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Example sentences for "hoard"

Lexicographically close words:
hnen; hner; hnlich; hoam; hoar; hoarded; hoarding; hoardings; hoards; hoarfrost
  1. As London at this time abounded with new projects and schemes, all promising as usual a hoard of wealth, the question caused much excitement.

  2. Certain of the small rodents can, and probably do, hoard sufficient food for actual need during the winter months; but the problem is in direct ratio to the size of the animal.

  3. For did she pride her, freighted fully, on Bounden bales or a hoard of bullion?

  4. This to hoard unheard, Heard unheeded, leaves me a lonely began.

  5. By the blessing of our coming a hoard hath been hit upon, wait while we go down into this hiding-place and see what is therein.

  6. Quoth she, 'Then slay me, as thou hast slain this bear, and take thy need of this hoard and wend thy ways.

  7. In this way he acquired a vast hoard of all sorts of learning, and had it pigeon-holed in his head where he could put his intellectual hand on it whenever it was wanted.

  8. That he could hoard now if he pleased gave him just the opportunity of burning the very possibility out of his soul.

  9. If I misuse or waste or hoard the divine thing, I pray my Master to see to it--my God to punish me.

  10. Let some for honour hunt, and hoard the massy gold: With her so I may live and die, my weal cannot be told.

  11. But then, they might want to hoard it, the same as Miss Grant did.

  12. A man like Harry Grant wouldn't want to hoard any!

  13. The hidden hoard has brought a blessing at last, methinks, Raymond; for the chapel has likewise been restored, and holy mass and psalm now ascend daily from it.

  14. Nobody more capable could well have been found for the guardianship and restoration of Basildene; and with this hoard to draw upon, the old house might well grow to a beauty and grandeur it had never known before.

  15. It has all been brought up for you to see; and a monstrous hoard it is.

  16. With great frugality and unceasing industry, he saved enough in two years to pay his passage on a sailing ship to America, and there was enough left of his little hoard to buy seven flutes of his uncle, his sole stock in trade.

  17. He was content with his lot, had no use for gold and why should he hoard it, when the Indian blanket he was now wearing had no convenient place in which to carry it.

  18. To hoard rubies and sapphires is as useless and hopeless for the heart, as if I were to attempt to hoard this marvel of sand and water and sunlight in the same iron chest with the musty deeds of my wife's inheritance.

  19. Here, while a native barber plied his dexterous razor on Desmond's cheeks and chin, Mr. Johnson searched through a miscellaneous hoard of clothes in one of his capacious presses for an outfit.

  20. He did not wish virtue to go out of him among his fellow-men, but slunk into a corner to hoard it for himself.

  21. Prudence, which bids us all go to the ant for wisdom and hoard against the day of sickness, was not a favourite with Thoreau.

  22. The other discovery was of a small hoard of coin.

  23. The treasure bore they then Down unto the water / where the ships they sought: To where the Rhine flowed downward / across the waves the hoard they brought.

  24. Sworn by my troth I have That I the hoard will tell not; / the while that yet doth live Of my masters any, / the treasure unto none I'll give.

  25. When Hreidmar refuses Fafnir and Regin a share in the treasure, he is killed by Fafnir, who takes possession of the hoard to the exclusion of Regin.

  26. The hoard of King Nibelung / entire did they bear Forth from a mountain hollow.

  27. He treacherously invites Gunnar and the others to visit him, which they do in spite of Gudrun's warnings, first of all, however, sinking the hoard in the Rhine.

  28. Unto the king spake Hagen: / "No man that boasteth wit Should to any woman / such hoard to hold permit.

  29. Then Sigurd places Fafnir's hoard upon his steed Grani, takes with him also Fafnir's helm, and rides away to Frankenland.

  30. In sooth, my Lady Kriemhild, / full many a day hath flown Since of the Nibelungen / hoard I aught have known.

  31. There were shouts of laughter and applause at this witty freak, while the girl passed the keen blade, and the impassive rider jingled in his palm the increasing hoard of silver buttons.

  32. This man, whom the lowest class in Sulaco suspected of having a buried hoard in his kitchen, had all his life despised money.

  33. Sons leave home as soon as they can; daughters marry and breathe a sigh of relief, leaving mother behind to slave on in order that the hoard may grow.

  34. Dark yet distinct; but instead of the voice of the honest, I hoard only Murray's yap', yap!

  35. Sometimes they hoard their plunder in nests, that they make at a distance from their usual places of congregating.

  36. Her emotion was too full for words as she clasped his proffered hand in both hers, shining with rings, among which emeralds and pearls gleamed, due to that hoard he had inherited and shared with this noble family.

  37. I dare say you have all hoard of the privileges indulged to the Irish Catholics residing in Spain.

  38. That woman left some explanation or directions how to find her hoard of gems.

  39. I had reason to think that they meant the discovery of her great hoard of jewels.

  40. Now, I am perfectly certain her hoard of jewels is safely secreted and I think--I hope, she has left directions telling where they are.

  41. I know my late client's character well enough to think that she made the discovery of her hoard just as difficult as she could.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hoard" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.