Esdr 1:37 I take to witness the grace of the people to come, whose little ones rejoice in gladness: and though they have not seen me with bodily eyes, yet in spirit they believe the thing that I say.
Howbeit I did not believe her, but bade her render it to the owners: and I was abashed at her.
Wis 18:13 For whereas they would not believe any thing by reason of the enchantments; upon the destruction of the firstborn, they acknowledged this people to be the sons of God.
Sir 2:6 Believe in him, and he will help thee; order thy way aright, and trust in him.
Esdr 1:35 Your houses will I give to a people that shall come; which not having heard of me yet shall believe me; to whom I have shewed no signs, yet they shall do that I have commanded them.
Wis 12:17 For when men will not believe that thou art of a full power, thou shewest thy strength, and among them that know it thou makest their boldness manifest.
Wis 13:7 For being conversant in his works they search him diligently, and believe their sight: because the things are beautiful that are seen.
Esdr 16:36 Behold, the word of the Lord, receive it: believe not the gods of whom the Lord spake.
Wis 12:2 Therefore chastenest thou them by little and little that offend, and warnest them by putting them in remembrance wherein they have offended, that leaving their wickedness they maybelieve on thee, O Lord.
Sir 2:8 Ye that fear the Lord, believe him; and your reward shall not fail.
Sir 19:15 Admonish a friend: for many times it is a slander, and believe not every tale.
If we believe it and shape our lives accordingly, true light will be given sufficient to satisfy each searcher after the Truth; and he or they will advance to some other belief just when it is necessary.
I am inclined to believethat the estimate is not erroneous.
Half-way measures secure less than half-way results, and these alienate the support of those who only indifferently believe in contagion and the importance of precautionary measures.
Even if you are so bold as to maintain that you possess health, happiness, and are sure of longevity, we believe you cannot fail to find practical, valuable truths in these pages.
It is; but then it’s such a foolish scheme that no one wouldbelieve any one capable of inventing it.
But I don’t believe it,’ the King said, and he looked under the table.
What’s the use of saying that if you won’t believe me?
Believe me for mine honor, and have respect to mine honor, that you may believe.
I but believe it partly, For I am fresh of spirit and resolved To meet all perils very constantly.
I do believe that these applauses are For some new honors that are heap'd on Caesar.
When these prodigies Do so conjointly meet, let not men say "These are their reasons; they are natural": For I believe they are portentous things Unto the climate that they point upon.
I believe anybody will sympathize with my joy and pride when I was allowed to present my drawings and observations.
When they were informed that it was a mere man who came from Kiao-Chow, they laughed and declared that they were not fools enough to believe that!
Two countrymen of mine gave me a cordial welcome, though they would not believe that I was an officer, and, above all things, that I had achieved my escape from England.
It is hardly surprising that I refused to believe this until I received the official confirmation.
I believe that during this whole scene, and just before, I did feel a slight attack of the shivers—but it did not last.
And with all respect for your confidence in your country and your enthusiasm—believe me, I have good connections over there—in a few months Germany will be annihilated, and then you will neither get work nor be allowed to live there.
Oh, my dear fellow, we grow young as we grow gray, and the whiter our hair becomes the more they tell us they love us, the more they show it, and the more they believe it.
When she pronounces certain phrases, one would believe that you had left your voice in her mouth.
Certainly he did not believe himself in love with Annette.
They pretended to believe him, and Landa, who was frankly a libertine, grew quite excited at the idea of all the pretty creatures that walked the streets and all the young persons who posed undraped before the painter at ten francs an hour.
I believe so, my dear," her husband answered; "I just saw him going away in the English fashion.
And, as he denied having any intention of posing, she cut short the discussion by declaring that all artists try to make people believe that chalk is cheese.
I do not believe that I shall recover," he said at last.
Then they seated themselves, and as the Count approached the Duchess, she said to him: "I believe that my nephew is coming here for me, and to ask you for a cup of tea.
Come over here Thursday, at three o'clock, if you are free; and I believe that we are to dine together with the Duchess on Friday.
No, he did not believe in the probability of an approaching conflict, unless it should be provoked by French turbulence and by the rodomontades of the self-styled patriots of the League.
A man who has no religion, must first prove that he is honest before we can believe him to be so.
They believe that Catholic schools are better and safer, but they do not consider it a duty incumbent on themselves to undertake the labor and trouble inseparable from the establishment and direction of parochial schools.
But omitting all this, I believe that the most influential and distinguished members, lay and clerical, of the Anglican body, are with us, and that the principal liberal and enlightened Protestants of the Union wish us success.
There is still another proof to show that the infidel does not believe what he says: why is it that he makes his impious doctrines the subject of conversation on every occasion?
We Catholics, therefore, believe that it is our most sacred duty to bring up our children in "the discipline and correction of the Lord.
Let the child believe anything or nothing, so as it is not some form of "sectarianism.
I truly believe that if Satan was presented with a blank sheet of paper, and bade to write on it the most fatal gift to man, he would simply write one word--"godless schools.
You should never believe anything you hear till it is contradicted by the Pioneer.
I refuse to believe that the Zoological Society has lent its apiary to this movement.
They believe that on public occasions the chuprassies have sometimes the power of sicklying them o'er with the pale cast of neglect.
They are never sceptical: the harder a doctrine is to believe the more they like it; the more improbable a tradition is the more tenaciously they cling to it.
Upon my word, I believe the reading public would do better to go and sit at the feet of Baboo Sillabub Thunder Gosht, B.
I gave up blushing five years ago when I entered the Secretariat; but if at this moment Sir William Jones were to enter, or Mr. Whitley Stokes with his child-like heart and his Cymric vocabulary, I believe I should be strangely affected.
I am disposed to believethe Government has acted judiciously in refusing to buy the colony, and to encumber the treasury with the charges which its establishments would inevitably entail.
They exercise great influence over the Indians, who believe them to be masters of the art of money-getting.
Of the working people I do not believe one in a hundred understood Spanish.
There is a decree of 1835 allowing the Indians to pay tribute in kind, but at rates so miserably low that I believe there is now scarcely an instance of other than metallic payments.
The numerical power of the Spaniards is small, that of the armed natives great, were there among them a disposition to rebel against their rulers: I believe there is little of such disposition.
I believe there are more varieties of the human family than have hitherto been recognized by physiologists, amongst whom no affinity of language will be found.
The Indians believe that a guardian angel is born at the birth of every Christian child, to whose special care through life the infant is confided.
As this inferior hemp, however, commands a remunerative price, I believe the plant producing the genuine article is now being more generally cultivated at Capiz.
I believe Spanish is not employed in the pulpits anywhere beyond the capital.
In metals they make chains of silver and gold of great fineness, for which formerly there was a great demand in Mexico, but I believe European jewellery has supplanted the Indian craftsman.
He was a resident of the Philippines at the time of my visit, and I believe still lives on the property of which he was formerly--but I was told is no longer--the possessor.
Here there is a fire and energy mingled with the coarseness of Cromwell's physiognomy, which gives the character of the man as we read of him and believe him to have been.
We believe that the majority of them were sincerely disgusted by the conduct of the men who had climbed into office on their shoulders; and that they loathed and despised in their hearts the treachery of which they were made the tools.
This we believe to be also the opinion of the majority of those most competent to judge.
Nobody believed it: nobody could believe it, for it ran counter to every man's knowledge of his own affairs, and his opinion as to those of his neighbour.
Whenever Scotland is assailed, the general impression is that we are bound to stand forth, and incontinently give battle to the enemy: and we believe it will be admitted that we have done so before now with no inconsiderable effect.
We do not say that it would not find imitators, on a similar crisis, on this side of the Channel: we believe it would find many.
I do not believe in the divine right of kings: I am alive to the power of revolutions, and the evidence of facts.
On the part of Edinburgh, we believe the lion's share of the work fell to the late Mr Donaldson.
But we should in any circumstances be sorry to believe that, in so refusing, they had done what deserved the censure bestowed on them by the Quarterly reviewer.
This of course includes much land of an inferior description; but we believe that, for the best arable land, an average rent of 40s.
We believe it impossible for Edwin Landseer to paint anything that shall not have great merit, but he is certainly most felicitous when confining himself to what is strictly speaking his own style.
Notwithstanding the invectives of a servile orator, there is not the least reason to believethat the tyrant deserted his own standard in the beginning of the engagement.
I had spent twenty-seven hours in bed, and after laughing at the mishap I felt as if I could easily believe it, for my hunger was like that of a cannibal.
With this idea he seated himself next to me at table, and behaved himself in such a manner during dinner that I began to believe him to be a girl in man's clothes.
There may be something in it, but, believe me, the tender passion does not destroy the appetite nor take away the power of sleep.
True," said Marina, "and you can believe the count, for he is my procurer.
Believe me," she said, "that if I make anyone happy it will be my husband, to whom I have given my hand and heart.
Piccolomini pretended to be greatly astonished, and said that, "though he could not believe it, he would look into the matter.
Castries has told me that he would have done the same, and I believeall the ladies whom you asked to breakfast would have followed our example.
Leave me to do what I like, and my self-esteem will help me to believe you.
If so, I forgive you; but you are in the wrong, for, believe me, enjoyment is sweeter far than vengeance.
I believe that, nine days before Christmas, the mask is no longer allowed, and then I shall have to go to your casino by water, otherwise, I might easily be recognized by the same spy who has already followed me once.
I shudder when I think of the monster; but I verily believe that I should not have regained my senses if he had not called me a hypocrite, and said that he was certain I had already granted you my favours.
It is only a week since I paid a visit to the very same place myself, and I believe the creature was all right before my visit.
Now, believe me, it is just the same with men--exactly the same.
These, again, were trusted by many others, whose laziness suggested to them that it was better to believe at once, than to go through the troublesome task of testing the matter for themselves.
We should find that it is two or three persons who, in the first instance, accepted it, or advanced and maintained it; and of whom people were so good as to believe that they had thoroughly tested it.
As I have said, a man often does not himself know whether he is in the right or not; he often believes it, and is mistaken: both sides often believe it.
I think so; and I believe by such a course one is in no great danger.
Miche; "I do not believe I can bear it a second time.
From a distance it resembles a lion couchant, and it is difficult to believethat Nature unassisted has formed this singular Colossus.
The comet, which I had already observed on my journey, shone here with increased brilliancy, and it was difficult not to believe that the extreme heat was owing to the influence of this meteor.
They believe also in an evil genius, and attribute all diseases to him.
The effect is that of a magnificent avenue; and from the regularity of the intervals between the trees, one might almost believe that it had been laid out by the hand of art.
I will accompany thee in the cure as I have done in the disease; fear nothing, but believe that we shall have pleasure in this passage that is to free us from so many miseries, and we will go happily together.
And besides, it is much more reasonable to believe the Roman historians in such things than Greeks and foreigners.
I cannot believe that in the essential and ultimate nature of these passions there can be shown any real difference.
More recently, however, I have detected in the sound slight changes of inflection under different conditions, until I am now led to believe that the meaning of the word depends somewhat, if not wholly, on its modulation.
I do not believe that it has any reference to food; but I think perhaps it is a term of friendship, or a sound of endearment.
But from Puck's conduct I was led to believe that it was a general complaint of some kind against those monkeys in that other cage who had made life a burden to little Pedro.
No one that has realized the present state of our own West Indian colonies, will believe that the enfranchised negro can be depended upon as a daily laborer for hire.
In many places a fair shot may reckon on from ten to fifteen brace, and I could name two guns that have not unfrequently bagged from thirty to fifty brace on the Eastern Shore; but I believe they shot with unusually "straight powder.
If they took no credit for any such feats, I would by no means believe them, imputing the denial solely to the modesty inseparable from true courage.
I believe that the partisan spirit is as rife and as bitter in many parts of this State, as it can be in South Carolina or Georgia.
Where caution or diplomacy are not required, his sterling honesty and dogged courage will always stand him and others in good stead; if his superiors can only tie up his tongue, I believe they will "make a man of him yet.
Had Maryland joined the Confederacy a year ago, I believe her entire territory would be desolate now, as are most great battlefields.
The mobocracy are "all for a muss," of course, as they always are till they see the glitter of bayonets; but I cannot believe that the bellicose ideas they are so fond of mooting have ever been seriously entertained by the Government.
I believe amalgamation, or any other terms than absolute subjugation of the South--to be maintained hereafter by armies of occupancy--simply impracticable.
The only correction of this passage which we believe to be quite free from doubt is that in line 112, ‘Wear’ for ‘Where.
Ay, sir, but I am sure I do not; and whatsoever a man denies, you are now bound to believe him.
I believe the gold fields will attract a large European population.
We believethe present time to be vitally important in the history of Her Majesty's Dominions in South Africa.
I believe that, some day, other Johannesburgs are destined to rise in the Northern part of the Transvaal, rivalling, or perhaps even eclipsing, the treasures already discovered in the Randt.
I rejoice to learn that Sir Frederick Young has found his winter trip so health-giving, and believe that a similar expedition might prove of immense value to many Englishmen who are overwrought in body or in mind.
I believe myself that things will work round, but, undoubtedly, the state of affairs is serious.
I do not believethe South African political problem to be insoluble.
When proper appliances for mining are used, and when we get the stock-jobbers off our backs, I believe a career of prosperity will open of which few people dream.
And as for your wife's being gone to seek a bed for him, I don't believe a word of it.
If Mr. Jones does not believe in miracles, then Jesus contributed even less than many a doctor contributes today to the welfare of the world.
By education most have been misled, So they believe because they were so bred; The priest continues what the nurse began, And thus the child imposes on the man.
Unless we believe in miracles, the natural inference would be that a people who were better educated in every way than the Asiatics should have also possessed the better religion.
The "Go ye into all the world" is a post-resurrection interpolation, and Mr. Jones does not believe in the miracle of the resurrection.
If I do not believe in standing still, it is because I believe in progress.
We can hardlybelieve Mr. Jones speaking of "rescuing the world from heathen hands," etc.
We hope he will also let us know whether he said to the reporter: "I do not believe in Mr. Mangasarian's argument that Christianity has inspired massacres, wars and inquisitions.
You would consider it unreasonable to believe that everything a Greek, or a Roman, or an Arab ever said was inspired.
Of course, you do not believe that Christmas is celebrated in December and on the 25th of the month because Jesus was born on that day.
If I am not attracted by the vision of a distant heaven, it is because I believe in human happiness, now and here.
I love thee so well, that I believe thou art the spawn of my own body; though I can give no account of thy being put upon the stocks.
Peregrine was extremely well pleased with this occasional rebuke, which occurred so seasonably, that he could scarce believe it accidental.
As he had good reason to believe she was utterly void of jealousy, he naturally placed this rencontre to the account of another passion; and his chagrin was not at all impaired by the effrontery with which she now presumed to reprimand him.
I believeso too," cried the commodore, making wry faces and mimicking the action of dram-drinking.
But, to return to this unhappy young man, would you believe it, he tossed up his nose at my friendly proposal, and gabbled something in Greek, which is not worth repeating.
I believe master thinks I have no more stuff in my body than a dried haddock, to turn me adrift in the dark with such a spanker.
If exactly followed, we believe there is none superior; as is the opinion of all persons who have eaten them.
We believe it is Brown Betty in the South; Pandowdy in the North.
Believe in no wonders that you hear, of the long keeping of either plum pudding, plum cake, or mince meat, which are all of the same family.
Do not believe (for it is untrue,) that any eatable can be kept in all its genuine freshness and original flavor, by merely secluding them entirely from air.
Believe nobody that says they are not unwholesome.
Cadmus burst into tears, and, for a long time, refused to believe that his dear mother was now to be taken from him.
Once or twice, if you will believe me, a little man was made chief ruler of the nation for no other merit in the world than bringing home such a feather.
There was one strange thing about Antæus, of which I have not yet told you, lest, hearing of so many wonders all in a lump, you might not believe much more than half of them.
There is, believe me, something noble in the metal which does not rust, though not burnished by daily use.
To believe in immortality is one thing, but it is first needful to believe in life.
You will easily believe a tangle of iron rope inch and a half diameter is not easy to unravel, especially with a ton or so hanging to the ends.
The carpenter reported that she had made only two inches of water in one compartment; the cable was still uninjured astern, and our spirits rose; when--will you believe it?
Yesterday morning in the quiet sunlight she turned so slowly and lazily in the great harbour at Portland, and by and by slipped out past the long pier with so little stir, that I could hardly believe we were really off.
We go on talking till I have a picture in my head, and can hardly believe at the end the original is Stowting.
I believe the cable must have gone at any rate; however, since it went in my watch, and since I might have secured the tubing more strongly, I feel rather sad.