We arrived in the dark, and went next morning to our respective schools to see them.
They say schools in England are so numerous, competition so great, that without some such step towards attaining superiority, we shall probably have a very hard struggle, and may fail in the end.
On the south side of the Lower Common stands a long row of staring Queen Anne cottages, and at the east end of them the Church of All Saints, in the Early English style, erected in 1874, with schools close by.
The present community employ themselves in teaching, and superintend schools of three grades.
We have excellent schools in Dorfield, where you will not be taunted with your grandfather's misfortunes because no one here knows anything about them.
Other schoolsare not criterions for this ramshackle establishment, anyhow.
It was a joyful day for me, when I was sent to finish my education at one of the first schools in Edinburgh, which I did not leave until I was sixteen years of age.
These books are afterwards distributed through all the Lama Monasteries, temples andschools of Bandi.
And indeed courts are theschools where cruelty, pride, dissimulation, and treachery are studied and taught in the most vicious perfection.
All these make a very considerable part of what are considered as the objects of taste; and Horace sends us to the schools of philosophy and the world for our instruction in them.
Wellington, who led the English in these campaigns, was of the same age as Napoleon, and had been educated at the same time with him in the military schools of France.
Prussia maintains some twelve general schools for military education, which contain about three thousand pupils, and also numerous division, brigade, garrison, and company schools for practical instruction.
But both knew from experience the advantages of military instruction, and the importance of professional education in the army, and they have consequently both been the warmest friends and strongest advocates of the military schools of France.
Napoleon himself was a pupil of the military schools of Brienne and Paris, and had all the advantages of the best military and scientific instruction given in France.
Foy was first educated in the college of Soissons, and afterwards in the military schools of La Fère and Chalons.
Shall we therefore abolish all our colleges, theological seminaries, schools of law and medicine, our academies and primary schools, and seek for our professional men among the uneducated and the ignorant?
An excellent text-book for the schools and for practical reference.
The subject of punctuation seldom receives sufficient attention in our schools and colleges, and its importance is so great that such an intelligent discussion of it as that contained in these pages deserves commendation.
A preceding sentence contains the statement that our high schools do not "thoroughly teach the correct expression of thought in writing.
In a year or so the Pacific coast schools may get up enthusiasm and enterprise enough to follow the example of the college men and seek new laurels in the East.
Leave schools to minnows and moss-bunkers and children.
Besides, there are probably not more than half a dozen men of that age in all the schools of the New England League, and these can certainly spend their time to better advantage in studying than at foot-racing and jumping.
The reason given for his non-entry into these sports is that his team was so much stronger than that of any of the other schools in the league, that the O.
The only ground for the rumors, that I have been able to discover so far, is that the individuals in question attended other schools last year.
The team races were a new feature, and as rival schools were purposely matched against one another the contests proved most interesting and exciting.
As the schools for the freedmen are all suspended during the Christmas holidays, a number of teachers and their friends, in other places, had availed themselves of this opportunity to visit Andersonville.
The work among them is new, and as the schools are especially for children, and money is always scarce, we dare not expect too much at present.
In addition to these there is a monthly prayer day, the first Friday of each month, on which day all our out-schools are closed and teachers and many of the pupils meet with us.
A number also gathered from the vicinity of Mtyabezi and out-schools on Saturday morning.
The cry of the country is for industrial schools and for native skilled labor, but almost in the same breath the European will tell you that he will not work side by side with the native in the same line of work.
On the other hand, since schools are such an essential part of the work, there are not wanting those who confuse the education thus obtained with religion itself, and think all who become able to read are Christians.
Notwithstanding this, before the end of 1910 several schools were opened in the nearest villages, and the teachers boarded at the mission and went back and forth to teach.
Much good is, however, being done; schools are established to teach the natives when they are not at work, and services are held regularly at various places.
The work had been branching out and six schools were started; in some of which men, women, boys, and girls were attending.
This work, together with the various schools and the united labors of the missionaries, is aiding in reducing the number of languages.
As the various out-schools are just being properly launched, the work may be expected to bear fruitage in geometrical ratio.
At all the other out-schools the girls generally outnumber the boys.
We had come to the conclusion, however, that no more schools would be opened until the people of the village erect some sort of a schoolhouse.
In the afternoon seventeen from Mtyabezi Mission and its out-schools were received into the Church by the right hand of fellowship.
Untrammelled by schools and systems, Whitman was a true Freethinker.
They are cultivated by priests, and used to overawe the cradles and schools of civilisation.
What, I asked myself, are the differences that unhappily divide Christendom, and what are those that divide Christendom from modernschools of thought, but a seeing of Joachims as the Virgin's grandmothers on a larger scale?
Our public schools and universities play the beneficent part in our social scheme that cattle do in forests: they browse the seedlings down and prevent the growth of all but the luckiest and sturdiest.
That we will not be at the trouble of looking at things for ourselves if we can get anyone to tell us what we ought to see goes without saying, and it is the business of schools and universities to assist us in this respect.
All the State schools are absolutely free, and even books are provided.
In some cases black children educated at the mission schools are turning out very well.
These common or ward schools are extremely handsome, and are fitted up at great expense, with every modern improvement in heating and ventilation.
Under the supervision of the General Board of Education in the State, schools are erected in districts according to the educational necessities of the population, which are periodically ascertained by a census.
The general management of education within the State is vested in a central board, with local boards in each of the organised districts, to which the immediate government and official supervision of the schools are intrusted.
The number of teachers required for these schools is very great, as the daily attendance in two of them exceeds 2000.
Of course there are exceptions, where active and superior minds become highly cultivated by their own persevering exertions; but the aids offered by ladies' schools are comparatively insignificant.
The schools called common schools are supported by an education rate, and in each State are under the administration of a general board of education, with local boards, elected by all who pay the rate.
Besides the large number of churches, religious services are held in many schools and courthouses, and even in forests and fields.
Driven by the circumstances of their country to accept the latter course, they have exerted themselves to meet this omission in the public schools by a most comprehensive Sabbath-school system.
It is a capital text-book for use in the weavingschools or for self-instruction, while all engaged in the weaving industry will find its suggestions helpful.
The dyeing laboratories of technical schools and colleges are generally provided with a more elaborate set of dyeing appliances.
As a text-book in technical schools where this branch of industrial education is taught, the book is valuable, or it may be perused with pleasure as well as profit by any one having an interest in textile industries.
The University and other schoolsat Tientsin were founded by him; and he had a large share in founding the Imperial University in Peking.
The town of Blantyre, among the Nyassa highlands which Livingstone first described, has a newspaper, telegraphic and cable communication with all the world, and industrial schools in which the manual arts are taught to hundreds of natives.
Whole schools of art, entire ages of old workmanship, the very soul of the Middle Age, have been revealed with a new inspiration and transfigured in a more mysterious light.
Does he now look down from his eternal home upon that very land whose churches and schools are the fruition of the labors of French Protestants; whose king, in London to attend the coronation of Edward VII.
In the early part of the century, except for gross anatomy and operative surgery, medicine was taught almost wholly, so far as the schools were concerned, by means of didactic lectures.
A wall map recently in use in one of the public schools of New York City was a curious example of ignorant compilation.
Experiment stations are maintained in the colonies and colonial schools at home, to fit young men for service in the field.
The way was clear for the free introduction of schools and books and learning.
The Irish schools were indeed successful rivals of the English schools, and Irish scholars could use libraries as good, or nearly as good, as that at Aldhelm's disposal.
England to a good library; while in one learned letter he compares English schools favourably with the Irish, and declares Theodore and Hadrian would put Irish scholars in the shade.
That the said library being thus deprived of its furniture was employed, as the schools were, for infamous uses.
In his time, too, the chancellor used to superintend the schools and correct books: either books used in the school or service books.
The books used in the cathedral schools were similar.
A sketch of the Schools quadrangle drawn about 1459 shows this library, libraria nova, above the Canon Law schools, on the west side.
The education given in the cathedral and monastic schools was found to be too restricted; the monasteries, moreover, now began to refuse assistance to secular students.
A demand also arose for instruction in civil and canon law, which the existing schools did not supply.
Aristotle, and commentaries upon him got in the Arab schools of Toledo, then the centre of Mohammedan learning.
Such schools and such libraries were for the glory of God and the increase of clergy and religious.
To the circumstance that he adopted this line of policy, and did not attempt to create a national ecclesiastical language, must be ascribed the rise of the schools of learning which distinguished Ireland in the sixth and seventh centuries.
And then he's always humbugging after his schools and things.
Cheriton turned and saw trotting along the terrace in the dusk a very little boy, left behind by some of the schools now trooping out of the park.
I answer, the first object was, to furnish such a room as this, for the use of this church, where the gospel might be preached and its ordinances administered, and where Sunday schools and religious associations might be properly accommodated.
The most of the Methodist churches were large and influential; and the Presbyterian church had one of the best Sabbath schools for colored children in the city.
I did not find America in the sweatshops, much less in the schoolsand colleges.
In the schools of America I'd lift up my head and laugh and dance--a child with other children.
But the parents, if their means will not permit them to send their boys to schools that support a one-horse omnibus, or if they have not a servant to go with them, perform that task themselves.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "schools" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.