Readers of this book will, I think, have had borne in upon them the fact that I am not only an ardent admirer of, but a believer in Japan and the Japanese.
It does not follow that every believer has received this baptism.
As he sinks beneath the baptismal waters, the believer buries there all his corrupt affections and past sins; as he emerges thence, he rises regenerate, quickened to new hopes and a new life.
Can Christ let the believer fall out of his hands?
As Jonathan Edwards has said: "The justification of the believer is no other than his being admitted to communion in, or participation of, this head and surety of all believers.
In the Pilgrim's Progress, the justification of the believer is symbolized by Christian's lodging in the Palace Beautiful whose window opened toward the sunrising.
As baptism symbolizes the incorporation of the believer into Christ, so the Lord's Supper symbolizes the incorporation of Christ into the believer.
Hamblen, missionary to China, tells of a very earnest and consistent believer who lived at rather an obscure town of about 2800 people.
The fact that Christ is in the believer is symbolized in the Lord's supper: "The bread which we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ?
Like most original thinkers, he is a believer in the aristocracy of talent, and he makes no secret of his preference of a hereditary nobility to those upstarts from the ranks of the people who possess no intellectual gifts to recommend them.
You are a great believerin heroics, Don Pickwixote," said the young lady.
He had said to Mr. Paramor: "I never had a system; I'm nobeliever in systems.
Like all average men, he was a believer in authority, and none the less because authority placed a large portion of itself in his hands.
Agree or not, your position towards public affairs is very like the Church's attitude towards marriage and divorce; as remote from the realities of life as the attitude of the believer in Free Love, and not more likely to catch on.
Redemption, he said, was the result of the historical work of Christ; but justification was the work of the living risen Christ, dwelling within the believer and daily influencing him.
I am a firm believer in the equal rights of human beings, and no matter what I think as to what woman should or should not do, she has the same right to decide for herself that I have to decide for myself.
In regard to the Greenback party, in the first place, I am not a believer in miracles.
I am a believer in religious liberty, in allowing all sects to preach their doctrines and to make as many converts as they can.
I am a believer in the restraining influences of liberty, because responsibility goes hand in hand with freedom.
He is a believer in the sword and the bayonet--in brute force.
He will be a believer in the atomic integrity of all matter, in the persistence of gravitation.
At the same time, Mr. Wesley was a believer in witches and wizards, and knew all about the Devil.
The great dramatist is, of necessity, a believer in virtue, in honesty, in courage and in the nobility of human nature.
I am a believer in what you call "drugs," and when I am sick I send for a physician.
Moses was a believer in slavery, in polygamy, in wars of extermination, in religious persecution and intolerance and in almost everything that is now regarded with loathing, contempt and scorn.
It shows that he is a believer in a personal God, in a God who is attending a little to the affairs of this world, and in a God who did not exhaust his supplies in the apostolic age.
Don't you think the belief of the Agnostic is more satisfactory to the believer than that of the Atheist?
He was not a believer in total depravity, or in the atonement.
Full believer likewise, and true sorrower, was Greenleaf, in Hilary's death, having its seeming proof from Constance and Miranda as well as from Flora.
Oppressed with military cares, he had barely time to be, without scrutiny, a full believerin the Valcours' loyalty to the Union.
A large percentage of the churches in Brazil grew out of the fact that a believer moved into a community and began to tell the story of the love of Jesus to his neighbors.
Then he remembered the Bible which a believer had given him years before.
This believer one day came into possession of a Bible which he didn't need, and so he gave it to Ramiro, who was then about nine or ten years of age and was beginning to learn to read.
In this town they have some acquaintances, among whom is a believer whose faith had come through reading the Bible.
The other covetous man is Simon the sorcerer, a believer too: but his faith could not go deep enough for covetousness.
If thou wouldst be a child of God, and a believer in Christ, thou must be a child of Light.
The faith of a believer is a spring to which uncertain convictions yield; this was the case of Beaumarchais with the King in the cause of American Independence.
The energy of a believeris a force to which undecided convictions yield--and this was the case with the King in regard to the schemes of Beaumarchais.
Would a believer in Christ be lost if he were not baptized?
My doctrine is that every believer must be baptized, and that unless he does become baptized he has no right to consider himself saved.
Every such believer is entitled to baptism and church membership.
The apostle has said that a believer must not marry an unbeliever; but then someone may say: 'Suppose a believer has already married an unbeliever, must the believing wife leave her unbelieving husband?
He was a most sanguine man, a most amiable person, and such a believer in fortune that Clemens used to say of him, as he said of one of his early publishers, that you could rely upon fifty per cent.
He was a believer in the cause of women's rights, which has no picturesqueness, and which chiefly appeals to the sense of humor in the men who never dreamt of laughing at him.
He was a believer in woman's rights, but he was lukewarm towards conventions in favour of woman suffrage.
Consequently Berzelius regarded Dalton's atomic hypothesis as proved by experiment, and became a strong believer in it.
Before I went to college I was a firm believer in many things which I have since discredited.
Like a Moslem and like a Jew, an Old Believer of the severer classes may be known by sight.
An Old Believeris not more completely set apart from his neighbors of the Orthodox rite by his peculiar habits, than by his personal virtues.
A Russian is a believer in stones, in rings, in rosaries, in rods; for he bears about him a hundred relics of his ancient pagan creeds.
An Old Believer has a strong dislike to certain articles; not because they are bad in themselves, but simply because they have come into use since Nikon's time.
You see, an Old Believer thinks that for most people a single life is better than a wedded life.
An Old Believer of the sterner sort has come to live alone; even as a Hebrew or a Parsee lives alone.
By happy chance, a gentleman calls while we are talking of ways and means, who is not only an Old Believer, but an Old Believer of the branch with priests.
An Old Believer clings to the baldest forms of village worship, and the simplest usages of village life.
The common course is, for an Old Believer to give his money to some friend whom he can trust, and for that friend to give it back to his children when he is no more.
Every particular believer (as the apostle Peter saith) "hath obtained the like precious faith.
Mr. Welton seems to have been a believer in mesmerism, animal magnetism, and similar doctrines, but the coincidence of his story with that of the African sorcerer is none the less remarkable.
Here I would like to point out that Mr. M'Lennan's theory was not so hard and fast as his manner (that of a very assured believer in his own ideas) may lead some inquirers to suppose.
Richard Avenel, however, though by no means a credulous man, was an implicit believer in Mrs. M'Catchley.
The Christian believer does not bow down to an idol, but many a Christian believer thinks that his mind can be helped upward in worship by looking at some representation of his Saviour's face, or at some symbol of his Saviour's passion.
The Corps owed a lot to Green; a firm believer in seeing things before criticising them, he was a very great asset.
Today I am a believer in war mechanics, that is, in a mechanical army which requires few men and powerful machines.
Before the Great War I was a believer in conscription and in the Nation in Arms; I was an 1870 soldier.
Possibly motor-cycle machine guns may be better adapted to this use than cavalry, but I am a believer in the cavalry.
That, at any rate, was still enough to resolve the irresolute Francis, an incurable believer in the native goodness of mankind, to obey him in this instance.