Another important question arises on this subject, and that is the quantum of labour which a negro is capable of performing within the day.
For how should I know, what the piety of the heart may be, or what quantum of error in the understanding may consist with a saving faith in the intentions and actual dispositions of the whole moral being in any one individual?
The diminution of specific-heats is explained similarly: When the temperature falls, a large number of vibrators fall below their quantum and cease to vibrate, so that the total energy diminishes faster than the old theories require.
They constitute, therefore, a series of judgments by Mr. White, and are to be taken simply as such, quantum valeat.
The Emperor and Dutch still differ about the quantum of money to be paid by the latter; they know not what.
Had we not borrowed their quantity and their quality, and why then reject their quiddity, when every schoolboy in logic must know, that of every thing may be asked, Quantum est?
Very often I wrote till after midnight, but occasionally I got my quantum finished much earlier, and then I used to treat myself to a ramble about the streets.
They will measure ground by geometry, set down limits, divide and subdivide, but cannot yet prescribe quantum homini satis, or keep within compass of reason and discretion.
Indagine hath comprised in brief, Quaeris a me quantum in nobis operantur astra?
For look into the world, and you shall see men most part esteemed according to their means, and happy as they are rich: [2208]Ubique tanti quisque quantum habuit fuit.
He moved that the payment be out of the Nat^l Treasury; leaving the quantum to the discretion of the Nat^l Legislature.
He proposed that an Act should be passed every 12 years by the Nat^l Legisl^{re} settling the quantum of their wages.
The book covers certain developments of classical mechanics, relativity, and atomic and quantum physics.
Men Who Made A New Physics: Physicists and the Quantum Theory, New American Library, Inc.
The Questioners: Physicists and theQuantum Theory, Barbara Lovett Cline, Crowell Collier and MacMillan, Inc.
An exceptionally well-delineated and personable account of the development of the quantum theory by physicists in the first quarter of this century.
Such is the dictum of natural science, and it coincides singularly with the famous maxim of Spinoza: Unaquaeque res, quantum in se est, in suo esse perseverare conatur.
Climate had always been one of his hobbies, and on learning that none of the local practitioners was in a position to exact a larger fee than sixpence from his patients (quantum mutatus the Nice physician of 1907!
It includes (as we shall have occasion to observe) a respectable quantum of wisdom fit to become proverbial, and several passages of admirable literary quality.