The flags above the Speaker's desk were draped in black, and other insigniaof mourning were exhibited.
And yet the insignia of a noble name, handed down from generation to generation, and held up as an incentive to integrity and valor, may well be cherished.
She was permitted also to retain some insignia of royalty; and, as she was wont to talk of Hyder as the Eastern Solomon, she generally became known by the title of Queen of Sheba.
His successors considered themselves strong enough to cast off this allegiance, if not to usurp all the insignia of royalty, including the uraeus and the cartouche.
Then Odoacer sent the insignia of empire to the eastern emperor with the request that he be permitted to rule Italy as the emperor's delegate, thus putting an end to the line of the western emperors.
Their insignia of office, the miter and crosier, are familiar to every one.
These rooms are richly decorated, the gilt insignia upon a ground of brown and green being a part of the original frescoes.
The precentor and the dignitaries of the chapter, adorned with the gorgeous insignia of ecclesiastical vanity, came and went through the clouds of incense, like stars upon their courses in the firmament.
Footnote 221: These being theinsignia of the Pope, Florence, and Siena.
All these insignia probably belonged on their first emergence only to the nobility proper, i.
To make improper use of a flag of truce, of the national flag, or of the military insignia and uniform of the enemy.
To make improper use of a flag of truce, of the national flag, or of the military insignia and uniform of the enemy, as well as the distinctive badges of the Geneva Convention.
At the tailor's shop the wings and star insignia were sewn upon our collars and our corporal's stripes upon our sleeves.
Mounted on the hood was the competent-looking Vickers machine gun, with a long belt of cartridges in place, and on the side of the fuselage were painted the insignia of an escadrille.
They are his princely insignia and proofs of his royalty.
The shape of the insignia may have been destroyed, as in the case of the sixth swan's chain, in the Netherlandish story, but its substance remains, and as soon as it reappears the hero clothes himself with his own royal form.
The King commands me to demand the insignia of that noble order to which you once belonged.
But these were made with exceptional care, and are as nearly as may be facsimiles of the original, even preserving its illuminated illustrations, including the distinctive insignia of every corps in the Roman Army.
The dragon standard first came into use amongst the Imperial insignia under Augustus, and the red dragon is mentioned by Nennius as already the emblem of Briton as opposed to Saxon.
For college banquets, the appropriate Greek letter insigniacould be used.
Insignia can easily be formed of fondant, either as separate forms to be wired and used as place cards or as place cards attached to the little cases--paper or fondant.
Thus, in the case last cited above, many of the insignia can be cut from paste more easily than they can be modeled from fondant.
He was clad in long flowing red cotton robes, doubtless his insignia of office, but when John suggested that he remove them for the journey he refused indignantly.
The officer was young, but bore the insignia of his rank upon his person, which showed him to be the captain of yonder proud vessel.