The railways were deliberately constructed to permit of a sudden attack upon Belgium, such as was carried out in August last.
The British censor, however, refused to permitits appearance there, and thus it was printed in the United States for the first time by THE NEW YORK TIMES on Feb.
We must therefore keep our eyes open, as the circumstances are momentarily changing, and do not permit us to let escape certain advantages which we can secure by an active and rightly acting diplomacy.
Your Excellency, I permit myself to repeat the question: What have you come to do among us?
Really you must have a good cheek--permit me this undiplomatic expression--and a Servian cheek, in order to have the audacity to come here and tell us tales.
We rely on the sympathy and support of great and sisterly Russia, who knows that our foes have been conspiring against our independence and our progress, and who will not permit our prestige to be crushed.
Only the rows of flesh-colored oval faces, that immediately turn up to greet each flight of an airman, permit the strength of forces to be estimated at such great distances.
But his Majesty's Government have now provisionally come to an arrangement with the rubber exporters in Great Britain which willpermit of licenses being given under proper guarantees for the export of rubber to the United States.
Nay, Griselda, I will not permit such a possibility to enter my head, or wake a sorrowful echo in my heart.
Pardon me, fairest of your sex," said Sir Maxwell; "permit me to ask you to withdraw.
Sir Maxwell Danby, who had been watching his opportunity, now came forward: "If you have quite done with yonder Niobe, will you permitme to escort you to your chair?
He had never opened his mouth on this subject to a human being before, had not believed it possible to be on such terms with anybody as to permit him to unbosom himself.
Do you imagine for an instant that I shall permit you to give me a daughter-in-law out of a cheap boarding house?
The only relaxation he seemed to permit himself at Kerfontaine was a game of chess in the evening with his father.
Permit me to remind you that you have duties towards the name which you honoured me by accepting.
If you will permit me to say so, I do not know how she came to marry you.
Did my years and health permit I would myself fulfil the duty, but if you do not wish to have my death at your door you will accept the chaperonage of the Marquise de Beaulieu.
It will always be a life-long regret to me that you would not permit me to remove you to Villa San Giuliano.
Madame la Comtesse will permit me to observe that frillings round the face are out of date now," said the assistant doubtfully.
Permit me to say that I don't believe you are really frightened of anybody in the world," observed Tristram smiling.
It will not consort very well with my dignity (to which you must permit me to hold) if I approve my son's choice only to find that M.
Yet no true Englishman would ever permit himself to be so enthusiastic about the Church.
I have much feeling for your wife, and I shall never permit you, if I can prevent it, to do anything that may wound her.
De grace, Monsieur, permit me to avail myself of your so kind offer!
And now, if your Lordships will permit me, I will state the method of my future proceeding, and the future proceeding of the gentlemen assisting me.
If your Lordships will now permit me, I will state one of the many places in which he has avowed these principles as the basis and foundation of all his conduct.
Permit me"--and he handed me a little leather box filled with Russian cigarettes.
Only permit any one feeling or passion to master you--allow it to increase by never being in the slightest degree checked, and it is horrible to what an excess it will carry you.
I constantly met her at the colonel's house, and she invited me to come and see her at her own, but I knew that my mother would not permit me, so I did not ask.
She congratulated me upon my little independence, and trusted that we should ever be on friendly terms, and that I would come and visit her whenever my avocations would permit me.
Should I permit him to wear out his days in sorrowing for my loss--oh, no!
I am satisfied with your obedience, madame, and now I permit you to embrace me.
You must excuse your parents' faults as much as you can, since your education will not permit you to be blind to them, and you must treat them with respect from a sense of duty.
Nay, howsoever punishable were Duke Friedland's purposes, yet still the steps Which he hath taken openly permit A mild construction.
If youpermit These chiefs to separate, so unanimous Bring you them not a second time together.
The recollection of my former condition would permit me to make only a bad use of the present.
You must lay the blame on those who would not permit men having their own speculations to exercise them.
Permit me therefore to crave your indulgence if the following researches should remove their object from the sphere of sense while endeavouring to draw it towards the understanding.
It is however difficult to attribute to them an inventive faculty, such as would permit them to merit the title of creators.
Evil appears under the form of monsters wandering on the deep, or of Cyclops confined in volcanic islands; but God causes them to destroy one another, and does not permit them to do hurt to the good.
Mamma, if you will permit me, I shall gladly go to Lester, either with or without Elsie.
Permit me to remark, Mr. Ross, that so disrespectful an allusion to my honored grandfather can never be other than extremely offensive to me, and to all his children and grandchildren.
Murat pressed him to permithis soldiers to occupy the city.
The Sinopian governor did not permit them to be welcomed in so friendly a manner as at Trapezus.
From any other standpoint I believe few Frenchmen ever permit themselves to dwell upon the ruin and suffering the present cataclysm has brought upon their country.
We passed over this bridge and were asked to note its width--only enough to permit the passage of one car at a time.
For a while, the feeling that they had broken loose from the supreme authority put the sailors into a riotous state; but Martin Alonzo was not the man to permit that.
The other would not permit me to be murdered, and threatened to fight and cry out if the design were persisted in; so I was spared on condition of taking an oath not to reveal what I had seen.
They had come with a message, whose importance would permit no delay, to the Regent Mardion, who stood between Zeno and Iras, gazing gloomily at the ground with a frowning brow.
The inexorable destroyer is less willing to permit this from the Queen of Egypt.
If he was not fully satisfied, he did not permit Elliston to note the fact.
I am not hungry, woman, but I appeal to you to permit me to go from this place.
I can read you like a book, and it maybe that I shall conclude not to permit you to have your way in this matter.
It will not do to permit him to languish in prison.
And then, I confess, it seemed to me unlikely that Maltby would permit anything of the sort to go too far.
You will permit me to visit you soon again, and we will speak of much which cannot now be discussed.
George Jernam entreated her to permit him to go to Allanbay and bring the little girl to her mother, but she would not consent.
His old friend stole softly from the room, and cautioning the household not to permit him who must now be regarded as their master to be disturbed, he went out, and proceeded to the search.
Permit me thank you for that tribute," answered Lady Eversleigh.
Will Mrs. Jernam ever permit me to thank her for her goodness to my child?
My own debts are too pressing to permit of my helping her; and such being the case, the best thing she can do will be to get back to the Continent as soon as she can.
In the name of common sense, we ask if men who encourage or permit such atrocities are fit to control and guide the destinies of eight millions of people.
Sire," said De Mouy, advancing a step, "will your Majesty permit me?
Having paid some attention to your majesty's affairs, as you see, will your majesty permit me to devote a little time to my own?
I understand, of course, that your majesty will permit me to do the best I can for myself, and I am grateful to you for this; but where shall I arrest the King of Navarre?
Then your majesty will permit me"-- Marguerite held out her hand, the baroness kissed it respectfully, made a low courtesy and went out.
Why, just now, for the twentieth time, I asked his Majesty whether he would still permit all those bravadoes which the gentlemen of the reformed religion indulge in, since their admiral was wounded.
Jim Williams was a patroller, and how he did like to catch a nigger off de farm without a permit so he could whip him.
You see whenever a darky would get a permit to go off and wouldn't come back dey would put de "nigger hounds" on his trail and run dat nigger down.
Not until the morning had gone, and she rolled again up Fifth Avenue towards the hotel, did she permit her thoughts to return to the stifled agony within her heart.
Even when his aunt, trembling in every limb, had brought him secretly from the kitchen a cup of coffee and a plate of waffles, he had refused to unlock his door and permit her to enter.
To do anything which would give cause for ill-natured remarks was to find Richard the excuse which would permit him active interference.
If you waltz with Lord Francis Eltham, you permit him to take a liberty with you in public you would not allow under any other circumstances.
Richard is not himself now; if you permit him to force a fight upon you, you will both sorrow for it all your lives.
It was a fad of the doctor's never to permit himself to show the least haste or excitement.
This gave Frederic time to recover, and the more effectually because the Austrians had the imprudence to permit the return of deserters.
How great would be the advantage of being able to cross a river with whole battalions, when it is necessary to attack or retreat before the enemy, and when time will not permit to prepare bridges!