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Example sentences for "underwrite"

Lexicographically close words:
underweigh; underweight; underwent; underwood; underworld; underwriter; underwriters; underwriting; underwritten; undescribed
  1. The English issuing house sends round a stockbroker to underwrite the loan.

  2. The people I mentioned to you at my previous visit are prepared to underwrite the shares, provided that their agent's report is as favorable in its entirety as a telegraphic summary leads them to believe.

  3. Should any of them be men of means, my principals would naturally ask why they did not themselves underwrite the shares.

  4. For the same reason, he declined to underwrite her freight himself.

  5. Underwrite the Shannon a million pounds, to be paid by you if harm befalls my Helen.

  6. I've been 'asked' to underwrite the bonds, then unload them with minimal fanfare and keep a low profile.

  7. You name a major currency, we'll underwrite the debt offering.

  8. Michael, the amount I'm being asked to underwrite is a hundred billion dollars.

  9. But I'm not going to underwrite the rest of those bogus debentures.

  10. In a word we shall get Horse's Neck for a hundred and twenty-five thousand and have three hundred and seventy-five thousand left out of what we subscribe to underwrite the stock to put it on its feet.

  11. And the firm can underwrite the last hundred thousand, and that will clean it up.

  12. Is it all right for us to underwrite the stock ourselves at half price?

  13. Somebody's got to underwrite it; why not us?

  14. We underwrite the stock of Lallapaloosa at fifty cents a share, thus supplying the new corporation with the funds with which to purchase the properties of the old.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "underwrite" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accept; accredit; affirm; approve; arm; assure; attest; authenticate; authorize; avouch; back; bless; bond; certify; champion; cloak; confirm; copyright; countersign; cover; cushion; defend; endorse; ensure; fence; fend; finance; guarantee; guaranty; guard; harbor; haven; indorse; initial; insure; keep; nestle; pass; patent; patronize; permit; pledge; plight; police; promise; protect; ratify; recommend; register; safeguard; sanction; screen; second; secure; shelter; shield; shroud; sign; sponsor; subscribe; subsidize; support; swear; troth; underwrite; validate; vouch; vow; warrant