You have the facts a bit mixed up," Marvin replied, still smiling and nodding toward the chair, at the same time placing the coffee on the table.
And so it was that the sight of Millie smiling up at Thomas as he looked earnestly down into the girl's brown eyes set Mrs. Jones's heart beating hopefully--and sent her behind a curtain to listen to what was being said.
He assumed an air of bravado as he took the stand, glaring down at Marvin, who was seated not far from him and who was smiling blandly upon him.
Bill glanced at his smiling questioner with an odd look.
With a nod of satisfaction he shoved the papers aside and, smiling down at her, announced in kindly tones, "Your decree is granted.
Bill got up smiling from his chair and went over to Marvin, patting him proudly on the shoulder; but a look from the judge and a snarl from Blodgett sent him back again.
Bill grinned delightedly, despite his knowledge of the rather grave situation the girl's smiling comment covered.
He was smiling with affected indifference when he met Mildred, who had just come down one of the stairways, of which there were two, one leading to the Nevada side of the house and the other to the California side.
Smiling sadly at Millie, he added, "That is all, Miss Buckley.
Bill alone held faith, smiling encouragement at the lad who had been his only friend when his hour was at its worst.
Smiling to herself, Millie crossed the lobby and went into the dining-room.
And away in the distance before it, first lies the smiling Kashmir valley, and then the whole length of the Pir Panjal range, their snowy summits mingling softly with the azure of the sky.
Even when it is she who is making love, a staring and smiling crowd will not force her to desist.
Even the servants can keep smiling through three days of extra work.
But if they could see us at a funeral, or when we're suffering from cold feet, then they'd see us smiling and singing!
Only a very real love can survive smiling through that period when, from almost maudlin appreciation, a husband gradually sinks into the commonplace mood of taking his soul's mate "for granted.
Of course, there is always the question whether people are most happy when they don't look so, and whether they are usually most miserable when apparently smiling their delight.
You've got to get through this life day after day somehow, and time passes ever so much quicker for everyone if the hypocrite be a smiling hypocrite at all times.
Of course, the newspapers will tell you, for example, that Hampstead Heath was positively pink with happy, smiling faces.
Sweet the violet on the swelling bank when first it shyly bloweth, Pale and wan but cheerly smiling on its lonely sheltered dwelling, That is sweet, oh that is sweet.
And safe beneath them smiling spreads The green expanse of fertile meads.
Oh fair the glade where dewy primrose bloweth, And fair the quiet slope of hillside clear, Which, girdled with the sheen Of glorious summer green, Its smiling face like some tall seraph showeth, And in its sunlit lap the modest mere.
They are not at all useless," the nun answered, smiling good-humoredly.
Gore went to bed smiling to himself at the idea of Sarella's maternal interest.
He was smilingas though something pleasant had happened to him.
In some ways this old man was almost as much a child as his granddaughter, in spite of his long life, and Dick could hardly help smiling at his simplicity.
I didn't think you'd lift the weight off my mind as readily as that," he said, smiling at Fred.
He was feeling good and happy himself, owing to his own particular fairy smilingon him, I suppose.
He had been smiling at their wonderment, but he was now serious, and regarded them gravely.
Not from this taxicab driver," was the smiling answer.
The internal embarrassments of the Cabinet certainly must have taxed the smiling capacities of the Premier to the utmost, to say nothing of Ulster and the militant suffragists.
He, too, is in the secret work," responded the countess, smiling faintly.
He slipped into the seat next to Ruth, smiling at her.
Cethegus failed not to remark it, but, smiling calmly, he left the room.
And, in her intense earnestness, she looked more beautiful than she ever did when smiling in playful sport.
I'm afraid I shall have to, if I want to talk with your friends," replied the lieutenant commander, smiling coldly.
Oh, that was all right," declared their host, smiling good-humoredly.
Then, dearest daughter, let me answer the question ere you have put it, by saying there is a prospect as bright and smiling awaits your acceptance, as that you propose is cheerless and gloomy.
I know La Louve," said the marquise, smiling as she thought of the pleasure she had in store for the prince.
Patty, smiling fondly and giving Waitstill's hair the hasty brush of a kiss.
Sombre he was, distinctly sombre, in mien and gait; could she make him smile and flush and glow, as she was smiling and flushing and glowing?
Good morning Mis' Tillman," he said to thesmiling lady.
I suppose it's the spring," she said, wiping her eyes with her apron and smiling through her tears.
There was an air of cosy and amiable disorder about the place that would have invited friendly confabulation even had not Uncle Bart's white head, honest, ruddy face, and smilingwelcome coaxed you in before you were aware.
Here was something quite different from the smiling obsequiousness which had said so many pretty things to her pretty face, and had been so unwearied in belauding the gingerbread--which really was excellent.
He could not help smiling at himself, as he stood and wiped his face and neck, adjusted his necktie, and felt his collar, which had melted on the sunny side.
A thousand flow'rs, enamelling the fields, Declare the presence of returning spring; A various harvest smiling Ceres yields, And all the groves with vocal music sing.
Francis found him very smilingand glorious, but angry, and declaring that he would do just the same again if he had to choose his line of conduct.
Though grave and sad, Gowrie could not refrain from smiling at the very different view she took of human character from that which either prejudice or experience gives to man.
Moved as he was, Gowrie could not forbear from smiling faintly.
It wants its mother," said Dickon, smiling more and more.
Dickon went and knelt down by them, smiling his wide smile.
With the ivy behind her, the sunlight drifting through the trees and dappling her long blue cloak, and her nice fresh face smiling across the greenery she was rather like a softly colored illustration in one of Colin's books.
The exercise made her so warm that she first threw her coat off, and then her hat, and without knowing it she was smiling down on to the grass and the pale green points all the time.
Pushan had showed his teeth while smilingin approval of Daksha's abuse.
Concentrate your mind on one limb after another, beginning with the feet of Vishnu and ending with His smiling face.
Some exclaimed: -- "What better could the eyes feed upon than the lovely faces of Rama and Krishna, with the flutes touching their lips and their smiling glances.
While the Gopis were thus bewailing in melodious tunes, Krishna appeared with a smiling face.
Then give up all other limbs and concentrate your mind on one thing only My smiling face.
I cannot describe to you how beautiful they looked, with their rosy, smiling faces, and long black curls.
He travelled through Canaan, and the God of Abraham, says the Bible story, promised this smiling land of prosperous cities to him and to his children.
There is no smiling splendor of effect, which is always so enlivening.
The few weeks spent there were full of excitement and pleasant incidents, but over all, hung the dark shadow of the dreadful civil war, and hearts ached sorely, in spite of the brave talk and smiling faces.
It was one of those radiant, smiling days, which later on were to become rarer than charity, and the woods were positively festive with sunshine.
In the midst of this thunder and carnage, Aladdin came suddenly upon Peter, smiling like a favorite at a dance, and shouted to him.