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Example sentences for "gains"

Lexicographically close words:
gainers; gaineth; gainful; gainfully; gaining; gainsaid; gainsay; gainsayers; gainsaying; gainst
  1. The church in her march of conquest loses rather than gains in many of her attempts at union.

  2. When they counted up their gains they found they netted over a hundred dollars.

  3. According to them nothing is truer than the saying of the poet Naevius: "Ill gotten gains in ill fashion slip away.

  4. For who, unless he be naturally malevolent and envious, will hate the man who gains wealth as it were from heaven?

  5. As it gains the open waters, Gains at length the broad-lake's bosom, Suddenly its motion ceases, On some object firmly anchored.

  6. It will naturally be supposed that Mekka is a rich town: it would be still more so, if the lower classes did not so rapidly spend their gains in personal indulgences.

  7. A delyl who has twelve Turkish hadjys under his care for a month, generally gains as much as suffices for the expenses of his house during the whole year, besides new clothing for himself and all his children.

  8. LIKE the Mekkans, the people of Medina are for the greater part strangers, whom the Prophet's tomb, and the gains which it insures to its neighbours, have drawn to this place.

  9. This debouchment stretch gains in practical value and hence in permanent historical importance if it is swept by a scouring tide, which enables the junction of inland and maritime routes to penetrate into the land.

  10. Religion in the same way gains by wide dispersal.

  11. Oftentimes a state gains by recognizing this freedom-loving spirit of the frontier, and by turning it to account for national defence along an exposed boundary.

  12. Both are important phases of the process of evolution, but the latter gains force with the progress of history and the increase of the world's population.

  13. The rumour rather gains ground of your going to Ireland; but I don't know from any authority.

  14. Heber gains his election, which I am delighted at, for it was an attempt to shake the interest and strength of Lord Grenville in the University.

  15. The Spanish insurrection, we are told, gains strength, and the Greek loses; but on the latter head we have found our informants somewhat partial.

  16. The impression gains ground in favour of the Catholic question in the House of Lords.

  17. Although diamond production remained level in FY91, substantial gains in coal output and manufacturing helped boost the economy GDP: purchasing power equivalent - $3.

  18. Moreover, electric power is in short supply and constitutes a major barrier to future gains in national output.

  19. The text is explanatory, seldom merely descriptive, and the student gains a knowledge not only of the salient facts in the history of the earth, but also of the methods by which those facts have been determined.

  20. A hot body loses heat so long as a cooler body is near it; the cold object is heated at the expense of the warmer object, and one loses heat and the other gains heat until the temperature of both is the same.

  21. That fellow would refuse the pension of a Councillor of State: he gains more by borrowing.

  22. But it seems to us that where such a scheme as his chiefly gains its power, is in its total dissociation from church or sect.

  23. Thus he gains confidence to say, "there shall never be one lost good.

  24. He gains a victory over Mago and Hanno, xxviii.

  25. Engages in an irregular combat with Hannibal, and is worsted; engages him again, and gains the victory, 36.

  26. He gains possession of Tarentum by treachery, xxv.

  27. When he gains a complete victory, he receives Perseus with courtesy, xlv.

  28. Censor, he distributes the lowest rabble among the four city tribes, and thence gains the surname of Maximus, 46.

  29. The fame of Comus was enormous, and his gains proportionate; and when he had shuffled off this mortal coil it was found he had left to his descendants a very ample--indeed, for France a very large fortune.

  30. A woman with this trouble should be careful about bending quickly over, or climbing stairs, until she gains strength.

  31. It was difficult to secure even this small restriction upon the sale of proprietary medicines because of the opposition of a large number of newspaper publishers who were sharing the ill-gotten gains of the medical fakirs.

  32. By degrees, as this ideal gains the sovereignty, the conception of honour will also experience a change.

  33. But I am fighting against it in appearing on behalf of another living form, which is still only in its fragile bud, but which, as it gains in power and extent, will crush the other out.

  34. It may be his own guard, but the blow hurts just as much; and a centre who is not amiable under such treatment soon loses his head and forgets that he should care for nothing except to accomplish gains for his own side.

  35. Exercise is a prime requisite, because the human mechanism, unlike the inanimate machine, gains strength from use.

  36. And strokes the wild pulses with coolness and calm; The conflict so equal, so stubborn, is past, And life gains the hardly-won battle at last.

  37. A Bourbon seasons grace with wit: To that which gains esteem, in mixture fit, He adds a portion from, above, Wherewith to waken love.

  38. It forces confidence in the hearts of the unsaved and gains their attention.

  39. The “flesh” gains its pleasures at the cost of the soul’s rest, and when the soul gains rest it must be at the cost of the lust of the flesh, and thus the war goes on between the flesh and the spirit.

  40. By his intellectual powers he gains a knowledge of facts.

  41. After being pardoned, the soul gains a knowledge of carnality, and it is then convicted for the second cleansing.

  42. These gains were the perquisites of the chiefs.

  43. I can well believe that he has been persuaded to this view by the merchants interested in trade, as they do not wish the gains to be divided.

  44. Our chief gains from papyri are the numerous and excellent fragments of the Catalogues which have been recovered.

  45. The adjudging of the arms of Achilles takes place, and Odysseus, by the contriving of Athena, gains them.

  46. On the whole one gains the impression that homosexual practices were more prevalent in London in the eighteenth century, bearing in mind its population at that time, than they are today.

  47. These might be afforded by their father so long as his annual gains continued large.

  48. Whoever thinks a story gains by the prodigious, by adding something out of nature, robs it more than he adds.

  49. What Angela cannot obtain by prayers and representations, she gains by the all-conquering weapons of love.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gains" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.