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Example sentences for "usefulness"

Lexicographically close words:
used; useful; usefull; usefullest; usefully; useing; useless; uselessly; uselessness; usen
  1. There are many other examples in the Archbishop's Register of similar extensions of the usefulness of the existing ecclesiastical machinery, but these are enough to show the way in which it was done.

  2. On the suppression of the religious houses, the fine church of the Austin Canons supplied the Cathedral Church of the new diocese of Bristol--now happily restored to the dignity and usefulness of a separate see.

  3. The work which best befits the aged, the work for which no mortal can ever become too venerable and dignified or too weak and frail, is the work of Christian usefulness and philanthropy.

  4. Yet it is to be feared that, in the prevailing rage for what is striking and new, some eminent preachers sacrifice usefulness to glitter.

  5. The problem, then, in economy of effort is: How shall we use whatever force of sensitiveness and imagination we have, so as to get its maximum efficiency of usefulness and its minimum pain and inconvenience?

  6. But, when we turn to the usefulness of commodities, the case is not so clear.

  7. The club's greatest usefulness lies in the opportunity it presents of broadening the interests of the child, of opening to him, through books and discussion, new fields of thought and pleasure.

  8. We then spoke on a resolution which had been handed us by the Secretary, and which affirmed "that the increasing and acknowledged usefulness of Christian missions was a subject of congratulation.

  9. Thenceforward fidelity and usefulness would be his aim and mark his course.

  10. The education of a thoughtful, earnest boy or girl is ordinarily a good and profitable investment, for their value or usefulness may be increased many times more than that of the lamb or the acre of land.

  11. With every changing wind that blows, is a beautiful emblem of the strength, beauty and eminent usefulness of an intelligent and noble man.

  12. The leaven of gospel power and purity is needed, to give moral strength to the character and the highest degree of usefulness in life.

  13. Consider the postage stamp, my son; its usefulness consists in sticking to one thing, until it gets there.

  14. Beyond these dark and unpleasant experiences there awaited for Joseph a career of great usefulness in the land of his previous imprisonment.

  15. The private study of the Bible and Catechism prepared him for life-long usefulness as a teacher, discovered to him and his people his divine call to the ministry and enabled him to do the most important work of his life.

  16. A pretty oak tree is a beautiful emblem of the strength, beauty and eminent usefulness of an intelligent and noble man.

  17. The present is an opportune time for noting the results, in the way of increased happiness and added usefulness to these young people by one or more years of special training in youth.

  18. Then we urged him, for the sake of his own future, not to engage in a factional strife which might end his usefulness to the country, but he brushed aside every argument based on his selfish advantage.

  19. There were many avenues of great usefulness which a continuance of her life would have enabled her to pursue.

  20. They are just entering on their career of greater usefulness in public affairs.

  21. With the declaration of a state of war, however, the usefulness of the Council of National Defense became instantly more obvious.

  22. That ended Willard's usefulness for that day, just as it ended the usefulness of his captor, for both boys were fairly run out.

  23. For this reason things that are adapted to a certain end are said to be "useful"; in fact their very usefulness is sometimes called use.

  24. For the usefulness of sensible things is gauged by their relation to the preservation of the animal's nature.

  25. An idle word is one that lacks either the usefulness of rectitude or the motive of just necessity or pious utility.

  26. When friendship is based on usefulness or pleasure, a man does indeed wish his friend some good: and in this respect the character of friendship is preserved.

  27. The usefulness of this plant consists entirely in its flowers as cut bloom, the least bit of which fills a large room with its most agreeable perfume.

  28. Anyone knowing these will at once admit the usefulness of the plants under notice.

  29. None of the shrubby Candytufts can compare with this for usefulness and beauty; it comes into flower in May, and is in its greatest beauty in early June.

  30. It will be seen that the usefulness of this plant consists in its distinct form and tallness, and that it is effective is without doubt.

  31. Of the usefulness of this flower in a cut state nothing whatever need be said--who has not tried it?

  32. The usefulness of such a subject is notable not only to the gardener who has a keen eye to artistic effect, but to the lover of showy flowers (see Fig.

  33. The work is not only of supreme usefulness to the country--we have the submarine ceaselessly gnawing at our shipping and making our burden heavier--so we must produce everything possible.

  34. And so our women are inside the organized forces of defence of our Country--the last line of usefulness and service.

  35. It should, however, be accounted a deduction from the Senate's usefulness that it is seldom sure of more than two thirds of itself for more than four years at a time.

  36. This is the cardinal fact which differentiates Congress from the Chamber of Deputies and from Parliament, and which puts it beyond the reach of those eminently useful functions whose exercise would so raise it in usefulness and in dignity.

  37. A President's usefulness is measured, not by efficiency, but by calendar months.

  38. Still, it must be regarded as no inconsiderable addition to the usefulness of the Senate that it enjoys a much greater freedom of discussion than the House can allow itself.

  39. Yates speedily recognized the usefulness of this contrivance, for he found that the filling of a wooden pail in a deep well was not the simple affair it looked.

  40. One hoop-skirt, whose usefulness as an article of adornment was gone, would furnish delight and smoking material for a company of boys for a month.

  41. I trust you may be happy in our humble home, and that you may find some opportunity of usefulness in this new state of life to which you are called.

  42. But, whatever the justice of the public condemnation of Bragg, his period of usefulness in the Western army was at an end.

  43. The Democratic party, in its history, presents a high example of nationality; its power and its usefulness has been its co-extension with the Union.

  44. Let every man in this country who lives by brain-work get this daily "constitutional" at all hazards, and it will do more to secure to him future years of health and usefulness than almost anything else he can do.

  45. Seldom do they give their bodily improvement a thought, and so often, like their own teeth, they decay before their time, and materially shorten their usefulness and their days.

  46. How we shrink from the task and evade the lessons which were intended for the unfolding of life's great possibilities into usefulness and power, as the sun unfolds into beauty and fragrance the petals of the flower!

  47. The old cable was picked up, spliced, and continued to Newfoundland, and the two are still working, with good prospects for usefulness for many years.

  48. Wanted, a man who is well balanced, who is not cursed with some little defect of weakness which cripples his usefulness and neutralizes his powers.

  49. Scholars often leave their health, their happiness, their usefulness behind, in their great eagerness to drink deep draughts at wisdom's fountain.

  50. Great possibilities of usefulness and of achievement are, all unconsciously, going to waste within them.

  51. And I am further compensated by the belief that I have a distinct mission in life--a chance for usefulness that might never have been mine had I enjoyed unbroken health and uninterrupted liberty.

  52. This I did, believing it to be only fair that they should know what I intended to do, so that they might dispense with my services should they feel that my plans would in any way impair my usefulness as an employé.

  53. At first sight it may appear extraordinary that so eminent a missionary in the meridian of his usefulness was subjected to so long an imprisonment.

  54. This limitation to the usefulness of the Academy seems to depend in part on the small membership, and the fact that it consists of the most eminent rather than the most efficient men of science of the country.

  55. Its board of managers is authorized to hold and administer trust funds, and it is hoped by the aid of gifts or bequests for special or general purposes to expand its usefulness in directing investigation.

  56. The most marked difference in this ratio is between the species muticus and ferox; the ranges of variation of those species overlap to a degree that tends to negate the taxonomic usefulness of this character.

  57. The considerable overlap of the range of variation of this ratio for emoryi with the other forms limits its usefulness as a taxonomic character.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "usefulness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    advantage; appropriateness; avail; availability; benevolence; benignity; class; cogency; convenience; decency; desert; effectiveness; efficiency; excellence; expedience; fairness; feasibility; fitness; good; grace; healthiness; kindness; merit; percentage; pleasantness; practicability; practicality; practice; profit; propriety; prudence; purpose; quality; relevance; service; soundness; suitability; superiority; timeliness; use; usefulness; utility; validity; value; virtue; wholeness; wisdom; worth