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Example sentences for "avail"

Lexicographically close words:
auxilium; auxquelles; auxquels; avaient; availability; available; availe; availed; availeth
  1. But change of opinion is a resource too convenient in courts for this experienced courtier not to have learned to avail himself of it.

  2. Say, can the tears we lend to thought In life's account avail us aught?

  3. This new domestic novel followed Miss Austen in that it did not necessarily avail itself of anything but perfectly ordinary life, and relied chiefly on artistic presentment--on treatment rather than on subject.

  4. Your valor as a crafty blade will not avail ye more, For to my needs I bring a sword and charger trained to war.

  5. What could then avail her her fearful thrilling shriek?

  6. Knowledge is of no avail without practise.

  7. Sleep is Nature's great rejuvenator, and the health-seeker should avail himself of it to the full.

  8. Most of us live such confined lives during the day that we should all the more avail ourselves of our opportunities to practise air hygiene at night.

  9. It will be of no avail to emerge wrathfully and say: "Less row, there!

  10. X Practical Transcendentalism ยง 13 But of what avail are transcendental themes like these for the conduct and comfort of life?

  11. There is also a palm-tree which has the radiating crown of the palm, executed with such great and marvellous art that nothing save the patience and intellect of Leonardo could avail to do it.

  12. And this old man, thy comrade, would avail But little to protect thee from assault.

  13. A mighty River hast thou here at hand, If that might aught avail thee; but his pow'r Is impotent to strive with Saturn's son.

  14. To teach the superior man[217] would be well enough; others, however, would avail themselves of such knowledge to plunder their neighbours.

  15. Friends are occasionally smuggled through by the aid of marked essays; and dishonest candidates avail themselves of "sleeve editions," as they are called, of the books in which they are to be examined.

  16. After seventy days, or one or two years as the case may be, they will be conducted back to the scene of their suicide, but will not be permitted to taste the funeral meats, or avail themselves of the usual offerings to the dead.

  17. Salem, and almost immediately went again to Philadelphia to avail himself of the advantages of that seat of medical learning, returning to Salem in the spring of 1818.

  18. Wheelock now determined to avail himself of the aid of his firm and valuable friend, Rev.

  19. I should have dreaded to be taken by Professor Chase to the blackboard, unless I had a good lesson, or a good conscience; and I could not have been sure that the latter would avail me without the former.

  20. Leibnitz was not ashamed to confess his obligations to them, nor South to avail himself of their subtle distinctions.

  21. The invidious have alleged that this latter amendment enabled a larger number to avail themselves of the advantages of a medical education than might otherwise do so.

  22. I do not object to these commemorative days, though some of my brethren do, but gladly avail myself of them, as a means of recalling to remembrance the great facts which stand inseparably connected with my redemption.

  23. As you have been the means of inflicting the wound, probably you can administer some consolation; and, if you will permit me, I will ride over and avail myself of the honour and felicity of an interview.

  24. What will it avail us then whether riches or poverty, rank or meanness, has been our portion here?

  25. My dear," said Mrs. Roscoe, "I hope you do not intend to say that all who avail themselves of such recreations are destitute of religion.

  26. It is of no avail here to suggest the usual questions--'When did you see it last?

  27. Answer: Persons who belong to the local circles and avail themselves of the benefits of the suggestions, the courses of study, etc.

  28. And, if opportunity affords for the further discussion of this question, I hope we shall be able to avail ourselves of the opportunity, and have a thorough understanding among all members of the C.

  29. Never had scholar a more zealous and indefatigable teacher, and never had teacher a pupil more anxious to avail himself of his advantages.

  30. He was much gratified by the offer of my services, which he seemed inclined to avail himself of immediately.

  31. Yes, but I wished to suggest my modest hopes and expectations so that you may have no anxieties if I avail myself, during my visit, of the chance of seeing what I can of an unusually fine girl.

  32. I must give up my chosen career for a life of bread-winning," he had concluded sadly, and he was ready to avail himself of any good opening that offered.

  33. He had need to avail himself of the friendly proffer; and for that purpose had he made the appointment under the ceiba.

  34. His voice might be of avail in guiding the wanderer to the glade; for Cubina now felt convinced that the young Englishman was straying-- perhaps wandering through the woods at no great distance from the spot.

  35. I may some day avail myself of your hospitable offer.

  36. But springing upward did not avail him, since it only resulted in his dropping down again on the same spot; and, as he did so, he felt writhing beneath his feet the slippery form of a serpent!

  37. It can easily be believed that, knowing something of the scholarship of Baretti, he should be delighted to avail himself of his help.

  38. Of this privilege I gladly avail myself, feeling sure that the interest which undoubtedly attaches to many portions of the letters will exculpate me for the intrusion of a personal note into these papers.

  39. Oh, Anna Maria, if you were to speak to him with the tongue of an angel it would avail you nothing; it is too late!

  40. What avail the arduously established limits of human law and order, even though uprightly preserved for centuries long, against the storm of a first passion?

  41. Moreover, the time-serving of the constitutionals was to avail them little: during the Terror their stipends were unpaid, and the churches were for the most part closed.

  42. Neither his skill nor the natural strength of their positions in Friuli and Carinthia could avail against veterans flushed with victory and marshalled with unerring sagacity.

  43. But of what avail are private remonstrances when in open session opponents are dumb and supporters vie in adulation?

  44. But this careful rehearsal was to avail nothing; our stolid ambassador was not to be cajoled, and on May 2nd, that is, seven days after his presenting our ultimatum, he sent for his passports.

  45. Shall more avail him, nor his god of light.

  46. But the head of a musician is harder than a bucranium, and the blows which Theophile received did not avail to modify that angel's notion of divine providence.

  47. The one will not avail without the other.

  48. You have been very lucky," sneers Mr. Sheldrake, "but all your luck will not avail you to save Master Alfred from the hulks.

  49. I saw that you were happy, and I felt that I might have been the cause of disturbance, of which Mr. Sheldrake probably would have been glad to avail himself.

  50. Be assured, I shall not fail to avail myself of your kind invitation, and that time passes happily with me under your roof, receiving and returning.

  51. And on this day week I look forward to the pleasure of thanking you personally, for I still hope to avail myself of your kind introductions.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "avail" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    avail himself; avail myself; avail ourselves; avail themselves; availed himself; availed myself; availed ourselves; availing himself; availing themselves