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Example sentences for "flag"

Lexicographically close words:
flabbergasted; flabbiness; flabby; flaccid; flaccidity; flagella; flagellant; flagellate; flagellated; flagellates
  1. He is the adjutant-general of the force, hoisting the flag and wearing the uniform of rear-admiral.

  2. The lowering a flag in respect for the death of an officer.

  3. It is any flag or ensign, stopped together at the head and middle portions, slightly rolled up lengthwise, and hoisted at different positions at the after-part of a ship.

  4. To tie up with small stuff; as a sail is stopped when sending it aloft to prevent the wind from blowing it away; a flag is stopped to make a wheft, &c.

  5. An admiral still displays his flag exclusively at the main truck; a vice-admiral at the fore; a rear-admiral at the mizen.

  6. In the great ports she carries the flag of the commander-in-chief.

  7. Rear-admirals carry their flag at their mizen.

  8. The rank in the fleet next to that of an admiral; he carries his flag at the fore.

  9. A large flag or banner, hoisted on a long pole erected over the stern, and called the ensign-staff.

  10. The officer in command of the third division of a fleet, whose flag is at the mizen.

  11. The signal for sailing when hoisted at the fore-topmast head; this well-known flag has a blue ground with a white square in the centre.

  12. A large signal-lantern placed in the after-part of a top, in ships where an admiral's flag or commodore's pendant flies.

  13. The St. George's white ensign flag and pendant alone are used.

  14. The union flag used separately; in the merchant service it must have a broad white border.

  15. The swallow-tailed silk flag in use by dragoon regiments, instead of a standard.

  16. Arnold named Robinson's house for the meeting, and would make arrangements by which any flag should pass the outposts.

  17. There had just happened some firing upon a boat of the "Vulture", in going to meet what the British captain supposed or pretended to suppose a white flag displayed on the shore.

  18. It is said that his little vessel was the first to bear the American flag in an ocean victory.

  19. Liberty and Union" was to be read on a flag flying in Taunton.

  20. On a Hessian flag captured, see Lossing's Field-Book, ii.

  21. This gave the opportunity of dispatching a flag to the commander in the Highlands, to remonstrate against such perfidy.

  22. If there was a flag, does such use of a flag come within the purport of the military law which defines flags?

  23. The story of the flag of the "Bon Homme Richard" is told by Admiral G.

  24. He affirmed that he did not consider himself under the protection of a flag when he landed from the "Vulture.

  25. For Bedford,—notice of the flag borne by the company from this town in the Mass.

  26. Never mind," he said, as the animal broke away, waving its broad flag as if in derision.

  27. When we approached the place, a flag was run up on the staff of the fort, cannon boomed a welcome, and a great crowd of Indians and company men, headed by the factor, gathered at the shore to greet us.

  28. Now to work again, and then, if there is time, half an hour's sleep before supper, for my eyelids flag strangely.

  29. She looked positively dangerous; and within five minutes she had cut another flag out of the back breadth of the petticoat and flung it defiantly in the air.

  30. We made the flag that night, by lantern light, out of Tish's red silk petticoat.

  31. He told her to watch for a red flag as she came up the river; so when the party saw ours they landed.

  32. It bore a figure of Fortune, placed on a globe, with a flag in her hand.

  33. And Athos dashed again into the bastion, and bore away the flag unhurt, amid a volley of balls from the Rochellois.

  34. We can't leave our flag in the enemy's hands, if it is nothing but a napkin.

  35. They will hold a council, and send an envoy with a flag of truce, and when they at last find out the joke, we shall be out of reach.

  36. But this day, too, passed uneventfully away, the galleon, with the great golden flag of Spain flaunting at her stern, showing no visible sign of an early departure.

  37. I once loved the old flag as well as you do; I would have died for it; but now it is to me only the emblem of oppression.

  38. Though he was not allowed to ride the ridge-pole and wave a flag through the village, as he proposed, he had plenty of fun on foot.

  39. Every boat would fly her flag at the masthead, and at twelve o'clock noon every Manx fisherman on Irish waters would raise a cheer.

  40. A flag floated over the ruins of the castle, the church-bells were ringing, and the harbour-masters were abroad in best blue and gold buttons.

  41. The flag has a representation of a fir-tree under snow.

  42. Children clothed in white, with garlands on their heads and with lighted lanterns in their hands, are seen standing round an altar decked with flowers, on which a white flag with a golden lily has been planted.

  43. For a moment I saw a flag unfurling in a puff of wind, only to fall back on the flagstaff and hang there limply as if it were nothing but a dishcloth.

  44. All waited for the flag whose beautiful folds flamed afar in the bright sunlight.

  45. Councill unfurled his flag to the wind, and Bradley swung the eager horses into the lane.

  46. Councill himself held between his vast knees the staff of a mighty flag in which they all took immense pride.

  47. Councill furled his great flag and trailed it over the heads of those behind, and Flora and Ceres, and all the other deities of the grange upheld the staff with smiling good-will.

  48. Lovely creatures with their taper fingers had been brewing a flag for us.

  49. Weave but the flag whose bars to-day Drooped heavy o'er our early dead, And homely garments, coarse and gray, For orphans that must earn their bread!

  50. Exercises at the Consecration of the Flag of the Union, by the Old South Society in Boston, May 1st.

  51. When Winthrop Beresford came into her neighborhood, Jessie McRae's cheek always flew a flag of greeting.

  52. Gosse advanced waving a red bandanna handkerchief as a flag of truce.

  53. You put down the flag and then jumped off the box to wind up the starter.

  54. If you had not put the flag down I should have got out and taken another cab; but I felt that that would be unfair to you.

  55. Now the crew went aft and told the captain that they could not keep the "Wansbeck" floating much longer; they thought the flag should be put in the main rigging, "union down.

  56. So the flag was hoisted, and the men prepared for the end--without fear, for sheer physical misery had made them dull and silently reckless.

  57. The playhouses, he says, stand empty, with the doors locked and the flag taken down.

  58. Finding the Spanish flag flying at San Domingo, they came on to Jamaica on October 1, and there found a calamitous state of things.

  59. If the English flag were in danger from foreign cruisers, Australia would cease to employ our ships, and might possibly find immunity in separation and in establishing a neutral flag of her own.

  60. The nine millions of square miles over which the British flag waves are dispersed over the whole surface of the globe.

  61. This plant has produced twisted stems of the curious shape, with a nearly straight flag of leaves on one side, described by De Candolle and other observers, nearly every year.

  62. Another notable stable intermediate form is the poppy bearing the Danish flag (Papaver somniferum Danebrog).

  63. In September, Nott's column took Kabul and hoisted the British flag over the Bala Hassar.

  64. After a few minutes, Stephenson shouted to the horseman with the flag to get out of the way, for he was going to "let her go.

  65. Up to that time the number of stripes in the American flag had been eighteen.

  66. Lying at the point of death as she was, she would not let him delay his voyage, and gave him for a parting gift a silk flag to hoist when he reached the Polar Sea.

  67. Assisted by Polish refugees and men from France, they raised the red flag in Baden.

  68. The three terraces of the great Pagoda there were carried by storm, and the British flag hoisted over the golden dome of the sacred Pagoda.

  69. The Hungarian flag was hoisted above the Cathedral of St. Stephen.

  70. At Bracto, a Mexican commander with a superior force sent a black flag demanding his surrender.

  71. The British flag was hoisted beyond the Orange River and the annexation of that territory to Great Britain was accomplished.

  72. The mob sacked the Tuileries and hoisted the tricolor flag on the clock tower.

  73. Under a flag of truce, Santa Anna demanded Taylor's surrender, which was refused.

  74. San Martin held the banner aloft, declaring it "the first flag of independence which had been blest in South America.

  75. The great mutiny at Delhi was stamped out, and the British flag waved over the capital of Hindustan.

  76. This same flag was carried through all the wars along the Pacific Coast.

  77. Roman paving flag of the type that is found on the road between Termini and Punta Campanella.

  78. Zebulun's flag was white, with the form of a ship, for this tribe devoted to navigation.

  79. Simeon's flag was green, with a picture of the city of Shechem upon it, for the forefather of the tribe had conquered this city.

  80. Ashere's flag was red like fire, and had the token of an olive tree, because this tribe had much olive oil of excellent quality.

  81. Issachar's flag was black, and had two figures, the sun and the moon, for from this tribe sprung the learned men who busied themselves with astronomy and the science of the calendar.

  82. Judah's flag was azure, and bore the form of a lion.

  83. Reuben's stone had a red color like his flag, Simeon's flag was green like the color of his stone, and in this way with all the tribes the color of stones and of flags harmonized.

  84. Dan's flag had a color like a sapphire, with the figure of a serpent.

  85. Reuben's flag was red, and on it were pictured mandrakes.

  86. Benjamin's flag had a color composed of all the other eleven colors, and a wolf for his token, Jacob having described this tribe a "a wolf that ravineth.

  87. Endecott had cut from the flag half a century before.

  88. We have buried and delivered to the enemy, under a flag of truce sent in by them, in front of the Third Division, Seventeenth Corps, one thousand of their killed.

  89. For a time I attributed this result to the effect of General Cog's march, but later in the afternoon the signal-flag announced the welcome tidings that the attack had been fairly repulsed, but that General Corse was wounded.

  90. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flag" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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