The subject and general arrangement are the same, but observe the irregularity in the placing of the angels, and the increased knowledge of anatomy and expression.
The infant Christ is placing a ring on the holy nun’s finger.
The custom of placing the records of the founder of an edifice in chambers or cavities in the foundations of the structure is of immense antiquity.
In 1771 the work was completed and he had the satisfaction of placing in the Royal Library of Paris the first authentic version of the Zend-Avesta and the first translation that had ever appeared in any European language.
If you must be so foolish as to set up for yourself, take this," said the farmer, placing half a dollar in his hand.
The very similar irregularity in the last third of the manuscript, the placing of the 148-day group one column ahead of its expected position, cannot be explained in the same manner.
Further, the Oriole suspends its basket-like nest by a twig at the extremity of a flexible branch, placing it thus beyond the reach of any prowling four-footed ravisher.
It exhibits great pleasure in renewing acquaintance with the denizens of the house, and is not long in placing itself on a footing of familiarity with them.
Levaillant heard a Parrot say the Lord's Prayer lying on its back, placing together the toes of its feet as we join our hands in the act of prayer.
The method which was used, and which is still employed in modern Egypt, consists in placing the eggs in a furnace maintained for twenty-one days at a uniform temperature of 40 deg.
They go so far as to furnish it with the means of doing this, by placing on the roof a box or a large wheel; this forms the framework of the nest, which the bird then finishes according to its fancy with reeds, grass, and feathers.
At length, thinking it was dead, they plucked off the greater part of its feathers, and even the down also, placing it afterwards in their canoe.
When they are fishing they draw themselves up into long, straight, and regular files, placing a sentinel, whose office it is to give a signal of alarm on the approach of danger.
It also eats water-insects, which it catches by placing its bill half open on the surface of the water, permitting them thus to float on to the lower mandible.
They are occasionally satisfied with placing their eggs in an indentation in the ground which they have roughly lined with blades of grass.
This has been the origin of its name, in allusion to the custom that clerks had of placingtheir pen behind their ear in the days when goose-quills were used for writing.
When overcome with fatigue, they take repose on the surface of the sea, placing their heads under their wings.
They divert themselves by placing Hen's eggs in the nest of the Stork.
Placing the coin in his mouth, the cabman whipped his horse secretly on the underneath and hurried away.
The dog Balthasar, his tail curled tightly over a piebald, furry back, was walking at the farther end, sniffing at the plants, and at intervals placing his leg for support against the wall.
To speak more plainly, the acts granting special privileges to particular companies, and placing them under the jurisdiction of the federal government, were passed for the benefit of congressmen and others in high official position.
The Greeks, the Russians, and, in the darker ages, the Latins themselves, have been desirous of placing Constantine in the catalogue of saints.
As night closed in, however, the Persians once more fell back, crossing the canal El Atik, and so placing that barrier between themselves and their adversaries.
He baffled Odenathus, when he was not able to defeat him, by placing himself behind walls, and by bringing into play those advantages which naturally belonged to the position of a monarch attacked in his own country.
Affairs were in this state, when suddenly there arrived from the east intelligence of the most supreme importance, which produced a pause in the Armenian conflict and led to the placing of Armenian affairs on a new footing.
Shahr-Barz followed, and ranged his troops along the left bank, placing the archers in the front line, while he made preparations to draw the enemy from the defence of the bridge into the plain on the other side.
So severe were his measures that vast numbers of the Armenians quitted their country, and, placing themselves under the protection of the Greek Emperor, became his subjects, and entered into his service.
Varahran therefore hastened to make peace with Rome, and, having so done, proceeded to give his attention to Armenia, with the view of placingmatters there on a satisfactory footing.
You can best ornament a chancel by placing colossal figures of Moses and Aaron supporting the altar, huge tables of the commandments, and clusters of grapes and pomegranates in festoons and clusters of monuments.
City magnates who desired to build and endow hospitals for the aged nearly always showed their confidence in and affection for the Livery Companies to which they belonged byplacing in their care these charitable foundations.
Sit down," he said, placingthe candle on the mantelpiece.
It was the waiter, removing some plates, and placing a bill on the table.
Now then," she resumed, placing her elbows on the table, "let us have no more nonsense.
As regards urban districts the initiative may safely be left in the hands of the intelligent members of council, who will sooner or later move in the direction of placing their districts in line with all the other large towns in the country.
For London this would mean taking libraries from the boroughs and placing them in the care of the county.
It is better to commence with a lower average of merit and attract children, and then, by placing better books in their way, to improve their tastes without too much obtruding of the fact upon them.
In properly conducted open access reference libraries, which are liberally and intelligently conducted, a good deal may be said in favour of placing such books there.
No harm can result from placing all kinds of expensive text-books in the lending department, and if they are not on loan they are always available for the use of any reference reader who wants them.
The plan of placing the numbers of a periodical as done at the Mitchell Library, Glasgow, seems a simple and effective manner of dealing with a large number of files.
At the same time if the recording of statistics means the placing of barriers between books and readers, it is a safe principle to prefer fewer statistics and more accessibility.
An effective way of placing an indelible mark of ownership upon a public library book is to impress a blind stamp upon the outside front board.
It is based on the principle of placing all topics in a logical sequence; of keeping applications of theory as close as possible to the foundation theory; and of providing one place only for each important topic.
So that the access of insects, or artificial aid in placing pollen on the stigma, increases the fertility of the flowers; and I found that this applied especially to those having shorter pistils.
Nature provides for thorough fecundation in these cases byplacing the plants which bear the male and the female flowers near each other.
By this means, it is expected to detect the cases of foul disease at the outset, and thus to protect others by placing the infected individuals under restraint and treatment.
Those who need reproof on this point may reflect that by a continuance of the evil practice they are placing themselves on a plane even below the uncouth negro who haunts the jungles of Southern Africa.
They locate them on the banks of lakes or rivers; they build walls of logs, placing between them wet and sticky sods in the place of mortar, so that the work can, even with great violence, scarcely be torn apart and destroyed.
When this had been done a second and a third time, the crowd arose in astonishment, placing their hands flat over their mouths, by which gesture they signify great surprise; and believed in the word of God that there is a lower world.
Country houses, where there are frequent visitors, have adopted the custom of placing the address at the upper right and the telephone, railroad station, and post office at the left.
Although the letter should be written on the ordinary social stationery and follow the placing and spacing of the social letter, no time should be wasted in trying to make the letter appear friendly and chatty.
Grate the carrots on the coarse side of the grater, placing immediately on the salad plates, which of course have already been garnished with lettuce leaves.
The proper placing of a letter is something which well rewards the care necessary at first.
This is the danger of placingtoo much faith in previous experience.
I answered that I had no fear of its being injured, having had it so well packed, and depending on the Government officials who were intrusted to receive and see to the placing of these competitive works.
My father had tried placing me at a public school, but I learned absolutely nothing there.
A commission was nominated to examine into the matter and prepare some manner of placing under shelter this celebrated work.
And, placinghis signature at the bottom of it, he presented it to Chiarini, whose face, when he had read it and seen by whom it was signed, assumed an expression of admiration mingled with regret touching to behold.
When he was safely within she descended quietly, went out, and locked the front-door behind her, placing the key in her bosom.
She stepped in front of her visitor, placing her back against the door, while her face was bitter and mocking.
Then, wrenching the arrows from the target, I conducted the party back to the hundred-yard mark, and placing the bow and an arrow in the hands of the chief, signed to him to try his hand.
Accordingly, on a certain day, placing the superfluous bows and a number of arrows in the boat, and taking our rifles and revolvers with us, Billy and I started to pay our visit.
Rosecrans succeeded in placing his troops in rather a strong line near the road, and the subsequent assaults of the enemy were repelled.
Buell therefore discontinued his pursuit and turned his forces toward Nashville, placing them mainly at Bowling Green, Glasgow, and other points on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad.
Many naturalists have no hesitation in so placing it, though Reichenbach believes it to be more nearly allied to the Honey-eaters, with whom our readers will shortly be made acquainted, than to the Finches.