It saves much liability of breakage in transferring from the dining room to the kitchen, if each kind of soiled dishes is packed by itself.
For washing glassware and fine china, papier-maché tubs are preferable to anything else, as they are less liable to occasion breakage of the ware.
There will be less danger of breakage if the china is gradually heated by allowing it to stand in a pan of warm water before being put into hot water.
Dishes and silver should be carefully arranged in very definite places, and counted often enough to keep account of breakage and loss.
Have a good supply of cheap bowls, plates, and saucers to hold left overs in the refrigerator, thus avoiding one possibility for breakage of the table china.
V-thread for cases where the breakage occurs in the iron; but having a sharper thread, like a wood screw, when used where the breakage is in one of the wood rods.
Occasionally breakage may also occur when soil washes out from under one end of a log and its weight causes it to sag and crack.
Although there may be some differences of opinion about how this fracturing occurred, the present explanation by scientists is that most of this breakage took place during the period of uplift of this section of the country.
With an endless belt there is no uneven or noisy action as with laced belts, when the laced joint passes over the pulleys, and the former is free from the liability ofbreakage at the joint.
The board units or "slabs" should be of small dimensions, to avoid the liability of breakage and expense of renewal when a unit becomes cracked or machine injured.
If the sadi is made of coarse yarn, it becomes rough, and so the mala does not run smoothly, and the spindle throbs and causes breakage of the yarn while it is being spun.
This gives greater strength to the yarn, and causes less breakagein the process of winding and preparing it into warp.
It is our experience that on account of less breakage of yarn, especially hand-spun yarn, the output of a pit-loom almost equals and in some cases even exceeds that of the fly-shuttle loom.
If the sliver is good and the student in a spinning-mood, there is less breakage of yarn.
Breakage from damp is little to be feared in self-bows, except in localities where it is exceptionally moist, or, after long neglect, when damp has taken possession of the joint in the handle.
As regards chrysals, andbreakage from other causes than damp, bows of all sorts of wood are about equally liable to failure.
Raw bone and burnt bone, as may be inferred, are both quicker carbonizers than charcoal, but raw bone must never be used where the breakage of hardened edges is to be avoided, as it contains phosphorus and tends to make the piece brittle.
The low cost of material, the ease of manufacture, and the lessened breakage in quenching all serve to promote cheap production.
In the case of the camshaft, it is not possible to quench directly from the carbonizing heat because of distortion and therefore excessive breakage during straightening operations.
Sometimes the glass is covered by shoveling one-half or three-fourths of an inch of soil over it, but this involves considerable labor and frequently results in the breakage of a great deal of glass.
The annual breakage should be less than 3 per cent on the average.
The tops last only a few years and, being cheaply made, the breakage is usually greater than that of a better grade of jar.
A considerable saving of power for driving and of time and cost of repairs from the bending and breakage of pins also results.
A great improvement in the quality of the work, resulting from the breakage of fiber being, if not entirely obviated, nearly.
A breakage of the yarn allows this spring to act; contact is made, and the stop motion operates as before.
Secondly, the breakage of the suspicious axle was caused by a hollow space having been blown in it and a straw very cleverly inserted.
Every breakage of a thread means that their wages are stopped by so much, and defective material means that they have to work harder and with more harass and interruption, and accomplish less in the time.
We do not hold ourselves responsible forbreakage in any case.
With this type of engine the breakage of air-screws was of frequent occurrence, and an engine having a more regular rotation was sought, both for this and to avoid the excessive vibration often experienced with the four-cylinder type.
The breakage caused the machine to overturn, killing Rolls, who was piloting it.
Now did he know of the breakage or not, and if he knew of it did he take a risk so as not to disappoint his friends?
Plants, however, should be dug loose rather than pulled, to prevent undue breakage of roots.
Transplanting checks growth through breakage and disturbance of the root system.
This is principally caused by the breakage of pots; but with increased experience this item has been very much reduced during the last two or three years.
In being applied to the slubber a breakage either at the front or back can be arranged for.
Electrical contact is made by a very simple contrivance, and these attachments are only to act in the case of a breakage of a thread or strand.
The avoidance of all risk of breakage when twenty or thirty pounds' worth of solution is in question is a matter of importance.
This liability to breakage is reduced, but not eliminated, by the asbestos annealing.
In case of the breakage of the bolt, the fitting would be retained in place by the steam-pressure.
In the few cases where doors are fitted outside a boiler, so that the steam-pressure tends to open them, they are always secured by several bolts so that the breakage of one bolt will not allow the door to be forced off.
Nothing short of actual breakage can cause it to fail.
It can be carried in any position, and cannot possibly be put out of order except by actual breakage of the instrument.
Then the strike and breakageallowance was raised to 15s.
The Council acting on the advice of the Committee decided that the benefits for strike, lockout, and breakage should be 6s.
Its function is to keep the valve from falling into the cylinder in event of breakage of the main spring in some cases, and to provide a stronger return action in others.
Breakage is avoided from each bottle having an independent bearing, which prevents the upper bottles from either falling or weighing down upon those below, and thereby crashing together.
Illustration] A fortnight after the tirage the wine commonly attains the stage known as grand mousseux, and by the end of September the breakage will have amounted to between 5 and 8 per cent.
Moreover when once casse or breakage sets in on a large scale, the temperature of the cellar is raised by the volume of carbonic acid gas let loose, which is not without its effect on the remaining bottles.
This, however, would appear to be no disadvantage, as the breakage in them is calculated never to exceed 2½ per cent.
This result is commonly obtained in ordinary hot weather in eight days’ time, most of the breakage taking place during this interval.
The firm calculate their annual breakage at from 2½ to 3 per cent.
If on being tested with a manometer the wine should indicate too high a pressure, it is at once removed to a cool cellar, consequently the average total breakage rarely exceeds 2¼ per cent.