This cause of damage was obviated in effecting the repairs, by connecting the top blocks with the next ones by stone dowels.
I think that we ought to have obviatedit by deciding that a whole year should always be allowed to elapse between the bringing in of a bill and the final passing of it.
The action of the legislature on the executive power may be direct; and we have just shown that the Americans carefullyobviated this influence; but it may, on the other hand, be indirect.
Besides the dangers which are inherent in the system, many other difficulties may arise from the mode of election, which may be obviatedby the precaution of the legislator.
One of the chief difficulties of the undertaking was the water supply; but that has been obviated by the formation of two very large reservoirs, one at the station, the other near the observatory.
The earlier improvements had obviated the clumsy length of brass instruments by bending and rebending their tubes.
A fusion of parlante and the arioso was the result, and in later works the comparatively unintelligible enunciation of combined vocal forces was obviated by discarding the chorus almost altogether.
The necessity for performing this perilous voyage has been obviated by the introduction of railroads and steamships.
The only practical difficulty would spring from the want of highly seasoned wood; and that could be obviated by a little patience.
They want comprehensive insight, have no business ways, and these difficulties are only to be obviated by bringing a higher intelligence to bear upon the arrangements.
The doors and windows were left open at night, however, and obviated in some degree the evil effects of the crowding.
The Editors published this Account as authentick 26 The Reflection that this Account is a Forgery of some Englishman obviated 27 The Design in publishing this Translation.
These legal controversies, based upon conflicting views by importers and the collector as to the interpretation of our present complex and indefinite revenue laws, might be largely obviated by an amendment of those laws.
Incidentally, the enormous losses due to the direct ravages of rats are being obviated and this alone would justify the expenditure many times over of the money and labor involved in the anti-rat measures.
While all of these factors enter into the question of the effect of the bite in specific instances, they must be as nearly as possibleobviated in considering the question of whether the spiders really secrete a venom harmful to man.
The inconvenience is best obviated by keeping the vinegar in bottles completely filled and well corked; and it is of advantage to boil it in the bottles a few minutes before they are corked.
Confiding to the experience of others is a ground of security which may prove fallacious; and the danger can with certainty be obviated only by avoiding its source.
The Government had hastened the process of decay by lavish distribution to the people of those resources which obviated the necessity of unremitting toil.
The perfection, nevertheless, of her face and person, obviated either wonder or censure of the choice of her brother; though she could not but regret that he had not seen with mental eyes the truly superior Eugenia.
The tale she had to relate to Mr. Tyrold, of the sufferings and sad resolution of Eugenia, obviated all comment upon her own disturbance.
And we shall presently have occasion to show, that redundancy of forms, are, to considerable extent, obviated in practice.
The rapids at Black Rock, once so formidable, have long been obviatedby the canal dam.
Still, the most undoubted courage and the most severe discipline will often be powerless to remedy a great disorder, which might be in a great degree obviated by the use of rallying-signals for the different divisions.
That of Rumelia in 1829 might have ended in disaster, had not a wise statesmanship by negotiation obviated all chance of intervention.
This prevents the distressing sensation occasioned by inhaling the cold night air, which will be felt by persons suffering from asthma or water on the chest, and which is not obviatedeither by clothing or fire.
In bowel-complaints, chalk has been objected to, as too powerful an astringent in checking diarrhea suddenly: this may be obviated by giving it only after each motion.
The difficulty in either case may be obviated by strict attention to the method about to be explained.
The intermittent movement referred to is obviated in various ways.
It will be obviated in a few weeks; and until then I pray there may be no battle.
My wife has obviated one of the difficulties of the blockade, by a substitute for coffee, which I like very well.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obviated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.