He would not have been able to slice the sugar-cane down its length (as a game or trick), if he had used a dull bolo.
Mrs. Joe came in almost directly, and after having given Pip a taste of Tickler, she sat down to prepare the tea, and cutting a huge slice of bread and butter, she gave half of it to Joe and half to Pip.
It was past noon, and Compadre had not had anything to eat since the night before, when he had lapped up half a saucer of canned milk and had apathetically licked a slice of bacon.
He cast a side glance at the kitchen window where the Kid stood with a large slice of bread and chokecherry jam balanced on his palm, and on his face a look of mental distress bordered with more jam.
Give me another slice of barley bread to keep me on my journey, and tell me what present I shall bring you at the twelve-month's end.
Give me a sliceof barley bread, for I must tell the north country that the spring has come.
So, if you please, do me the kindness for to gut me a smallslice of ham.
Our Mistress would have one of the cooks to dish up vegetables and she herself would slice or serve the meat to see that it wasn't wasted, as seemingly it was thought so precious.
Then we'd boil him with red pepper, and take him out and put him in a pan and slice sweet 'taters and put round him and roast him.
Setting aside the servants, the family had no more than two pounds of bread apiece every week, or four and a half ounces a day, which is one slice not too thick.
Take a slice of this pie; Mr. Linton will join you.
That such a slice of luck should fall to you just in the nick of time is nothing less than miraculous.
They slice around the bone a little, then break off the limb.
They have immense, flat, forked cushions of feet, that make a track in the dust like a pie with a slice cut out of it.
With the slice of bread in his hand, and the little brown-cloth parish cap upon his head, Oliver was then led away by Mr. Bumble from the wretched home where one kind word or look had never lighted the gloom of his infant years.
A thin slice of pine-apple was cut freshly from the fruit.
After the execrable messes, and the hard ship-biscuit, imagine the luxury of a good slice of English bread and butter!
Slice after slice I tore down and devoured, as though my maw were as compendious as Jack the Giant Killer's.
And Albert’s father had entrusted him to his uncle’s special care and love, having comfortably made up his mind, before he left this evil world, that his son should have a good slice of it.
Supper was, as I have said, merely a slice of cold ham or a sausage and potatoes.
She was conscious of a slice of bread and jam in his hand, and that his mouth and cheeks were smeared with red.
When she had slowly sucked up that beverage, prodding the slice of tangerine with her straws, they went out and took a cab.
D'you know what I should like--a chocolate eclair and a raspberry ice-cream soda with a slice of tangerine in it.
Ulenspiegel was always anxious to see how the artist worked, and he would beg to be allowed to grind the colours in return for nothing but a slice of bread, three liards, and a pint of ale.
The juices of the bird had gathered in these cavities, and Amos had just cut off a slice of bread to serve as a plate when old Pike forestalled him.
He cut a slice from the cake and stowed it away in his cheek.
She sat down, helped herself to a thick slice of bread-and-butter, and ate it, while burning thoughts filled her mind.
You haven't been to see mother for a long time, and if you ain't got any money to buy a dinner for yourself, it is but fair you should have a slice off our Sunday joint.
Dutchman had turned to his stove whar he was fryin' some eggs, Uncle Ab stuck out his long fingers an slid a slice o' ham out o' the top sandwich in the stack an' slyly laid it betwixt his bread.
Gluck fitted the slice into the mutton again, and ran to open the door.
Baucis cut him a slice accordingly; and though the loaf, when she and her husband ate of it, had been rather dry and crusty, it was now as light and moist as if but a few hours out of the oven.
Just as he had cut a large slice out of the mutton there came a tremendous rap at the door.
And now a slice of your brown loaf, Mother Baucis,†said Quicksilver, “and a little honey!
We compromised on one egg, one glass of milk, and a slice of lavishly buttered bread, and jelly.
Frau Knapf was for both eggs and bread-and-milk with a dash of meat and potatoes thrown in for good measure, and a slice or so of Kuchen on the side.
If you help me pull it through I'll give you a slice out of it.
We're taking a small slice of Bologna," she informed him.