The most opportune but not the most beautiful; the next to be described, though of the local order, was the most striking and beautiful manifestation of the Northern Lights the writer has ever seen.
And, so far as the conditions of the manifestation of the phenomena of contractility have yet been studied, they are the same for the plant as for the animal.
Some twenty men said that they would not sign unless Chamberlain did so, and he was then begged to sign, and, when he did, at once deprived the manifestationof all significance.
Crates is said to have given palpable manifestationof the theory in a globe, ten feet in diameter, which he constructed.
With this manifestation they parted, and the cacique was set ashore.
But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by the manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
But to each one is given themanifestation of the Spirit for the profit of all.
Another remarkable thing in this supreme manifestation of genius is that in the Virgin and the Infant, of such different, we might almost say such opposite expressions, the same features are noticeably repeated.
It must be allowed that there could be no more daring or more difficult undertaking in Art than to represent by any human medium this transcendent manifestation of the superhuman character of the Redeemer.
With this we must save you and your daughter from the half-breeds," said the trapper, a little impatient at this ill-timed manifestation of pedantry.
It was not possible for her to imagine that Mrs. Drupe could be otherwise than grateful for any manifestation of a friendly interest in her husband.
That is the reason why I want you to know exactly how this document happened to come into existence and what the real motives were underlying this outward manifestation of piety and Christian devotion to duty.
The son's love for French manners, literature, philosophy and music was rejected by the father as a manifestation of sissy-ness.
Drought is the manifestation of Heaven's displeasure at the infraction of Heaven's laws.
Might not the witness's indignation have been a manifestationof conscious innocence?
The next step in returning consciousness was but another manifestation of the same sentiment.
In spite of our lack of knowledge there have been times in history when a striking manifestation of nature's power has occurred.
After all, who cares for a law that does not affect our generation, but at most the third and fourth succeeding generations, and the manifestationof whose phenomena can only be recognized in three-century periods?
German mythologists, I suppose, consider the myth to represent the manifestation of some natural phenomena, and the individuals of the story to be impersonifications of natural forces.
Ashurst remarks that while the cutaneous surface of the stump was acutely sensitive to the touch, there was no manifestation of pain evinced upon handling the exposed nerve.
Chilblains are the mildest manifestationof this condition.
Conjunctival hemorrhage has been noticed as a manifestation of vicarious menstruation by several American observers.
An idiosyncrasy is something inherent in the organization of the individual, of which we only see the manifestation when proper causes are set in action.
In proportion as his nervous system became composed, and his strength improved, this unnatural manifestation of consciousness disappeared, and he ultimately regained his health.
Give what name to it we will, it is a manifestation of power which crosses our established laws of combination at a very open angle of intersection.
And now, before this new manifestation of that form of cosmic vitality which we call electricity, I feel like taking the posture of the peasants listening to the Angelus.
The whole world is but a manifestation of Vishnu, who is identical with all things, and is to be regarded by the wise as not differing from but as the same as themselves.
We owe you and your friends a good deal for calling attention to the natural graces, which, after all, may, perhaps, be considered as another form of manifestation of the divine influence.
I never thought it worth while to argue with them, for I have noticed that this disbelief is only a special manifestation of a particular habit of mind.
Of course neither Bathsheba nor Myrtle thought of him in any other light than as Olive's brother, and would have been surprised with the manifestation on his part of any other feeling, if it existed.
A geographer who was asked to describe the tides of Massachusetts Bay, would have to recognize the circumstance that they are a limited manifestation of a great oceanic movement.
Silence Withers looked at them as if they were a kind of melancholy manifestation of frivolity on the part of the wicked old earth.
For the creation of such a system as a high human intelligence, endowed with its ineffably perfect instruments of eye and hand, is a far more appalling manifestation of Infinite Power, than the making either of seas or mountains.
Thus he spoke much of the Fatherhood of God, but failed to mention that he regarded Baha Ullah as "the Manifestation of the Father.
The essence of being a Bahai is a boundless devotion to the person of the Manifestation and a profound belief that he is divine and of a different order from all other beings.
Acceptance of Baha as the Manifestation of God and following Him in obedience are the two conditions of discipleship.
Indeed his first Apostles to Persia bore the message, "I am the Manifestation of God.
Mirza Husain Ali, Baha Ullah, as the supreme and final manifestation in this universal cycle which began in Adam and culminated in Baha Ullah, who was God the Father in the flesh.
The Manifestation has two stations: "One is the station of oneness and the rank of absolute Deity, the second station is one of temporal conditions and servitude.
Thou art the King of the Realm of the everlasting, Thou art the Manifestation of the essence of the Lord of Glory, The Creator of Creation.
Bahaism casts Christ from His throne as the unique manifestation of God.
The supreme manifestation of social morality is always government and in formulating a politic, Baha Ullah most clearly earned our reverence as the prophet of modern society.
The fundamental assertion of Bahaism is that Baha Ullah is the Manifestation or Incarnation of God the Father.
The spirit of man emanates from God as an action from an actor, a writing from a writer--a manifestation of the Divine but not a division from it.
And if so, Evolution would seem to have had for its purpose the ever further and fuller manifestation of these dual and contrary inherences in terms of Life and Sex.
The greatest success which the Khilafat agitators achieved was when Mr. Gandhi allowed himself to be persuaded by them that the movement was a splendid manifestation of religious faith, as he himself described it to me.
Very often scruples are, as we have pointed out in the chapter on Nervous Diseases, only a manifestation of a nervous disposition sometimes on a hereditary, but sometimes on an acquired basis.
Men and women of prayer seldom suffer from nervous prostration in the ordinary sense of the word, and what is called that in them is very often the manifestation of some organic ailment which has not been recognized.
Here Wright showed manifestation of the Sampson temper, and I took him to be a dangerous man, with unbridled passions.
I watched Steele through all that hideous din, that manifestation of insane rage at his life and joy at his death, and when silence once more reigned and he turned his white face to mine, I had a sensation of dread.
If I mistake not, the great object of our museums should be to exhibit the whole animal kingdom as a manifestation of the Supreme Intellect.
But besides the elders there was a marvellous manifestation of spiritual life, inexplicable to us who have no experience of the life of a spirit without the body: for in chap.
But their hopes had not been realized, as the time had not come for the manifestation of His power.
While Rama is but a partial manifestation of divinity Krishna is a full manifestation; yet what a manifestation!
The popular poetry of Maharashtra, as exemplified in such poets as Tukarama, is an impassioned inculcation of devotion to Vithoba of Pandharpur, who is a manifestation of Krishna.
I had prayed to God to give me some manifestation regarding my boy.
The righteous, who had been looking wistfully for some manifestation of the coming of the Lord, whispered to each other, 'The Lord is dying for the sins of the world!
This reminded him that if there was one class ofmanifestation on this matter that he thoroughly understood, it was the instincts of sheep.
Still, to a close observer, they are just as perceptible; the difference is that their media of manifestation are less trite and familiar than such well-known ones as the bursting of the buds or the fall of the leaf.