I call your attention to paragraph 5 of the despatch; "It is noted that the Embassy intends to seek the Department's prior advice before granting Mr. Oswald documentationas a United States citizen upon any application he may submit.
I think that as long as they agreed to let him stay beyond the normal time of a tourist, that is a month or at the most 2 months, that they would then provide him with documentation so he could identify himself to the police.
Of 1962, and that, therefore, the Embassy would then have proceeded with the documentation and the processing, some of which had already been initiated to get them out.
Yes; but I see we also note that the Embassy intended to contact the Department again before granting any documentation to Oswald.
I discussed with the Soviet Ambassador the desire of the Commission to receive anydocumentation that they might have available, but I did not in any way discuss the case itself, nor did the Soviet official with whom I talked.
Embassy in Moscow that "An appropriate notice has been placed in the lookout card section of the Passport Office in the event that Mr. Oswald should apply for documentation at a post outside the Soviet Union.
But usually there was very little done in the American documentation until after they had received an exit visa from the Soviet Union.
General Marshall and his associates continued to view the commitment of black combat troops as an experiment that might provide documentation for the future employment of Negroes in combat.
The State Department claimed it was unaware of any such ban, nor could it find documentation to support the Army's contention.
The simple desire for legitimacy gives us very little to go on in the light of more than adequate documentation of the justice of the Lycoming view.
Aside from the comments of the Indians at the treaty negotiations and Smith's Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, there are only secondary accounts with little documentation to sustain the Pine Creek argument.
Although this writer questioned the validity of the geographic conclusions of Meginness and Linn, both have ample documentation for their findings regarding genealogy and national origins.
And finally, the probate records of the Northumberland and Lycoming County courts contribute some documentation concerning the material values of these frontier inhabitants.
Although he wrote when standards of documentation were lax and relied to an extent upon local legendry as related by aged residents, Meginness' views have a general validity.
The confusing variety ofdocumentation sources exists for many reasons.
If it turns out that you need more details, see the excellent |PPP HOWTO| from the Linux Documentation Project.
Reference Reading Documentation and Getting Help Kinds of Documentation On Debian systems, you can find documentation in at least the following places: * man pages, read with the man command.
The Debian Documentation Project has written some manuals.
Use the Debian Documentation Project manuals for conceptual explanations and Debian-specific information.
HOWTO/contains the Linux Documentation Project's HOWTO documents, if you've installed the Debian packages containing them.
They hold everything from documentationto configuration files.
However, it's nice to know that so much documentation exists!
HOWTOs In addition to their books, the Linux Documentation Project has made a series of short documents describing how to set up particular aspects of GNU/Linux.
The articles stay the property of their authors, and can be freely used according to Creative Commons or GFDL (GNU Free Documentation License).
Launched in 2001 as a free online collaborative encyclopedia, Wikipedia has offered articles that stay the property of their authors, and can be freely used according to Creative Commons or GFDL (GNU Free Documentation License).
Used when neither documentation nor source for the problem at hand exists, and the only thing to do is use some debugger or monitor and directly analyze the assembler or even the machine code.
A kind of {freeware} (sense 1) for which the author requests some payment, usually in the accompanying documentation files or in an announcement made by the software itself.
During the 1990 campaign, Carper's opponents' campaign managers told me that was true and that they had documentation that as early as his college days he beat up on the women he dated before he was married.
Besides describing general problems with documentation and listing several specific trusts where there were problems, the cover letter and the text of the report were mostly about the Vietnamese Orphans' Trust.
For Militia insignia worn about 1835, the best documentation is to be found in U.
A book, a painting, an invention are the documentation and representation of brain waves.
And when, detail by detail, his documentation had been completed, what endless sketches, experiments, rough drafts had to follow!
Unlike the preceding model, there was good documentation for this one.
The documentation of this work is far thinner than for the Thames Tunnel.
The documentation now available provides irrefutable evidence of crimes so enormous and follies so abysmal as to have no parallel in the six thousand years of recorded history.
This affinity between the two groups finds further documentation in the belief of one of Steward's informants that the Bannock Creek people must have come from Wyoming (Steward, 1938, p.
I am now the Chief of the Documentation Division, Office of United States Chief of Counsel.
The Field Branch of the Documentation Division was staffed by personnel thoroughly conversant with the German language.
Software That Should Be Supplied by Manufacturer Complete documentation should be provided, including listings, step-by-step user instructions, and some fully worked out examples.
Complete specifications and documentation for the programming system should be supplied, so that programs prepared by users can be made compatible.
Some of the statements in this documentation unequivocally plead guilty in this respect.
I can only hope that thedocumentation provided by this book will stimulate others to further study and investigation.