In exceptional circumstances, where rations cannot be supplied, a rationallowance will be made of 2s.
For some reason not intelligible he was put on an allowance of five shillings weekly, for his menus plaisirs, till he was twenty-three years of age.
Such, making some allowance for the tricks of memory and the inaccuracies of translation, was the profession of faith of M.
Further, the stock or bonds will be accepted at par, with an allowance for accrued interest as the equivalent of cash, for subscription to any loan that the Government may issue in this country throughout the war.
An increase of pay would be beneficial in this respect, but only if given in the form of an additionalallowance for each living child.
Mr. Burke does not stand in need of an allowance of this kind, which, if he did, by candid critics ought to be granted to him.
But, after receiving the commonallowance due to the common weakness of man, he wishes to owe no part of the indulgence of the world to its forgetfulness.
Making every allowance for Sir George's abilities, he is evidently one of those men whom the blind goddess "delighteth to honour.
I deemed it expedient to curtail our allowance of provisions this evening.
At the same period, their large college at Liege was stript of all its income, by the two courts of Munich and Rome, and the inmates of the house were also here turned adrift, without any allowance for their personal subsistence.
Now, in so far as such tales tend to preserve the reverence of the vulgar for religion, a certainallowance may be made for some historians when they record these miraculous legends.
After making the allowance for the fifty dollars found in the captain's state-room, the amount was one hundred dollars short.
Members must be at least thirty years old, and receive an annual allowance of L166, besides travelling expenses.
An ample allowance from his grandfather, Henry Hoare, enabled him to pursue the archaeological studies for which he had already shown an inclination.
The government allowance was not adequate to maintain the pace and had to be supplemented by private funds.
Until recently the allowance of machine guns in our army has been two to a regiment, but abroad four to six are used.
These are constructed on the principle of the finder on a camera, with graded scale markings to indicate the allowance that must be made for speed and motion.
Many millions were given to the various war help funds, chiefly to the Red Cross and the Canadian Patriotic Fund, of 700 branches, which supplements the Government separation allowance to soldiers' dependents by other grants.
You can stop my allowance to-morrow, if you like it.
But there was no such liberal allowanceat present, and, therefore, Mrs Proudie, after having frowned at Mr Thumble for some seconds, desired him to take the grey cob.
Mrs Proudie had often grieved over the necessary expenditure of episcopal surveillance, and had been heard to declare her opinion that a liberal allowance for secret service should be made in every diocese.
Whether the major did marry the lady or whether he did not, his allowance was to be continued to him, the archdeacon being perfectly willing to trust himself in the matter to the pledge which he had received from Miss Crawley.
All his friends know that, and makeallowance accordingly.
He has told me that his allowance to me is to be withdrawn.
The little allowance I give Castalia for her dress will be continued to her," wrote his lordship.
I shall overlook the unbecomingness of certain expressions that you have used towards myself, because I can make allowance for an excited state of feeling.
Making due allowance for that good-natured raillery which is one of the spices of existence, it may be truthfully said that anyone who laughs in earnest at the West calls attention merely to his own shallow conceit.
I told the gaoler that my dinner would suffice for the two of us, and that he could employ the young man's allowance in saying masses in his usual manner.
I was in no anxiety on the score of present needs, as I could reckon on a monthly allowance of a hundred crowns, which my adopted father, the good and generous M.
Calsabigi was made superintendent, with an allowance of three thousand francs for every drawing, a yearly pension of four thousand francs for us both, and the chief of the lottery.
No allowance was made in the act of 1845 for this inevitable expansion, and consequently the Scottish banker is forced to do one of two things.
The orators, the poets, the commanders, encroach on us only, as fair women do, by ourallowance and homage.
It was cooked Spanish fashion, with a liberal allowance of rancid oil and garlic-flavoured sausage.
Thirty-two millions, therefore, of paper, whereof fourteen was apportioned to the Bank of England, was the bountiful allowance counted out for the daily augmenting wants of the first commercial nation of the world.
He was no less generous in the allowance which he made to her.
We were not yet receiving parcels and our allowance of food was so scanty that it was impossible to lay any by.
I wondered how my wife was making out and if she was receiving her separation allowance all right, for I had heard of many cases where the reverse had happened; and whether the boys were well and going to school.
Many cut down their usual allowance of tobacco, and some went altogether without.
Imagination and feeling play a much larger part than reason in the mental operations of not a few well-meaning persons and allowance must be made for this when we hear such charges as that now made against Mr Bradlaugh.
We know that he is in a position which calls for our consideration, and that we must make all proper allowance for the course which he may think it right to take.
Barnes on the strength of Michael's allowance used to go up West, as he described it, every night.
I want him to raise my allowancethis year, and he'll think I'm beginning to take an interest in what he calls 'affairs.
The accommodation should not only be sufficient for the normal traffic, but allowance should be made for the large crowds which may assemble for excursion trains during the holiday season or other occasions of national gathering.
Too much allowance for expansion is detrimental to the rails, because where the spaces are excessively large the wheels drop into the hollow and hammer or spread the ends of the rails.
This allowance will, of course, depend on the height of the embankment and the quality of the material, but for ordinary earth and clay it is customary to allow about one inch to the foot of height, which is equal to about 8 per cent.
A certain amount of side wind is taken into consideration, and also an allowance for moderately sharp curves, the object being to indicate what may be looked upon as fair, average, workable loads.
Whereupon Romuald, condescending to the weakness of a brother, and willing to hold out a helping hand to save him from falling, increased hisallowance to three-quarters.