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Example sentences for "product"

Lexicographically close words:
producers; produces; produceth; producible; producing; production; productions; productive; productively; productiveness
  1. Whatever view we take of its origin, Christianity did not come into the world like the goddess Athene, without preparation, but was the product of many factors.

  2. But benevolence, like every other obligation, is, according to evolutionary monism, a product evolved from the battle of existence.

  3. He was laboring under an unhappy sense of error, for his contumacy, determined absence, was not altogether a product of hurt pride.

  4. It admirably defines the trustee's mental condition, which was a product of causes set up by Helen in these last months.

  5. Big, burly, brutal, Bender was a natural product of the lumber-camps in which he had lived a life that was little more than a calender of "scraps.

  6. Falsehood and fraud shoot up in every soil, the product of all climes.

  7. Man is the highest product of his own history.

  8. The colour of the finished product is of minor importance and so long as a brick of reasonably accurate shape and of sufficient strength is produced at a cheap rate, little else is expected.

  9. The term clay substance must, therefore, be confined to the crude product containing the clay together with such other impurities as are in the form of extremely small particles or are soluble in sulphuric acid.

  10. They are a product of the Ice Age and, whilst varying greatly in character, may usually be distinguished by the occurrence in them of rounded stones and gravel, some of the former bearing clear indications of glacial action.

  11. To the product containing the clay when either of these methods is used Seger gave the name clay substance, but the material so separated is by no means pure clay.

  12. According to Hickling (36) the product of the action of hydrofluoric acid 'has not the remotest resemblance to china clay.

  13. As the china clays (kaolins) and ball clays on very careful elutriation all yield a product of the same ultimate composition, viz.

  14. It is, of course, obvious that any chemical method should be applied to the product obtained by treating the raw material mechanically as above described, for to do otherwise is to create needless confusion.

  15. In his opinion, an attentive enquirer will hesitate to subscribe to the conclusion that this infection was the product of the West Indies.

  16. It follows then, that the efforts of courage he makes are the product of some superinduced principles, the result of a certain discipline, suited to his desire for distinction, and the love of what he holds to be glory.

  17. It is probably the product of the Malayan brain.

  18. These simpler instruments are the product of the Negrito's own brain, but they have probably borrowed the idea of stringed violins and guitars from the Christianized natives.

  19. This is an extremely unlikely story, probably the product of Malayan imagination.

  20. Coverdale's version and the Great Bible were the product of the period when Henry VIII.

  21. The man whom you should meet on the street would be the product of all the ideas and influences from the foundation of the world, and his slightest act would reveal them all vital within him.

  22. Its first product would have been his own quivering, animated, and animating personality.

  23. Notably, however, to the contrary of the above, the exhibit of the American Watch Company was the ordinary and regular product of the factory, such as is finished every day.

  24. The individual self is the heart of everything we understand, the world's endless complexity being the product of all individual selves living and dead.

  25. Not so the product of the little sedgy rivulet of Whitchurch!

  26. On the other hand, the English Navy was the natural product of seafaring instincts.

  27. That there was sympathy with the exiled family is probable, but it was largely the product of the chivalrous strain in the English national character which has so often impelled Englishmen to side with a losing cause.

  28. If he knew that the beauty he perceives was a product of his own mind, he could not value it so; if he held Signor Croce's theory, he would cease to be an artist.

  29. But these toys are themselves the product of a society that must always be making and never thinking or feeling.

  30. Certainty does not originate in reflection; it is the spontaneous product of man's nature, and is annexed to the direct act of the intellectual and sensitive faculties.

  31. For every thousand years the natural evolution will allow for the development of its organism, the Higher Biology will grant its product millions.

  32. The soul does not enter the foetus like the evil spirit into persons possessed, but is a product of the development of the brain, just as muscular activity is a product of muscular development, and secretion a product of glandular development.

  33. Experience could not shatter it, for it was the product of a courage that feared nothing except opinions.

  34. Her faith, like her opinions, was child-like and uncritical--the artless product of a simple and incurious age.

  35. For authority she had as little reverence as a savage; yet she was not a savage, for she represented instead the perfect product of over-civilization.

  36. That phosphorus is oxidized during the activity of many bacteria is undoubted, but whether this represents a source of energy or is the accidental by-product of other activities is undetermined.

  37. As a first product of their voyages the explorers introduced negro slavery into Europe[37]--a grim hint that the next age with increasing power was to face increasing responsibilities as well.

  38. The latter is a pneumatolytic product consisting of quartz and tourmaline; it often contains white mica and thus passes by all stages into greisen.

  39. I am the product of the spirit of the age--the envy and despair of them all.

  40. I'm simply the product of the age--no better, no worse than the principles of modern society by which I live.

  41. The highly trained journalist, to whom all life was but news, news, news, was a strange modern product which warred with her sense of what was fitting.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "product" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    productive industry; productive labor; productive labour; productive power; productive work