A term frequently used to designate a reserve created for a certain purpose is reserve fund.
When the principle underlying reserves is thoroughly understood, however, it is readily seen that the use of the term reserve fund is merely a question of the use of English and does not affect the principle.
Contingent Fund--A sum put aside to provide for an anticipated obligation; a reserve fund.
A reserve or reserve fund is a nominal liability artificially created to off-set a decrease in value of an asset.
A reserve fund is an amount of money or securities which a bank habitually keeps on hand as a partial guarantee that it will be able to meet its obligations.
A bank is enabled to meet these obligations promptly, it should be remembered, because it keeps on hand, against the demands of depositors, a reserve fund of cash, or securities which by law it is allowed to count as cash.
The answer is that the bank attempts to keep on hand a reserve fundsufficient to meet all demands for cash which may be made upon it.
The surplus remaining over after the entire liquidation of the above named advances is to be employed in the formation of a reserve fund.
The recognition of this fact, combined with the ability to set aside a reserve fund, has brought many men to a consideration of the best way in which to dispose of it.
It is coming to be a recognized principle that every business enterprise of whatever kind or size should establish a reserve fund.
Of the many kinds of Bonus shares, the one which has lately been most prominent in the public eye is that which is produced by the capitalisation of a reserve fund.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reserve fund" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.