Mr. Murray does not exactly approve of this distinction, but prefers to class the intransitive and neuter together.
But he hopes the reader will avoid a rash and precipitate conclusion, either for or against, lest he is compelled to do as the author himself once did, approve what he had previously condemned.
I have told Murray to send a copy of my book on Species to you, my dear old master in Natural History; I fear, however, that you will not approve of your pupil in this case.
If you don't approve them all, we'll meet you where we can.
Evelyn is an attractive girl, and has some money; besides which, Sir James would approve her marrying you.
They are ultimately founded upon experience of what, in particular instances, our moral faculties, our natural sense of merit and propriety, approve or disapprove of.
We do not originally approve or condemn particular actions; because, upon examination, they appear to be agreeable or inconsistent with a certain general rule.
George told me she feared that you might not approve and do for him as you might otherwise have done.
I confess it is on different grounds from you that I approve of this war.
Mrs. Gullick did not exactly approve of Mrs. Temperley.
Henriette always made a point of being present when Professor Fortescue called, as she did not approve of his frequent visits.
The poor woman would have been among the first to approve of the whole scheme, though it places her here beneath the daisies.
If "believers are not obliged to approve of the conduct of Jephthah" are they free to condemn the conduct of Jehovah?
Now the whole force of this rejoinder depends upon our supposed obligation as believers to approve the conduct of Jephthah.
I certainly do not approve of such language, although they would tell me that it is the only word which is a fit response to your ferocious attacks upon what they hold most sacred.
Do you suppose that I can advise the King to approve such an administration?
This bookish, philosophizing, verse-making cynic and profligate was soon to approve himself the first warrior of his time, and one of the first of all time.
A letter-writer of the time does not approve what was done on this occasion.
Do you think that the royal Academy of Sciences would approve of--" "Oh!
The old ironmonger had too tough a fibre of integrity not to approve of Cesar's sensitive honor.
Despite Madame Birotteau's earnest entreaties, Pillerault seemed to approve of Cesar's decision and took him back to his own room.
I warn you that if you approve of it, it must be put into execution at once.
Tell your confessor of it next Sunday, and you will see that he will approve it.
If your religion is an intelligent one, you will approve of my idea.
To prepare her for the fatal news I asked her if she wouldapprove of her lover exposing himself to assassination for the sake of bidding adieu to her rather than making his escape.
I am his only child, and he will approve of anything which is for my happiness.