If a man will not turn, he will whet his sword: he hath bent his bow, and made it ready.
To give thy sword an edge again, this Frenchman Shall whet thee on, that if thy pistol fail, Or poniard, this can send the poison home.
Give then to the king And queen wassailing: And though with ale ye be whet here, Yet part ye from hence, As free from offence As when ye innocent met here.
There is a padre-sahib here in Howrah now for the Hindoo priests to whet their hate on.
THE check that Ralph Cunningham's management of his police had caused, and the subsequent resumption of night looting, served to whet the appetites of the hungry crowd beyond the border.
Soon after the old witch commenced to whet a huge knife, which sent forth a shower of vivid sparks: she then approached the beds, groped about, and as soon as she discovered a hat, snap!
Scots are like Witches; do but whet your Pen, Scratch till the Blood comes, they'll not hurt you then.
After those rivals had been forsaken by their gallant, their mutual animosities and chagrin served to whet the attention and invention of each; so that in a little time the whole mystery stood disclosed to both.
Ye-es; orwhet ur putty consid'able the same thing the t'other ur a gettin' lower.
Aroused from the canebrake, far south by your drum, With beakswhet from carnage, the Battle Birds come.
Thus did the blood of one of the finest youths of Ireland first whet Gillespie’s appetite for that course of glorious butchery to which he owed his subsequent elevation.
Claret flowed—bumpers were multiplied—and chickens, in the garb of spicy spitchcocks, assumed the name of devils towhet the appetites which it was impossible to conquer.
Also, to whet their zeal, they are now made instructors of one or two Minervals, and report their progress to their Superiors.
To whet my zeal, they put papers into my hands which made me shudder, and raised my dislike to the highest pitch.
After the filing, whet the ax until you have a smooth, sharp edge.
After grinding, whet the edge thoroughly with a fine whetstone until the scratched effect caused by grinding has given place to a smooth surface and a clean keen edge.
If you do not whet it after grinding, the edge will crumble away and the ax will cut "dead.
I must wheedle her, and whet my courage first on her; as a good musician always preludes before a tune.
Wherefore whet the men their sword-blades, Wherefore sharpen they the lance-tips?
The sensual shall wear the shaggy vesture of the goat, or foam and whet his horrid tusks, a wild and untame'd boar.
We need something to awaken our attention, to whet our appetite, and to contrast our joys.
In the face of this additional whet to the anticipations of the party of disturbance, something that has been described as anarchy prevailed.
It takes a charge in force over the top or something equally vivid and spectacular to whet up the jaded mentality of the onlooker.
First he would anoint the uppermost surface of the white slab after the ordained fashion of those who use whetstones, then industriously he would hone his blade; then he would try its edge upon his thumb and then anoint and whet some more.
This discipline in scenery,[2] it must be understood, is something more than a mere walk before breakfast to whetthe appetite.
Note 2: Who whet the knife of the vivisectionist or heat his oven.
We were really diverted by the formal parsimony with which the good woman had contrived to invent a dinner for four, out of what would have hardly have sufficed as a whet to an English farmer.
Yet words may make the edge of rage more sharp, And whet a blunted courage with revenge.
O, his words are like vergis to whet a man's stomach.
Her long-sheath'd sword, and whet the rusty blade Upon the bones of Mach'vel, and his Confederate rebels.