiting in Montie Cunningham's room wrapped in two sweaters and a blanket.
To fix the birth of man in the tertiary period would be to travel out of facts now within the ken of science, and to substitute for observation, conjecture and hypothesis.
Persons of a musical turn, too poor to buy a sausa, may be seen playing vigorously on a substitute made of a number of thick sorgho-stalks sewn together, and with keys of split bamboo.
In morbid cases biting may even become a substitute for coitus.
He was prepared to substitute for the Instrument a Parliamentary constitution, provided that four conditions were admitted as fundamentals to be handed down to posterity as unassailable.
It is sufficient to say that the basis which Parliament proposed to substitute for the Instrument was the revival of the negative voice, so that no constitutional innovation could be made without the Protector's consent.
The State which is Catholic par excellence is a by-word for misgovernment, because the orthodoxy and piety of its administrators are deemed a substitute for a better system.
The Athenian idea of a Republic was to substitute the impersonal supremacy of law for the government of men.
What war is among States, the feud is in feudal society, and the vengeance of blood in societies not yet matured into States--a substitute for the fixed administration of justice.
They showed no sense of their mission to renovate Catholicism; and it seemed that they would compound for the concession they wanted, by yielding in all other matters, even those which would be a practical substitute for infallibility.
The meaning of this intimation, that persecution would do as a substitute for infallibility, was that the most glaring obstacle to the definition would be removed if the Inquisition was recognised as consistent with Catholicism.
After being roasted and ground, Chiccory is mixed with coffee in various proportions, and thus forms a pleasant beverage; or, if used alone, will be found a tolerable substitute for genuine coffee.
In France and Canada, the seeds are used as a substitute for pease, both green and ripe, in soups and other dishes.
When fully ripened, it is exceedingly tough, fibrous, and porous, and is sometimes used as a substitute for sponge: whence the name.
No plant is better adapted for forcing; and, in winter or spring, it may be made to form an excellent substitute for Cabbage, Coleworts, or Spinach.
The ripe seeds, roasted and ground, furnish a palatable substitutefor coffee.
The flowers are also sometimes used in the manufacture of bitter beer, and, along with Wormwood, made, to a certain extent, a substitute for hops.
The roots, after being dried as before directed, constitute an article of considerable commercial importance; being extensively employed as a substitute for, or mixed in various proportions with, coffee.
When taken young, and properly dressed, they form an excellent substitute for turnips, especially in dry seasons, when a crop of the latter may fail or become of inferior quality.
It may be grown as a substitute for Spinach, in the manner directed for the Common or Green-leaved variety.
The young plants make an excellent substitute for spinach; and the leaves of some of the kinds, boiled when nearly full grown, and served as greens, are tender and well-flavored.
The leaves are sometimes employed early in spring as a substitute for Spinach; but their downy or hairy character renders them less valuable for salad purposes than those of some of the varieties of the Common Corn Salad.
The surplus plants will be found an excellent substitute for spinach, if cooked and served in like manner.
When the policemen scattered the crowd Mickey's substitute had not a paper remaining.
Finding a suitable place to work, she swiftly and deftly selected perfect, straight evenly coloured ones, cutting them the same length, then binding the tip ends firmly with raffia she had brought to substitutefor grass.
I suppose you heard his anecdote about the pew-opener who thought that matins were a substitute for oil-cloth?
Have you heard whether there is to be any substitute for the sweep this year?
The first witness called was John Daviot, Esquire, Sheriff-Substitute of Mid-Lothian.
Wit is often a meagre substitute for pleasurable sensation; an effusion of spleen and petty spite at the comforts of others, from feeling none in itself.
We were infested at one time with a set of ominous-looking seers, who shook their heads and muttered obscurely about some mighty preparations that were making tosubstitute the rule of the minority for that of the majority.