More, for she succeeded in emitting such a jocund and appropriate peal of laughter as disconcerted the mob and wrung for behoof of the stranger a gratified inclination from my lord.
You'd have me go hence and prison myself for the behoof of the pale idiot yonder?
There was a punishment that none had endured for years, but which might be revived with advantage for the behoof of the fallen Hojo.
Had he not intervened already for the behoof of the unlucky elders?
Seems Ananias and Sapphira lied; A venial lie, they set a little short The price they had received for certain lands Or other property sold by them late In the behoof of Peter and his crew.
For the end of vicarious consumption is to enhance, not the fullness of life of the consumer, but the pecuniary repute of the master for whosebehoof the consumption takes place.
Both in the case of the chieftain and in that of the divinity there are expensive edifices set apart for the behoof of the person served.
In this way, then, there arises a subsidiary or derivative leisure class, whose office is the performance of a vicarious leisure for the behoof of the reputability of the primary or legitimate leisure class.
Here lived he in the world; here many throng;-- To him in time some lesser bishopric Might well have fallen, behoof of countless souls!
These proceedings do not require a word of comment; they strikingly illustrate how the agrarian code of Ireland makes havoc of capital, annuls contracts, and confiscates property for the behoof of dishonest thriftlessness.
One class of the community is thus wronged for the behoof of another; and agriculture must, more or less, suffer.
This is the annual treat provided in the spring—for Grandpa’s especial behoof at Villino Loki—by the industrious care of the knowledgeable ladies.
Suppose, an age and time long past nenew for our behoof one pageant more, the last O' the kind, sick Louis liked to see defile between Him and the yawning grave, its passage served to screen.
And yet, if our memory serves us right, no very long time has elapsed since we beggared our West Indian colonies, solely to drive a larger trade in those articles with the slave plantations, for behoof of Messrs Cobden and Co.
Otherwise the Barrier Treaty, confirmed at Utrecht, was for our behoof and Holland's.
Other rites, undertaken avowedly for the behoof of the soul, prove and illustrate a simple but unshaken faith in its continued existence after the decay of the body.
Wolfersdorf captures 68 of them, for behoof of Grossenhayn; and sends the remaining 32 galloping home.
For whose behoof mainly a loose intercalary Chapter may be thrown together here.
Leaving only a few light people to keep up the watch-fires and sentry-cries, for behoofof Daun!
Now coming out from choice: Reprint of it, not now to the extent of twelve copies for highly special friends, but in copious thousands, for behoof of mankind at large!
If ye believe in Him Whom God shall make manifest, to your own behoof do ye believe.
Against these advancing enemies it was necessary to oppose such force as could be rallied on behoof of the disliked and despised Tzar.
Thus at Louvain, where almost all the patricians were Hommes de Saint Pierre, the old ecclesiastical courts, officered indeed by laymen, were maintained intact for his behoof till the Revolution.
The band consisted of a great number of individuals, and in a fair several of these companies would be present; each company acting independent of the others, for behoof of its own members and chief.
For their behoofvillage libraries have appeared in thousands.
So it will be if we proceed with this effort to bring together the seekers and the knowers, to obtain the best available judgments for the behoof of readers and students everywhere.